When I crave a delicious breakfast...
You know why I like breakfast best? Because I'm a sweet breakfast person. I must eat as soon as I'm out of bed (always hungry even if it's 5 am), and I just can't have anything savoury so early.
So my breakfast is usually some cookies (some?!?! That's a joke!) or cereals with coffee or cappuccino as a side, fruit or fresh fruit juice 20 minutes before. But the top of the tops for me is breakfast with fresh, home made brioche. Nothing equals that. The yeast and the hot oven, and I'm in heaven. That's how I like to start weekends... I try, until the kids start screaming, "I want my miiiiiiiiiilk!", "Where's my yogurt?".
Yay, weekend is knocking at my door again!!!!!!!
What are you having for breakfast tomorrow? I have a couple of these in my freezer, so, it's a party.
Since I'm still trying to eat healthier (another joke), I made these brioche braids without butter, and they are equally good, soft and fragrant, thanks to honey and yogurt. So, if you didn't know, a brioche without butter is possible. Although, I'll be giving you the full butter, scrumptious version as well, some time ahead.
*Since brioche are at their best if eaten freshly baked, stil warm possibly, the best way to keep them, if making in advance, is to freeze them. And you can do it in two ways:
1. prepare the braids, but instead of baking them soon, freeze them on a tray and then transfer in a freezer bag. The evening before you want to eat them, take them out of the freezer and let them thaw and rest until the next morning. Bake and enjoy.
2. if you want to bake them all first, freeze any leftovers as soon as they have cooled down. When you want to eat them, just pop them into a hot oven for 5 minutes.
(butter free)
325 g strong flour, like bread flour (+ some extra if necessary)
1/2 bag dry active yeast (3,5 g)
1 TBspoon sugar
45 g acacia honey
2 eggs
150 g plain low fat yogurt (Greek or normal)
2-3 Clementines
a few TBspoons of pearl sugar
In a large mixing bowl, mix together the sifted flour, the yeast and 1 TBspoon of sugar.
In another, small bowl or a measuring glass, whisk lightly the eggs with the honey and the yogurt.
Add the liquid mixure to the dry ingredients and start mixing with a hook attachment if you have a stand mixer (for 10 minutes) or the dough attachments like the ones on my crappy hand mixer (it didn't reach 10 minutes, a strange smell made me stop 'cause I was afraid to lose it forever).


Put the dough in bowl again, cover and let rest for an hour and a half in a warm place.

To make the braids, either divide each piece of dough in three and form three rolls, or (like I did) flatten a piece of the dough with your hand, cut it into three stripes (not all the way through) and then braid.
Place the brioches, once they are braided, on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, cover and let rest again for 1/2 an hour in a warm place.
In the meantime, heat your oven to 200°C.
Brush the brioches with a beaten egg and sprinkle with pearl sugar.

