Little Frog Princess

My daughter turned 6 last Tuesday, and instead of throwing a birthday party that day we ended up having a 6-day birthday party. Or almost :))
I have to admit, I got a bit lazy, and, as usual, my plans for Francesca's birthday cake puffed in the air, as in the end I had no time to make what I wanted to make. Sometimes I feel like the rabbit in Alice in the Wonderland, I'm alway late for something or somewhere.
So, on Tuesday, I made these Pink Pomgranate Cupcakes, not without difficulty, of course, but I'll tell you about that in another post.

Usually there are plenty of birthday candles around the house, but it happened that we couldn't find a single one when we actually needed it. So, a tealight candle (how sad and funny at the same time) was placed in the middle and it served the purpose, and got a big, happy laughter out of my daughter.

At least she enjoyed my attempt to make Tiana from The Princess and the Frog.
But she also had me promise that we'd be having a real birthday party!
Two days later, we had a couple of friends over for dinner but again I didn't have time to make a cake. Instead I quickly whipped up these gorgeous Chocolate Caramel Truffles as a dessert, along with the leftover Pink cupcakes.

So good that I had to make them again on Friday night.

Finally, Francesca got her cake yesterday.

And the candles :))))

I usually opt for lighter fruit cakes, but this time, my choice was this delicious Chocolate cake.
One reason was that I had made it before and new it was really good and relatively easy to make (although not so quick).
The second reason was that the cake is called "Ljubica", and Ljubica (meaning "Violet" in Croatian, the flower) is my daughter's second name, and she was named after my mother, who died 7 years before Francesca Ljubica was born, and therefore she never got to meet her grandma.
My daughter was so thrilled to find out that the cake carried her name.
I guess you can say that kids enjoyed the cake,

although someone was busy chasing the pink sugar pearls only. Sara wasn't really interested in the cake, once she helped her sister blow the candles out.

The recipe for the cake will follow. I need to rest now after this long week.


  1. The cakes look yummy, but what matters the most, your girl looks so happy! She's really cute :)

  2. Slavljenica je prekrasna, divan osmijeh i uz muffins i uz ovu prekrasnu tortu. Jako mi se sviđaju sve rođendanske slastice !! Svjećice ?:), na kraju su ipak stigle one prave :))

  3. Uhmmm, delicious! Well done and Happy Birthday to your daughter... Haaappyyy Biiirthdaaayyy tooo...

  4. Che bimba deliziosa!!! E che madre, dev'essere stata una festa perfetta ;)!

  5. That's a pretty birthday cake!And these caramel balls are great too.

  6. Sretan rodjendan!!! I Franceska Ljubica lici na tebe, imate isti osmjeh!!!

  7. Francesca is a lucky girl she got lots of beautiful birthday treats! Can't wait to read about those truffles! Happy Birthday Francesca!

  8. auguri alla piccola principessa!!!davvero carina e felice di avere la festa piu' bella...anche tutte le leccornie fotografate piacciono tanto anche a me..baci

  9. I bet you need a rest! Heh. Glad she had a good birthday though. :)

  10. Tantissimi auguri alla tua principessa :)...complimenti alla mamma per la torta super golosa che a quanto vedo è stata apprezzata.

  11. mala princeza je predivna, sretan joj rockas!

  12. che bei dolci ... ora aspettiamo con ansia tutti i segreti per prepararli!!!!! auguri alla piccola :)

  13. Sve najbolje Francesci !!

    I ja bi imala takav krasan osmjeh da vidim te silne prekrasne kolače :)))

    Pusa iz Zagreba

  14. Insomma, la tua bambina ha avuto un giubileo di festeggiamenti lungo una settimana! Un lungo e articolato percorso di avvicinamento alla torta finale: ovviamente, una vera torta di compleanno al cioccolato. Tanti auguri alla tua piccola Principessa.

  15. Sve najbolje ćerkici.torta je bas za princeze.Sve sto mama napravi je savrseno!

  16. YAY for Cake!!! She looks so happy. That is awesome!

  17. Francescin osmijeh sve kaže. Sretan rođenda maloj princezi.

  18. Your cake and truffles are beautiful! Sorry you had problems with the cupcakes--they look awesome! I know I had problems reducing the pomegranate juice. I don't think I had the heat high enough because they never did get real syrupy.

  19. Darling daughter is just the cutest thing! I love the cupcakes and everything you made. That frog is just too darned cute!

  20. Do you have the recipe posted for the Chocolate Caramel Truffles? I really would like to make them. Thank you :)

  21. happy birthday to your darling daughter and what a fab mum you are love ya

  22. * a big THANK YOU from me and my daughter for all your compliments and birthday wishes.

    * HVALA svima na čestitkama u moje i Francescino ime.

    * GRAZIE a tutti per gli auguri e complimenti, dalla mammma e la principessa ranocchia :)))


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