Just delicious...
Absolutely delicious.
Slightly sweet, but not overwhelmingly.
You're not Brussels sprouts lover, because they're bitter and bla, bla? Well, I think you'll love them prepared this way.
I especially liked them in combination with carrots.
Instead of adding som scallions you could simply use more shallots. I just happened to have some and wanted to use them up. But I think you can combine any vegetables you like.
One more reason for making this dish? It's so easy and simple, you don't even have to stir or anything, just check them every now and then, if nothing else to enjoy the smell of thyme. I love thyme. Just bought my first plant this year, although it's still quite cold, I hope it will prove to be strong enough :)))
This dish is ideally served with white meat roasts or grilled fish, or some sharp cheese, as well. I served this side with Turkey rolls stuffed with tomatoes and mozzarella (it should be my next post).
Reeni, from Cinnamon, Spice & Everything Nice has just started a Side Dish Showdown, a monthly blogging event, that I'm glad to participate in with this dish.
Check it out, you might find just the perfect side dish you were looking for.
(2 servings)
200 g carrots
150 g Brussels sprouts
2 scallions
1 shallot
25 g butter
15 g sugar
250 ml vegetable stock
1 thyme twig
Wash and clean all the vegetables. Cut the carrots into chunks, cut the Brussels sprouts in half if they're big or leave them whole, cut the scallions into 1 cm chunks, and the shallot in 4.
Place all the vegetables in a large skillet, they should be in a singele layer.
Questo mix di verdure dal gradevole gusto dolce accompagna molto bene arrosti di carni bianche, formaggi piccanti e pesci alla griglia.
(per 2 persone)
200 g carote
150 g cavolini di Bruxelles
2 cipollotti
1 scalogno
25 g burro
15 g zucchero
250 ml brodo vegetale
1 rametto di timo
Raschiate le carote, lavatele, asciugatele e tagliatele a fettine spesse.
Togliete le foglioline esterne ai cavolini e tagliateli a metà se sono molto grandi.
Pulite i cipollotti e tagliateli a pezzetti di 1 cm circa, sbucciate lo scalogno e tagliatelo in 4 spicchi.
Mettete le verdure in un'ampia padella e allargatele in modo che stiano in un solo strato, salatele, distribuitevi sopra il burro a fiocchetti, le foglioline di timo e lo zucchero.
Irrorate con il brodo, coprite con il coperchio e cuocette a fuoco basso per 15 minuti, poi scoprite, alzate un po la fiamma e cuocette finchè il liquido sarà evaporato e lo zucchero incomincerà a caramellare.
Regolate di sale, pepate e servite.
Salate, kuhano povrće, pečeno povrće... Povrće mi nikad neće dosaditi, ali ne može se uvijek jesti isto, zar ne?
Evo zato zgodne ideje za jako jednostavan, brz, a ukusan prilog.
Stavila sam ono što sam našla tog dana u hladnjaku, dakle možete lako kombinirati što imate ili što vam se sviđa. Ali zbilja vam preporučam da probate skupa prokulicu i mrkvu. Mrkva i šećer ublažit će gorak okus prokulice, tako da će i oni koji je ne vole zbog tog karakterističnog okusa, sigurno uživati.
Poslužite ovaj prilog uz bijelo meso ili ribu, ali i uz pikantne sireve.
(Sastojci za 2 osobe)
200 g mlade mrkve
150 g prokulice
2 mlada luka
1 glavica luka ljutike
25 g maslaca
15 g šećera
250 ml juhe od povrća
1 grančica svježeg timijana
Sve povrće operite i očistite. Mrkvu narežite na krupnije komade, prokulice na pola, mladi luk (samo bijeli dio) na komadiće, luk ljutiku na četvero.
Stavite u tavu dovoljno široku da povrće bude u jednom sloju.
Rasporedite maslac narezan na komadiće preko povrća, pospite listićima timijana koje ste odvojili od grančice, dodajte šećer i juhu pa kuhajte na laganoj vatri poklopljeno 15 minuta, zatim pojačajte vatru i kuhajte još otprilike 5-10 minuta dok ne ispari sva tekućina. Posolite i popaprite po ukusu.
Poslužite ovaj prilog uz bijelo meso ili ribu, ali i uz pikantne sireve.
Adoro i cavolini e l'abbinamento col timo sembra interessante: me ne ricorderò la prossima volta che li cucino! :)
ReplyDeleteObožavam povrće a ova kombinacija mi se baš dopada. Jako lijepo izgleda u ovim divnim bojama.
ReplyDeleteI just discovered recently that I like Brussels sprouts depending on how their prepared. I love these with carrots and thyme! They look so good alongside those turkey rolls. Thanks for sending it to the showdown!
ReplyDeleteJa sam ljubitelj povrća i ovo mi je novo. Nikada probala ali izgleda mi jako privlačno!
ReplyDeleteBrussel sprouts are my all-time favorite veggie! I am always trying to convince people to give them a try. It's all in the way they're cooked. Soggy sprouts = yuck, crisp sprouts = delish!
ReplyDeleteBrussel sprouts, huh? Well, I'd definitely try them. ;D
ReplyDeleteJust delicious and what else do we need? Just delicious.
ReplyDeletenon ci posso credere! anche tu sei stata ispirata da involtini e timo!!!!
carinissme le verdure bicolor!!!!!
mi hai dato una bella idea!
ottime queste verdurine, davvero un bel contorno.
ReplyDeletePredivno izgleda,svidja mi se ideja kombinacije sa sirom...mm...bez dobrog sira ne mogu..:)
ReplyDeleteYum--This looks so good! I just read today that 25% of people have a bitter taste when eating certain vegetables like Brussel sprouts. I'm not one of them since I've always liked them, even when I was a child.
ReplyDeleteI had heard the same thing as Cathy... I have always loved them myself. These look delish!
ReplyDeleteovo je nešto što volim, a na tvojim prekrasnim slikama odlično i izgleda ! boje povrća su prekrasne, recept odličan, jednostavno i fino !
ReplyDeletequeste verdurine sono molto invitanti e molto belle da vedere!!! bravissima!
ReplyDeleteSince you promised they wouldn't be bitter, I just might have to give them one more try LOL
ReplyDeleteSince you promised they wouldn't be bitter, I just might have to give them one more try LOL
ReplyDeleteI adore brussels sprouts but am always looking for new recipes! how delicious.