Volete sapere cosa mi mangerò io domani a colazione?
Avete indovinato, queste treccine profumatissime e morbidissime, ma leggere, senza un grammo di burro (per alleggerire anche la coscienza :))))
Le ho preparato un paio di settimane fa, e ho congelato quelle che sono rimaste. Il modo migliore per averle sempre a portata di mano. E poi bisogna approfittare della stagione fredda e abbondanza degli agrumi.
(senza burro)
325 g farina manitoba
1/2 bustina di lievito di birra disidratato
1 cucchiaio di zucchero
45 g miele di acacia
2 uova
150 g yogurt magro (greco o normale)
2-3 clementine
granella di zucchero
In una ciotola mescolate la farina setacciata con il lievito e lo zucchero.
In un'altra ciotola o bicchiere sbattete leggermente le uova e mescolatele con il miele e lo yogurt.
Aggiungete il composto liquido agli ingredienti secchi e lavorate con il mixer o la planetaria per 10 minuti.
Pulite le clementine, togliete la pellicina dagli spicchi e tagliateli a pezzettini. Incorporatele le clementine all'impasto, e lavorate per qualche minuto su una spianatoia infarinata aggiungendo un altro po' di farina se l'impasto dovesse essere troppo umido.
Formate una palla, mettetela in una ciotola grande, coprite e lasciate lievitare per un'ora e mezza.
Dividete l'impasto a pezzi di circa 80-100 g di peso, formate delle treccine come nella foto (sopra), mettetele su una placca da forno rivestita da carta da forno, e lasciate lievitare di nuovo 1/2 ora in un luogo caldo.
Riscaldate il forno a 200°C, spennellate le brioche con un po' di uovo sbattuto e cospargetele con la granella di zucchero. Fatele cuocere per circa 15 minuti o fino a quando sono leggermente dorate (non asciugatele troppo).
Naturalmente, le brioche sono buone se mangiate subito calde o tiepide.
Quindi se non avete un esercito di cavallette (come dice Solema), potete conservarle in uno di questi modi:
1. Una volta preparate, congelate le treccine (crude), prima su un vassoio e poi trasferite nel sacchetto. La sera prima di cuocerle, toglierle dal freezer, metterle su una placca da forno, e lasciarle scongelare e lievitare. La mattina dopo semplicemente infornatele e godetevele fresche appena cotte.
2. Congelate le brioche già cotte, appena si raffreddano. Una volta scongelate, fattele riprendere nel forno caldo per 5 minuti e saranno come appena fatte (o quasi :)))))
Doručak je definitivno moj najdraži obrok. Zato što obožavam slatko, i manje me grize savjest ako se slatkog najedem ujutro i tješim se da imam cijeli dan pred sobom za potrošiti tu energiju. Ali ne volim ja sve što je slatko ujutro, izbjegavam kremice i slične stvari. Draža su mi ovakva slatka peciva, kvasac i toplina pećnica, donose mi dobro raspoloženje od ranog jutra.
Sutra me čeka par ovih pletenica koje sam napravila prije par tjedana i spremila u zamrzivač. A još će me manje gristi savjest jer su "zdravije i lakše" od uobičajenih brioche, budući da su bez maslaca.
Ovo je još jedna moja ulaznica za blog igricu Ajme koliko nas je koju je pokrenula Monsoon s bloga Dalmacija Down Under , a za koju je ovomjesečna domaćica, Mignonne, odabrala temu AGRUMI. Vidi se da obožavam agrume, zar ne?
325 g brašna (tip 550)
1/2 vrećice suhog kvasca
1 žlica šećera
45 g meda od akacije
2 jaja
150 g jogurta (manje masnoće)
2-3 klementine
Pomiješajte u zdjeli brašno, kvasac i šećer.
Posebno razmutite malo jaja i pomiješajte s medom i jogurtom.
Dodajte smjesu od jaja u brašno i umutite mikserom žicama za tijesto.
Klementine očistite i odstranite kožicu, pa narežite na komadiće. Umiješajte ih u tijesto. Tijesto će se malo navlažiti, stoga dodajte po potrebi još malo brašna, i mijesite na radnoj površini par minuta.
Stavite u zdjelu, pokrijte i ostavite da se diže 1 i pol sat na toplom.
Podijelite tijesto na jednake dijelove (80-100 g), od svakog dijela oblikujte 3 rolnice ili kao što sam ja napravila, rastanjite na pravokutnik, izrežite na tri trake (ali ne do kraja) i upletite ih u pletenicu.
Stavljajte ih na pleh obložen papirom za pečenje i ostavite da se opet dižu 1/2 sata. Prije nego ih stavite peći, premažite ih razmućenim jajetom i pospite granuliranim (ili običnim krupnim) šećerom.
Pecite u pećnici zagrijanoj na 200°C dok ne porumene (oko 15 minuta). Čim su lijepo rumene, izvadite ih, jer ako se prepeku bit će suhe i tvrde.
*Brioche su najbolje za jesti dok su još tople. Ako nemate malu vojsku u kući koja će odmah sve potamaniti, možete ih zamrznuti:
1. zamrznite ih nepečene (na pladnju, pa ih premjestite u vrećicu). Večer prije nego ćete ih peći izvadite i stavite na pleh da se polako odmrzavaju i nadođu, pa ujutro ispecite.
2. Zamrznite ih pečene, čim se ohlade. Kad ih odmrznete, stavite ih 5 minuta u toplu pećnicu i bit će opet kao tek ispečene (ili bar približno).
Pletenice su jako lijepe i jako dobre. Dijelimo ljubav prema slatkome ove vrste kao i "taktiku" :) da se njime častimo za doručak. A za doručaj je i najfinije, pogotovo kada su u pitanju ovako fina, mekana, mirisna peciva.
ReplyDeletePreuzela sam recept :))
ah ma sono divine! bravissima!
ReplyDeleteBas su fine, sacuvacu link i do ovog receptica...;))) kiss
ReplyDeletethx for the step by step pics and explanation...ur pics look great
ReplyDelete... you're killing me here. I need some breakfast and all I have is Cheerios! Those look wicked good.
ReplyDeleteThese orange bread are definitely a great weekend breakfast!
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous brioche. The clementines would make it special. I'm a big breakfast eater too but I'm not much of a sweet eater any time of the day and rarely for breakfast. I might change my mind if I lived at your house and had this beautiful bread.
I like sweets for breakfast too! These would be a scrumptious treat to eat with a cup of tea!
ReplyDeleteDajana, this breakfast is divine!!! I can already smell the bread with the butter and jam served up with a sreaming hot cup of coffee. Life would be perfect.
ReplyDeleteThis post really woke up my senses this evening.
ja nisam baš od nekih velikih dourčaka , a jutros mi se baš jelo neko toplo fino pecivo .. i sad naletim kod tebe na ovu divotu.. čuvam recept :)
ReplyDeleteJako lepo izgledaju i vidi se i na samim fotkicama da su fini i meki.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you, Dajana. I don't think I'll ever have enough patience to bake my own brioche. Yours look scrumptious though. What a wonderful treat to wake up to : D
ReplyDeleteDelicious recipe! Kiss
ReplyDeleteOh Dajana! That look scrumptious! Hooray for Pearl Sugar!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteoh my goodness!!! those look fantastic! beautiful and tasty...sounds like the most perfect breakfast to me :)
ReplyDeleteThese are beyond beautiful! You are so great with baking lovely breads like these. I wish I could do this! Yesterday we had apple butter pancakes with cinnamon toasted pecans and maple syrup and this morning we ate scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and biscuits with jam.
ReplyDeleteI always try to start my day with 1/2 of a grapefruit (when they are in season).
Have a fantastic week!
Pletenčice su prekrasne. I dobra ti je ova: za doručak slatko!
ReplyDeletepredivno... ali PREDIVNO :)
ReplyDeleteapetto di tornare nella patria degli agrumi per poter godere di qst oro...qui arrivano arance e limoni tirati così tanto a lucido da fare impressione...bacio