Those tempting little balls
Most people fall on the word "chocolate", I definitely fall on "caramel" first and then on "chocolate and caramel". As soon as I saw this recipe I knew I was going to try it immediately. Immediately meant within 1/2 an hour.
I had some leftover Dulce de Leche in the fridge, but it was enough to make only 1/4 of the batch. It didn't stop me :))) The only problem was that the truffles were gone in less than 24 hours, no matter how much I tried to control myself.
I'll be posting about this Soft Raspberry Caramel Sauce as well.
If I understood well, this recipe comes from a can of Nestle's Caramel Sauce.
If you have some caramel sauce or Dulce de Leche, they're really quick to make, especially if you don't bother with covering them with melted chocolate like I did, but just roll them into whatever you prefer (nuts, cocoa powder, shredded coconut), like here.
The first time I made these truffles, I didn't take a single picture of the procedure (but
I did take lots of pictures of the finished ones), so you'll see pictures that come from different sets.
380 g caramel sauce (or Dulce de Leche)
60 g butter
250 g chocolate cookies
for coating: melted chocolate, cocoa powder, finely chopped nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, etc.), shredded coconut
Put the caramel sauce (storebought or homemade, it's up to you) or Dulce de Leche and the butter in a saucepan and start warming up stirring until the mixture is completely melted and reaches the boiling point.
Here's my Dulce de Leche:
At this point you can simple roll them into cocoa, coconut or other ground/chopped nuts. I wanted to coat them with melted chocolate, white and dark.
So I chopped the chocolate and melted it in the microwave (10 seconds at a time, take out, stir well, and then put back in, repeating until the chocolate's completely melted and starts warming up slightly). Dip the truffle balls into melted chocolate
380 g di salsa di caramello o Dulce de Leche
60 g di burro
250 g di biscotti al cioccolato
per decorare: cacao in polvere, cocco disidratato, noci/noccioline/mandorle ecc. grattugiate
Mettete il caramello (acquistate il caramello pronto oppure preparatelo da soli, in rete si trovano tante ricette, oppure usate il Dulce de Leche come ho fatto io) e il burro in un pentolino e riscaldate mescolando fino a ebollizione.
Togliete il pentolino dal fuoco e aggiungete i biscotti grattugiati. Non avevo i biscotti al cioccolato, quindi ho messo i biscotti secchi (tipo Oro Saiwa) e 50 g di cioccolato sciolto). Mescolate bene tutto per ottenere un composto omogeneo. Coprite e lasciate raffreddare il composto in frigo per un'ora.
Formate tante palline (io le ho fatte piccolissime) e rotolatele nel cacao o noccioline/mandorle tritate grossolanamente, cocco oppure come ho fatto io nel cioccolato.
Fatte sciogliere il cioccolato nel forno a microonde (10 secondi alla volta, togliete il contenitore, mescolate bene e ripetete finché il cioccolato si sarà sciolto completamente). Ricoprite i tartufini e lasciateli sgocciolare su una griglia, poi trasferiteli sulla carta da forno per asciugare completamente. Conservateli in un luogo fresco protetti dall'umidità.
380 g karamel kreme ili dulche de leche
60 g maslaca
250 g čokoladnih keksa
Za uvaljati: kakao, sjeckani lješnjaci, kokosovo brašno
Pomiješajte karamel kremu s maslacem i zagrijte do vrenja, miješajući, pa uklonite s vatre.
Kekse fino sameljite i pomiješajte s karamelom pa ostavite u hladnjaku barem 1 sat. Ja nisam imala čokoladnih keksa pa sam stavila Petit Beurre kekse i 50 g otopljene tamne čokolade.
Uzimajte po 1 žličicu smjese i oblikujte je u kuglice, koje ćete uvaljati u kakao, kokos, lješnjake, što vam je po volji.
Ja sam rastopila posebno bijelu i tamnu čokoladu u mikrovalnoj pećnici (izvadite posudu s čokoladom svakih 10 sekundi i promiješajte, radite tako dok se sva čokolada ne otopi), pa u njih umakala kuglice i ostavila ih na rešetki dok se ne okapa višak čokolade a zatim ih premjestila na komad papira za pečenje dok se potpuno ne ohlade.
Čuvajte ih na suhom i hladnom mjestu zaštićene od vlage.
