Muffins, news, awards

 I found this recipe a couple of weeks ago HERE (it's a Croatian site),  and I knew immediately I'd love them. The only change I made was to add some black olives. I made only half a batch because my husband wasn't at home yesterday, and the kids, of course, limit themself to observing and saying they're beautiful, but won't taste anything that looks "strange" and isn't meat or pasta.
I didn't have any plain yogurt, but used Greek yogurt (which is much thicker) and added a little buttermilk. They were super moist and very tasty. I think they are great as an appetizer, as a side, to take to potluck, picnic, whatever occasion is good as they taste fine when they are cold, too. Of course, right out of the oven, you won't be able to stop eating them. I kept biting while taking pictures, I really loved them. Might be making them again this evening (to use up the remaining feta cheese), as my parents-in-law are visiting this weekend, and my husband is back from Paris, too.  

(makes 18) 
  • 280 g flour
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 6 tablespoons oil
  • 250 ml yogurt or buttermilk
  • 2 eggs
  • 150-200 g feta cheese
  • about 10 black olives
  • salt, pepper
  • 3 tablespoons chopped chive 
Mix the eggs and yogurt together, add the oil, the crumbled feta cheese, the chopped chive, the chopped olives, salt and pepper.

Mix in the sifted dry ingredients (flour and baking powder).

Fill the muffin moulds almost full

and bake in an oven preheated to 200°C for about 20 minutes. That's all.

Serve them warm or cold.

I also have a couple more things, besides the recipe.
First of all, I was very flattered when Lisa Orgler asked me permission to design one of my recipes (Apple Cupcakes, precisely). I checked her designs, they are all very nice. She also sels them, if you're interested.
Here's what she designed for me. I love the colours (green is one of my favourites). Isn't it cute?

Second thing, I have to appologize to everyone who gave me awards, I'm really bad when it comes to publishing them on my blog, but I'm grateful to everyone thinking of me. You know how long my posts are, considering that my recipes are in three languages, by the time I finish writing, I can't wait to click on publish and always forget to add the awards. And then again, you're supposed to pass those along, and I've received emails from people saying they don't like this whole process as they consider it nothing else but one's own blog promotion and therefore don't want to be given any.
However, even though I'm a little late I want to thank some people.
Roz, from La Bella Vita who gave me these two,

Lady Cocca, gave me this Friendship award,  instead

 and in the end Heather,  Girlchef passed me this, with some questions to answer (possibly with one word):

1. Where is your cell phone? In my bag?
2. Your hair? desperate
3. Your mother? (was) strong
4. Your father? wise
5. Your favorite food? Cheese and veggies
6. Your dream last night? Blank
7. Your favorite drink? Limoncello
8. Your dream/goal? Language school of my own
9. What room are you in? Living room
10. Your hobby? Used to have some
11. Your fear? Illness
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Not in Italy
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. Something that you aren't? organized
15. Muffins? Always
16. Wish list items? Not even Santa can help me
17. Where did you grow up? Bosnia
18. Last thing you did? Took my daughter to school
19. What are you wearing? Jeans
20. Your TV? What's that :)
21. Your pets? stinky Pechingese
22. Friends? Far away
23. Your life? Movement
24. Your mood? unexpectedly calm
25. Missing someone? A lot
26. Vehicle? my feet and the stroller
27. Something you're not wearing? lipstick
28. Your favorite store? Natura Sì

Sorry I'll be interrupting the chain, and not passing them to anyone specific. All of you are invited  to grab these if you like them (muffins included).
Have a nice day and a Happy Halloween weekend.
Oh, and before you go away, check the bottom of this post (I know, this post isn't long enough?), it's important.

Ho trovato questa ricetta qualche settimana fa su QUESTO sito Croato, è sapevo subito che mi sarebbe piaciuta. Non mi sono sbagliata, sono davvero deliziosi. L'unica aggiunta da parte mia erano le olive nere, e lo yogurt greco perché non avevo quello normale. A parte questo, si può sostituire l'erba cipollina con i cipollotti.
Un salutino speciale alle mie amiche Ausilia (che sta imparando a cucinare, e le ricette semplici come questa sono ideali per lei) e Elena (che, lavorando tanto, ha bisogno di ricette semplici e veloci da preparare la sera). Saluto anche Simona (anche se al suo marito carne dipendente sicuramente non piaceranno :))).
Oltre a questo, avete visto il bellissimo disegno sopra e sul lato destro (sopra) che ha fatto Lisa Orgler? Il disegno si basa sulla mia ricetta per Apple Cupcakes.

