How to make crepes
Back in time... I think I was 9 or 10... with a group of friends... home alone, winter holidays... what shall we do? Let's make crepes!!! You get ideas easily at that age. Luckily we didn't burn the kitchen down. And did you know that crepes without eggs can taste... well, not so good :((
That's how everything started. The fun part was flipping them - we practiced a lot, waiting for our turn to flip the real crepe, using a wooden cutting board and a plastic cover or something like that.
At least now I know how to do it :))))
I still prepare my crepes batter in the same way, no mixer or blender. And I still have fun every time I do it.
(by Dajana)
Ingredients (for approx. 10-11 regular size crepes):
2 eggs
250 ml milk
150 ml water (or sparkling mineral water)
20 tblspoons flour
2 tblspoons peanut oil or melted butter
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
Break the eggs into a mixing bowl and whisk with oil (or butter), sugar and salt.
Add a couple tablespoons of flour and mix it in.
Add 4 tblsp of milk and 2 tblsp water. Mix.
Proceed in this way until you have incorporated all the dry and liquid ingredients.The batter should be rather thin and liquid in the end.I usually adjust the density after I've made the first crepe. Sometimes it takes a little more liquid, rarely though more flour is needed. You can continue adding flour and liquid to get bigger quantity. If you know you'll be feeding an army and 10 crepes won't be enough, start with more eggs.
Let the mixture rest for half an hour.
Warm up your crepe pan. Add a few drops of oil, pour about 1 ladle and distribute evenly.
When the top is set, flip the crepe
and cook for about 10 more seconds.
Proceed in the same way until you have finished all the batter.
I needed a couple big crepes and used my 32 cm nonstick skillet, and made the rest regular size in my crepe pan.
If you are not using the crepes the same day, cover the plate with a piece of plastic wrap and keep them in the fridge.I made these crepes for something special, but can't tell you yet what.This is what my daughter did with the leftover crepes.
Questo metodo uso da quando facevo la prima media, non sono avanzata molto, vero?
Anche se oggi potrei usare il mixer o il frullatore, preferisco il mio vecchio metodo. Forse un po' di nostalgia, ma soprattutto l'abitudine. Quindi se non vi va, buttate tutto nel mixer e voilà!
2 uova
250 ml di latte
150 ml di acqua (naturale o gassata)
20 cucchiai di farina
2 cucchiai di olio di arachidi o burro sciolto
1 cucchiaino di zucchero
1/2 cucchiaino di sale
Rompete le uova in una terrina, aggiungete l'olio (o burro), sale e zucchero e sbattete un po'.
Io poi procedo a piccoli passi: aggiungo qualche cucchiaio di farina, mescolo bene, diluisco con latte e acqua. E così finche non ottengo la quantità desiderata.
Con le quantità di ingredienti indicati sopra otterrete circa 10 crepe piccole (14 cm).
Lasciate riposare per mezz'ora.
Riscaldate una padella antiaderente con qualche goccia di olio. Versateci dentro tanto impasto da ricoprire il fondo in uno strato sottilissimo (circa un mestolo o un po' di più).
Quando la superficie si sia rappresa, girate la crepe e lasciate cuocere ancora per qualche secondo.
Procedete come descritto prima fino a finire tutto l'impasto.
Farcitele subito come vi piace, arrotolate, piegate in quattro. Se volete farlo dopo, coprite il piatto con un pezzo di pellicola trasparente e conservatele in frigo anche per qualche giorno.
Poi vi farò vedere cosa ho combinato io.
A quelle che sono avanzate, ha pensato mia figlia - Nutella, naturalmente!!!
2 jaja
250 ml mlijeka
150 ml vode
20 žlica brašna
2 žlice ulja ili istopljenog maslaca (ohlađenog)
1 žličica šećera
1/2 žličice soli
Stavite jaja u zdjelu, dodajte ulje (ili maslac), sol i šećer. Razmutite ručnom žicom, pa dodajte nekoliko žlica brašna. Dobro izmiješajte, dodajte 4 žlice mlijeka i 2 žlice vode. Promiješajte. Nastavite tako dodavati naizmjenično brašno i tekućine dok ne dobijete željenu količinu. Od navedenih količina sastojaka dobije se 10-ak palačinki.
Ostavite smjesu da odstoji pola sata (lakše će se peći i neće se lomiti).
Zagrijte dobro tavu s malo ulja, sipajte toliko smjese da u tankom sloju pokrije dno tave. Pecite 15-20 sekundi, okrenite, pecite još 5-10 sekundi.
Namažite po želji i savijte ili preklopite.
Ako ih ne želite puniti isti dan, pokrijte tanjur prozirnom folijom i ostavite u hladnjaku, i do nekoliko dana.
U sljedećem postu ćete vidjeti što sam napravila s mojima.
One što su ostale, moja je kći namazala Nutellom, a čime drugim?
mmm....crepes with chocolate spread...your daughter knows for sure what to do with her crepes and leftover!
ReplyDeleteAngie's Recipes
My mom and I both adore crepes especially with fresh fruit! Thanks for the recipe and instructions!
ReplyDeleteHope you are having a lovely week! ;0)
cerkica ti je preprepre slatka :)
ReplyDeletemmm..che buone!!!
ReplyDeleteWhew, wiping I know I made mine the right way! LOL wooohoooo it's almost ITT crepe time!
ReplyDeleteMmm, fresh crepes are so awesome. Yours look delish!
ReplyDeleteMmmm, crepes. Looks awesome! My dad used to make crepes every few weeks, good times.
ReplyDeletemm..someone looks very happy with the crepes and the chocolate spread!! :)
ReplyDeleteI love crepes, so versatile!! That chocolaty one looks divine!
ReplyDeletewhoa...wait a can flip crepes??? mine messed up LOL. you're daughter sure looks like she's ready to enjoy her crepe :)