*Najlakši način za pripremiti Dulce de leche je slijedeći: sve što vam je potrebno je limenka kondenziranog mlijeka. Stavite neotvorenu limenku u lonac. Uspite toliko vode da bude barem dva prsta iznad limenke i kuhajte 2-3 sata ovisno o gustoći koju želite postići. Izvadite limenku iz vode i ostavite da se potpuno ohladi prije nego je otvorite. (Nakon što ste je otvorili premjestite kremu u čistu staklenku i čuvajte u hladnjaku nekoliko tjedana.) To je sve, vaš Dulce de leche je spreman za upotrebu: namažite ga na palačinke, na kruh, napunite njime suhe kekse, i što god vam drugo padne na pamet. Velike su šanse da ćete ga jesti samog žlicom :)))
fantastici... e delicatissimi!!!! complimenti :)
ReplyDeleteSono perfetti, assomigliano a piccole bombe che esplodono in bocca e nello stomaco. Ben fatti, davvero!
ReplyDeletecomplimenti!!! meglio di una pasticceria!!! baci!
ReplyDeleteOh. my. god....these are beautiful! I've heard of that technique with the sweetened condensed milk, so I will give it a whirl. If only I had seen these before the chocolate competition we had at work....hmmm...maybe I'll suggest a caramel competition next.
ReplyDeletebelli è troppo poco, buoni pure....quale aggettivo posso usare?? lussuriosi!!!!
ReplyDeleteodlične kuglice, prekrasno izgledaju, posebno sa kontrastom crno-bijelo kako si ih ukrasila a vjerujem i u odličan okus ! :)
ReplyDeletePiccole, deliziosi, irresistibili opere d'arte.
ReplyDeletema che belli!! facili e veloci! immagino come sono stati "veloci" a sparire ihihih
ReplyDeletebuon w.e.
Wow, those look amazing! I bet they're awesome too.
ReplyDeleteI love those! THey are so pretty!
ReplyDeleteDivne su ti ove zavodljive kuglice. A o za detaljno foto objašnjenje nemam riječi, milina je gledati kako stvaraš ove kuglice!
ReplyDeletemi sa che te ne rubo un sacchetto come minimo...
qui son cambiati i colori..mi piace un sacco..nonè cambniata la bontà delle ricette eprò! scusa se scrivo raramente..:(
ReplyDeleteBocconcini veramente deliziosi!!
ReplyDeletePredivne fotkice i odličan recept!
ReplyDeleteThose look gorgeous. I will have definetly to try them. I usually make some truffles with leftover cake or cake scraps and frosting etc. but i will have to try these. For the raspberry caramel sauce: do you combine raspberry jam and dulce de leche?
ReplyDeleteThanks I really love your blog. gotta make a Sourdough Chocolate Cake now for this Afternoon. Thanks for your blog
*Ancameni, the raspberry caramel sauce is made by adding the fresh rasperry puré mixed with heavy cream to caramelized sugar. Thanks a lot for visiting and appreciating my recipes.
ReplyDelete*Grazie a tutti per i deliziosi commenti, vi premierei tutti con una di queste piccole bombe ;)
ReplyDelete*Michele, Bob and Cathy, thanks a lot, guys.
ReplyDeleteCathy, competion or not, hope you'll try these, and dulce de leche is really easy to make from sweetened condensed milk.
*Hvala vam djevojke. Kuglice, ili bolje rečeno bombice, su zbilja neodoljive, ukusne i lagane za pripremiti.
ReplyDeletecaramel and chocolate=enjoyment! You have put the most sensational ingredients in one truffles! Thumbs up!
ReplyDeleteExcellent, beautiful...complimenti!
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely Sunday! XO
wow, bez teksta sam...fenomenalne su!!!
ReplyDeletethis look wonderful! Caramel and chocolate are PERFECT together.
ReplyDeleteThese look delectably sinful Dajana! LOVE the Caramel & Chocolate combination.
ReplyDeletethose are just so beautiful. I think I say that about everything you make but I'm just telling ya how i see it :). I'd like to pop a few in my mouth
ReplyDeleteDopada mi se okus pralina sa karamelom i tvoje kuglice su mi vrlo lijepe. Kod svih tih čokoladnih kuglica najviše volim "faktor iznenađenja", ne znam što mogu očekivati kada je stavim u usta i kad me taj okus oduševi onda je to pravi užitak u čokoladi.
ReplyDeleteNa žalost ovdje na tržištu (u BiH, Srbiji i Hrvazskoj) se čak ni kondenzovano mlijeko ne može nabaviti i jedini način je da napravimo dolce de leche ako 3-4 sata stojimo pored štednjaka i napravimo ga od običnog mlijeka i šećera.
I taj termometar što si ga dobila, ja sam ga tražila u zagrebu, ali ga nisam mogla naći, a nema ga ni u Beogradu (u Sarajevu ne znaju ni o čemu pričam).
termometar ima za kupiti u Mullerovim ducanima u Zg na odjelu sa posudjem...:):)
ReplyDeletep.s.inace super blog a hrana je genijalna...mislim recepti i izvedba..:):)
e da zaboravih,i kondenzirano mlijeko ima za kupiti u LIDL-ovim ducanima...;-)))