Ingredienti (per 18 muffin):
  • 280 g di farina "00"
  • 3 cucchiaini di lievito chimico (non vanigliato)
  • 6 cucchiai di olio
  • 250 ml di yogurt naturale
  • 2 uova
  • 150-200 g di formaggio feta
  • una decina di olive nere
  • 3 cucchiai di erba cipollina tritata
  • sale, pepe 
Mescolate le uova con lo yogurt. Aggiungete l'olio, la feta sbriciolata, le olive tagliate a pezzetti, l'erba cipollina tritata, salate e pepate a piacere. Unite anche la farina setacciata con il lievito.
Riempite i stampini da muffin e cuocete nel forno preriscaldato a 200°C per circa 20 minuti.
Servite i muffin caldi, tiepidi, freddi, a piacere.

Con questa ricetta partecipo a due raccolte:
La prima è quella di Profumo di libri e cannella: Ricette con la feta

E vorrei aggiungere alte due ricette pubblicate prima:
Insalata di zucchine, pomodori e feta
e Insalata cotta e cruda.

L'altra raccolta è Muffins Mania di Pan di Panna

 alla qualle mando anche i miei Muffin ai frutti di bosco


Zahvaljujući Coolinariki pronašla sam još jedan recept koji ću sigurno često pripremati. Recept je objavila mikica 10, kojoj i ovdje zahvaljujem. Mislim da ću ih večeras opet praviti za goste, meni su se jako svidjeli, vidjet ćemo što i ostali misle o njima. Jako su ukusni i sočni. Jedina izmjena koju sam napravila je bio dodatak crnih maslina, jer se odlično slažu s fetom, i koristila sam grčki jogurt, jer nisam imala obični. Mislim da ću sljedeći put također praviti s maslinovim uljem umjesto ulja od kikirikija, radi još malo jačeg  mediteranskog okusa.
Zbilja prekrasni.

Sastojci (za 18 muffina):
  • 280 g brašna
  • 3 žličice praška za pecivo
  • 6 žlica ulja
  • 250 ml jogurta ili kiselog mlijeka
  • 2 jaja
  • 150-200 g sira fete
  • 3 žlice nasjeckanog vlasca
  • 10-ak crnih maslina
  • sol, papar 
Izmiješajte jaja s jogurtom. Dodajte ulje, namrvljeni sir fetu, narezane masline, nasjeckani vlasac, sol i papar po ukusu.
Dodajte brašno prosijano s praškom za pecivo. Dobro izmiješajte pa napunite kalupe za muffiene skoro do vrha.
Pecite u pećnici zagrijanoj na 200°C oko 20 minuta.
Poslužite ih tople ili hladne.

My Bakespace friends already know all about DD's Halloween cake, so this is for everyone who doesn't know her yet. She's a great girl who has incredible capacity of turning cakes into masterpieces of art. Check the picture and then run over to and vote for her (until 3 November). She deserves to win definitely, don't you think so?

Questa torta è stata realizata dalla mia amica DD (DDpie's Slice) per Halloween, é un vero capolavoro.
Vorrei aiutarla a vincere ai vari contest ai quali parteciperà e vi invito a votare per la sua torta. Per adesso sul poi ci saranno altri.

Moja prijateljica DD (DDpie's Slice), napravila je ovu nevjerojatnu tortu za Halloween, i doista joj želim pomoći da pobijedi na svim natječajima na kojima namjerava sudjelovati pozivajući vas da joj date svoj glas. Za sad to možete učiniti na, a uslijedit će još dva.


  1. Buonissimi!!! Grazie per aver partecipato!

  2. carissima devono essere spettacolari questi muffins salati, non avevo mai pensato alla feta, eppure ho letto che rende moltissimo nei cakes salati! un bacione e buon halloween

  3. Your muffins sound the feta! Congrats on your awards and DD's cake ROCKS!!! :D

  4. This muffin recipe looks great--I can't wait to try it out!

  5. Those muffins are gorgeous, I want them for lunch right now. ;)

  6. You had me at Feta and Olives... Awesome Muffins, I can almost taste them.

  7. vrlo ukusno pecivo.
    divna kombinacija
    topli pozdrav

  8. great muffins the kiddies are missing out!!

  9. the muffins look and sound fantastic!! and what a cool idea and sweet thing to to do for DD! I think she's entering at least one or 2 other contests so I'll follow your lead and mention it on my posts!

  10. Hanno un aspetto davvero molto invitante,sembrano supersoffici gnam gnam
    Buon fine settimana :))

  11. Congratulations on your awards. I feel like my hair is desperate many days. I love savory muffins and your witch's brew is perfect for Halloween.

  12. Oh Dajana! When can I come to Italy to visit! I really need one of these muffins. Oh and... I need to buy myself one of these awesome silicone pans too!

    Congrats on the awards and it was so fun reading about you! :D


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