Chick, chick... but it's not chicken

Here's my family's favourite soup of all times. We all like it and there never seem to be enough. In fact, I should be making bigger quantity, because there's hardly enough for 3 people, although the recipe says "4 servings". So we always end up stealing a few spoons from each other's plates.
It's definitely comforting, delicious and creamy. And the vegetables add a touch of freshness, so absolutely don't omit those.
Legumes are a good source of proteins and a valid substitution for meat, so whenever I can, I try to add them on the menu.

What's your favourite legume?


240 g precooked chickpea
1 small onion
1 potato
1 rosemary twig
1 litre vegetable stock
4 tablespoons EVOO
salt and pepper
80-100 g small pasta (this one is called ricciutelli, but you can use tubettini or any other that you like)
1 zucchini
5-6 cherry tomatoes

This is a close up of ricciutelli or "curlies".

Chop finely the onion, drain the chickpeas from their liquid, peel and dice the potato. Mince very finely the rosemary leaves - I always use my mezzaluna for that.

Sautè the onion with 3 tablespoons of oil at medium low heat until translucent.

Add the chickpeas, the potato and rosemary. Stirfry for a minute or two.

Add the vegetable stock and cook half covered for 30-40 minutes. In the meantime enjoy the good smell coming out of the pot.

Purée everything in a blender and then put back into the pot.

Add the pasta, salt and pepper to your taste, and let everything simmer until the pasta is cooked but stirring or it will stick to the bottom.

Slice the zucchini and stirfry with 1 tablespoon of oil. Add the tomatoes cut in half or in four if they are big,

stirfry for 3 more minutes.

Pour the soup into bowls and add some zucchini and tomatoes on top.


Odlična juhica koju obožava cijela moja obitelj.
Recept kaže da je ovo količina za 4 osobe, ali vjerujte mi, trebate li nahraniti 4 odrasle osobe, udvostručite je.
Povrće je izuzetno ukusan i osvježavajući kontrast slanutku, pa ga nikako nemojte izostaviti.

240 g kuhanog slanutka
1 mala glavica crvenog luka
1 krumpir
1 grančica ruzmarina
1 litra temeljca (juhe) od povrća
4 žlice maslinovog ulja
sol i papar
80-100 g tjestenine malog formata
1 tikvica
5-6 rajčica (trešnjica)

Ocijedite slanutak. Luk sitno nasjeckajte, a krumpir ogulite i narežite na kockice. Odvojite listiće ruzmarina s grančice i jako sitno nasjeckajte.
Popržite luk na 3 žlice ulja da postane staklast. Dodajte slanutak, krumpir i ruzmarin. Kratko popržite sve skupa miješajući, pa dodajte juhu, poklopite i kuhajte oko 30-40 minuta.
Kad je sve kuhano, izmiksajte ili propasirajte, pa vratite opet u lonac i dodajte tjesteninu.
Po potrebi dodajte soli i papra, i kuhajte miješajući da ne prione za dno.
Tikvicu narežite na listiće, a rajčice na pola ili na četiri dijela.
Popržite tikvicu na 1 žlici ulja. Dodajte rajčice i kuhajte skupa još 3 minute.
Sipajte juhu u tanjure i u svaki dodajte tikvice i rajčice.


Ho trovato questa ricetta un paio di anni fa sulla confezione di Ricciutelli Barilla.
Ho cambiato solo le quantità, diminuendo la pasta e aumentando i ceci e il brodo. Altrimenti non sarebbe una crema, ma piuttosto la pasta con un po' di crema.
Posso dire solo che è davvero deliziosa e gustosa, con zucchine e pomodorini che danno quel tocco di freschezza alla fine.
Vi auguro buon inizio d'autunno.

240 g di ceci precotti
1 cipolla piccola
1 patata
1 rametto di rosmarino
4 cucchiai di olio EVO
1 litro di brodo vegetale
sale, pepe
80-100 g di ricciutelli (o un altro formato simile)
1 zucchina
5-6 pomodorini

Tagliate finemente la cipolla e rosolatela con 3 cucchiai di olio. Unite i ceci, il rosmarino tritato e la patata tagliata a pezzetti.
Unite il brodo e lasciate cuocere coperto per circa 30-40 minuti.
Passate il tutto nel mixer. Cuocete la pasta nella crema.
Tagliate la zucchina a listarelle fini e cuocetela in padella con un cucchiaio di olio. Unite i pomodorini tagliati a metà o in quattro e cuocete per 3 minuti.
Versate la crema nei piatti e guarnite con zucchine e pomodorini.


  1. That soup looks so comforting!

  2. Obožavam ovakvu juhu i bez tikvica i rajčica ali s tim je sigurno još bolja! Izvrsno!

  3. I LOVE chickpeas! That looks delicious!! I will definitely be trying it!!

  4. This looks really super good!

  5. I knew you gonna say chick...peas!! This sounds so delicious and comforting :D

  6. *Thanks, girls. I'm glad you like it, too.
    *Girlichef, I've been cooking mostly chicken lately, some other chick was a necessity.

    *Snježo, hvala. Ako voliš juhe i slanutak, sigurno će ti se svidjeti

  7. Chickpea and zucchini soup....sounds a terrific combination and nice warm to drink now.

    Angie's Recipes

  8. Chickpeas are my favorite!! That's why I absolutely love this!!

  9. oh this looks so good...even tho its a different kind of "chick" LOL. i seriously need to get one of those meezalunas. You should enter this in the Souper Sundays! :)

  10. Here we do a lot of pasta e ceci when the weather gets cooler (then I put aside a can just for me and make hummus) :D


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