Sunday lunch, salubrious or not?

Danielle, a fellow blogger, and a BakeSpace member as well, started on her personal cooking adventure a few months ago. She called it Salubrious Sunday. So far I have enjoyed her adventures in attempt to cook some healthier but still tasty meals. If you don't know Danielle, visit her blog Cooking for My Piece of Mind, and you'll see what I'm talking about. She also has a wonderful sense of humor, I really enjoy reading her posts.
Well, last time she posted her Salubrious Sunday article, she asked if anyone would like to join. Sure, I love new challenges, and I readily said "yes".
I don't consider my cooking style particularly heavy and unhealthy, I do my best on a daily basis, actually. But it's fun to participate and, why not, try new recipes.
So far, I don't have many "cooking light" or "cooking healthy" books, only one copy of my favourite food magazine dedicated to "light, from appetizer to dessert" dishes.
I've already used this recipe once, but transformed it into a risotto.
This time I decided to stick to the recipe, the only change was addition of few fresh tomatoes.
Did we enjoy it? I did.
My husband's comment, after he helped himself twice, was: "I don't like it very much. It leaves a fresh taste in my mouth." What do you know?
Sure, the saffron/orange flavours are a bit unusual, combined together, but, hey, where's your sense of adventure?
This pasta dish was followed by Rosemary, lemon chicken and potatoes, but that's another post. To be continued...

(4 servings, 300 calories)

320 g linguine
3 zucchini
10 cherry tomatoes
100 ml dry white wine
a package of saffron (0,1 g)
1 orange
Extra vergin olive oil
salt, pepper

Wash and dry zucchini. Slice them thinly lenghtwise, best with a mandoline.

Dissolve saffron in wine,

add 2 tablespoons of EVOO, finely grated orange zest, salt and pepper to your taste. Put the sliced zucchini into a ziplock bag and pour in the saffron marinade. Let the zucchini infused in the marinade for 30 minutes, turning the bag often.

Remove the zucchini from the marinade and filter the liquid into a small saucepan.

Grill the zucchini in a grilling pan,

and place them in a skillet you will use later to toss the pasta.

Bring the marinade to a boil and let it simmer until it's reduced by half.
Peel the tomatoes, cut them into wedges, remove seeds and add to the skillet with zucchini.

Cook linguine until al dente, drain them and add to the skillet with zucchini and tomatoes. Add the wine and saffron reduction and toss the pasta.

I added a tablespoon of oil, too because it seemed a bit dry. Serve and enjoy.

(per 4 persone, 300 calorie)

320 g di linguine
3 zucchine
10 pomodorini
100 ml di vino bianco
1 bustina di zafferano
1 arancia
Olio EVO
sale e pepe

Lavate le zucchine e tagliatele con una mandolina a fettine sottili, nel senso della lunghezza.
Fate scioglere lo zaffereano con il vino, 2 cucchiai di olio EVO, la scorza grattugiata dell'arancia, sale e pepe.
Mettete le zucchine in una bustina con la chiusura a lampo, versateci dentro la marinada, e lasciate insaporire per 30 minuti girando spesso la bustina.
Riscaldate bene una piastra e grigliate le zucchine.
Sbolentate per qualche secondo i pomodori, spelateli, togliete i semi e tagliate a pezzettini.
Fate ridure la marinata della metà in un pentolino.
Lessate le linguine, scolatele e condite con le zucchine, pomodori e marinata, mescolate e servite.


320 g tjestenine (linguine)
3 tikvice
10-ak malih rajčica (trešnjica)
100 ml bijelog vina
1 vrećica šafrana (0,1 g)
1 naranča
maslinovo ulje
sol i papar

Operite i osušite tikvice, odrežite im krajeve, i narežite ih na tanke ploške.
Otopite šafran u vinu, dodajte 2 žlice maslinovog ulja, sitno naribanu koricu naranče, sol i papar.
Stavite tikvice u vrećicu za zamrzivač, uspite marinadu i ostavite da stoji pola sata, okrećući često vrećicu.
Izvadite tikvice i procijedite marinadu.
Tikvice pecite na zagrijanoj gril tavi i stavljajte u tavu.
Kuhajte marinadu na laganoj vatri dok se količina ne upolovi.
Rajčice stavite na nekoliko sekundi u kipuću vodu, ohladite pod mlazom hladne vode, ogulite ih, narežite na kriškice i odstranite sjemenke. Primiješajte ih tikvicama.
Skuhajte tjesteninu (linguine) u slanoj vodi, ocijedite i primiješajte tikvicama i rajčicama, dodajte i marinadu i po potrebi još malo ulja, kratko sve zagrijte i poslužite.


  1. The orange and saffron flavours together would throw you a bit in the beginning, but I think it would be tasty! Looks great!

  2. Pasta stir-fried with roasted zucchini looked very delicious :-)

    Angie's Recipes

  3. this looks really good cool with the saffron your hubby is funny, will check out her blog Rebecca

  4. Questa pasta mi poace moltissimo! Saporita, profumata e... salutare! Mi intriga l'idea zafferano+arancia... originale. Te la copio, senza permesso... Brava! E grazie per il sostegno al mio blog: A presto

  5. Davvero mi invogli a provare l'abbinamento zafferano-arancia!!

  6. *Cathy, I know, a bit strong at first. I must say though, that they blended much better in risotto when I made it.
    *Thanks, Angie, as always.
    *Thanks, Rebecca, he is really funny sometimes when he comments on food
    *Sabrine, è sempre un piacere seguire un blog bello come il tuo. Ci vediamo ancora
    *Solema, se lo provi fammi sapere. Sono curiosa di sapere cosa ne pensi

  7. mette l'acquolina! da provare quanto prima!

  8. Your hubby's funny! Sound delicious with the orange flavor!

  9. YUM! I think you totally hit the salubrious on the head! haha Thanks for the shout out! I didnt realize you posted this. I'm gonna "borrow" one of your pics and post it on my Salubrious post that I just did. :)

  10. Splendide anzi ottimeeeeeeeeee

  11. Ajme, trojezičan blog! Svaka čast! Odličan recept! :)

  12. LOL! It leaves a fresh taste in his mouth... is that bad? hehehe

    It looks really good!

  13. It all looks so delicious! Rosemary is one of my favorite herb!

    I see you found some zucchini! :D


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