All you need is a little ricotta
I made this for the first time today, and I really liked it. God, if I like it! I swallowed it in less than two minutes.
I saw it a while ago in a magazine and wanted to try the recipe immediately but then forgot about it.
Today I happened to have all the ingredients in my fridge. A little of each ingredient, but enough for one serving. Honestly, I can't wait to make this again. I'm sure my husband will like it, too.
I still have the garlic flavour in my mouth and I love it. Fighting all the enemies: the cold, the flu, the collesterol and what else? Anyone coming near you?
Still, I think this would be a great appetizer at a dinner party, and something you can throw together real quick any day you are looking for something fancy to serve.
Trust me, it's sooooooooooooo delicious, you'll love it.
Ingredients (for 4 servings):
100 g bread (e.g. Altamura)
200 g ricotta
4 thin slices of Prosciutto
40 g kalamata olives
100 ml milk
1 red roast pepper
1 clove of garlic
Extra virgin olive oil
Slice the bread and brush with little oil. Grill it in a grilling pan and then rub with garlic. Cut into cubes.
Divide the ricotta in two and add half milk to each. Mix well and salt.
Add choped olives to one half of ricotta and chopped roast pepper to the other half.
Cut prosciutto into stripes.

Add the ricotta with olives and then the ricotta with peppers over the first layer.
Distribute the leftover crostini and the prosciutto stripes on top.

Un antipasto sfizioso e stuzzicante. Da provare. Credetemi.
Ingredienti (per 4 persone):
100 g di pane tipo Altamura
200 g di ricotta
100 ml di latte
4 fette di prosciutto crudo
1 peperone abbrustolito
1 spicchio d'aglio
Olio EVO
Tagliate il pane a fette. Spennellate con un po' di olio e tostate sotto il grill o sulla piastra ben calda. Strofinate con l'aglio e tagliate a cubetti.
Dividete la ricotta in due parti uguali e aggiungete metà del latte e le olive tagliate a dadini in una, il latte rimasto e il peperone tagliato a pezzettini nell'altra metà. Mescolate bene e salate.
Suddividete 2/3 dei crostini sul fondo di 4 bicchieri, aggiungete la ricotta con le olive e poi quella con i peperoni. Unite anche i crostini rimasti e il prosciutto tagliato a strisce.
Super brzo i ukusno hladno predjelo, koje možete poslužiti i uz aperitiv.
100 g kruha
200 g svježeg sira
100 ml mlijeka
4 tanke kriške pršuta
1 pečena paprika
1 češanj češnjaka
maslinovo ulje
Narežite kruh na kriške, malo nauljite pa zapecite u gril tavi ili u toploj pećnici. Natrljajte češnjakom i narežite na kockice.
Pršut narežite na trakice.
Sir podijelite na dva dijela i u svaki dodajte polovicu mlijeka i posolite po ukusu.
U jednu polovicu sira dodajte masline narezane na kockice, a u drugu pečenu, oguljenu papriku, također narezanu na komadiće.
U četiri staklene čaše rasporedite kockice kruha, preko njih sir s maslinama, pa sir s paprikom.
Na kraju rasporedite preostale kockice kruha i trakice pršuta na vrh. Poslužite.
this does look great your are so talented and great with languages so proud of you Dajana
ReplyDeleteDajana, I could eat this from over here in the States. Prosciutto makes everything so wonderful. I've never thought of making a non-sweet Trifle...good idea! Thanks! Roz
ReplyDeleteI never would have thought of a savory trifle. Looks awesome!
ReplyDeleteYummy and delicious recipe dear...
ReplyDeleteI am totally making this ASAP!!!! It looks delish, sounds delish, and I swear I can smell it through the computer. LOL
ReplyDelete*Hehehe, Shane, I knew a garlic lover like you wouldn't resist.
ReplyDelete*Thanks, Rebecca, talented is a big word, I just like to try everything.
*Roz, I know, prosciutto is just so simple and special, and so is ricotta.
*Bob, neither did I until I saw this.
*Thank you, Aysha, glad you stopped by
oh wow! I love the flavor combo and the simplicity! looks incredible (of course you can't go wrong where garlic and prosciutto are concerned)
ReplyDeletea savoury trifle would have never crossed my mind!! awesome!
ReplyDeleteyou're so creative! no come over here and work your miracles on my leftovers, will ya?
ReplyDeleteA savory trifle!! I love it! So delicious!!
ReplyDeleteHow innovative!
ReplyDeleteAngie's Recipes