12 Weeks of of Christmas Cookies - #1

Black and White Cookie Rings

I guess most of you are thinking I'm a bit off, starting Christmas baking this early ^__^, but I actually jumped at the idea when I read about this baking group, on Abby's Sweets.


If you like the idea of baking cookies at Christmas as much as I do, then I'm sure you'll love this idea, too.
I'm really excited to see what everyone else (and there are almost 30 people baking) will bring on their trays over the next 12 weeks.
I already have about 20 cookie recipes posted on my blog.
And I love(d) each and every one of them. But at the same time I'm always excited to try something new and different.
These simple but so cute cookies, that melt in your mouth (seriously, you don't even need your teeth for these ^__^), have been a great success with everyone in my family.
So get yourself comfortable, a cup of warm tea in one hand, and a couple of these delicate little rings in the other, while waiting for our next appointment with Chrismas baking, next Friday. I do have a recipe for most scrumptious chocolate and raspberry squares you'll love and crave from the very first bite, coming next. Be patient ;))) Happy baking, everyone.

Black and White Cookie Rings

Black and white cookie rings

300 g flour
250 g butter
100 g powdered sugar
1 medium size egg yolk
zest of 1/2 lemon
20 g bitter cocoa powder

Sift or whisk together the flour and the powdered sugar.
Add the finely grated lemon zest and the cold butter (chopped). Rub the butter into the flour or use a pastry cutter until you have rough dough crumbs.
Add the egg yolk and bring everything together to form a compact and soft dough. If necessary (in case the dough is too sticky), add a TBspoon or two of flour, but don't make it too dry or it will be breaking later when forming the rings.
Divide the dough in two equal parts and the cocoa powder in one, kneading it well until the colour is all homogenous.
Divide each half of dough into small parts (possibly same size).
Take one dark and one light piece of the dough, roll each one into a thin rope, about 8-10 cm long and 5 mm thick. Twist them toghether and join the two ends to form a ring. Do all this very delicately or the tiny and delicate ropes will break :-))

Black and White Cookie Rings Black and White Cookie Rings
Black and White Cookie Rings Black and White Cookie Rings

Place the rings on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
Bake the cookies in an oven preheated to 175°C for about 15 minutes or until you notice they are slightly golden.
Let them cool a minute or two on the baking sheet and then move them on a cooling rack to cool completely.

Black and White Cookie Rings

Once they are cold, store them in an airtight container.

Black and White Cookie Rings

Anellini bicolore

300 g di farina
250 g di burro freddo
100 g di zucchero a velo
1 tuorlo medio (biologico o da allevamento a terra)
1/2 limone (la scorza grattugiata
20 g di cacao amaro

Setacciate o mescolate con una frusta la farina con lo zucchero a velo. Aggiungete la scorza grattugiata di limone e il burro freddo a tocchetti. Strofinate con le punte delle dita fino a ottenere delle briciole. Unite il tuorlo e impastate velocemente. Se la pasta è troppo appiccicosa, aggiungete uno o due cucchiai di farina, ma attenti che non diventi troppo asciutta, deve comunque essere morbida.
Dividete la pasta in due parti uguali, e aggiungete il cacao in una. Mescolate bene fino a ottenere il colore uniforme.
Dividete tutti e due impasti in piccole parti, possibilmente di dimensioni uguali.
Prendete un pezzettino chiaro e uno scuro. Formate un piccolo bastoncino con ciascuno, lungo 8-10 cm e di diametro 5mm,  e arrotolateli insieme. Unite i due estremi per formare un anello/ciambellina.
Mettete i biscotti sulla placca da forno coperta da carta da forno e cuoceteli nel forno già caldo a 175°C per circa 15 minuti, o fino a quando cominciano a essere dorati.
Lasciateli raffreddare un minuto o due sulla placca, e poi trasferiteli su una griglia e lasciateli raffreddare completamente. Conservateli in un contenitore a chiusura ermetica.
Attenzione: spariscono molto in fretta, occhio ai topi in cucina ^__^

Black and White Cookie Rings

Dvobojni prstenčići

300 g brašna
250 g maslaca
100 g šećera u prahu
1 žumanjak
1/2 limuna (naribana korica)
20 g kakaa

Prosijte brašno sa šećerom u prahu, dodajte sitno naribanu koricu limuna i hladan maslac narezan na listiće. Trljajte vršcima prstiju da dobijete mrvice. Dodajte žumanjak i zamijesite tijesto. Po potrebi dodajte još žlicu ili dvije brašna, ako je tijesto ljepljivo.
Podijelite tijesto na dva dijela i u jedan dodajte kakao. Izmijesite ga koliko je potrebno da se ujednači.
Uzimajte po komadić svijetlog i komadić tamnog tijesta. Dlanovima ih zarolajte na malo pobrašnjenoj površini da dobijete dvije rolnice duge 8-10 cm debljine oko 5 mm. Uvijte ih jednu oko druge i spojite krajeve da dobijete prsten.
Stavljajte oblikovane kekse na pleh obložen papirom za pečenje. Pecite ih u pećnici zagrijanoj na 175°C oko 15 minuta. Ostavite ih par minuta na plehu pa tek onda izvadite i ostavite da se ohlade.
Najbolje ih je čuvati u metalnoj kutiji.

Black and White Cookie Rings

Let's see what everyone else has baked...


  1. Oh ohhhhhh se il buongiorno si vede dal mattino questo è un ottimo giorno! Se queste ciambelline non fossero troppo buone per giocarsele così, sarebbe molto carino addobbarci l'albero di Natale, per una volta un alberello da mangiare! Un bacione, buon week end

  2. Prekrasni su Dajana!
    Jedva čekam slijedeće recepte :)

  3. I am so happy to be part of this group! These look fantastic! I have a recipe picked out for a later week that look unbelievably similar to these!I can't wait to see what you will bake up next!

  4. These look great!! Can't wait for next week!

  5. ussignur che biscotti meravigliosi!!! posso passare da te domani per colazione? sono troppo carini...ne voglio subito uno ;)

  6. Dobra si bolje na vrijeme a ne uvijek kasniti kao ja,divni su ti..

  7. This is one of the first cookies I would try if I were to chose a cookie of the tray. They are so cute!

  8. Ma che carini!!! veramente brava!

  9. Questi biscottini mi tentano...e altro che Natale, vanno bene tutto l'anno!!!

  10. Whenever I see two-color cookies like these, I always wonder how they were made and never could find out before this. Thanks to your easy to follow pictures, I now know the secret. Great first pick.

  11. Predivni su Dajana,imate lepe recepte i slike.

  12. Come sono belli questi tuoi biscotti
    carinissimi :)

  13. odlično, radila sam šarene keksiće, ali i ovo je odlična ideja

  14. Well, I could have those cookies any time of the year!
    Love your two-toned cookies!

  15. Dajana! Your cookies are just the cutest ever! I love love love them! - and your blog is fabulous!

    I am so excited to get to meet you and bake along side you for the next 12 weeks....happiness! :-)

  16. Your cookies look so good and perfect for Christmas. Love the photos. I've joined the cookie group too this year and I love all the cookies I'm seeing. Looking forward to your next recipe.

  17. Prekrasni i ukusni keksići ! I ja jedva čekam ostale recepte, a to što kažeš kako se čini da si uranila sa pripremom za Božić mislim da nam se svima to čini a zapravo će tih 12 tjedana tako brzo proći i uopće nije rano.
    Ja se spremam ovaj mjesec napraviti jednu turu "najboljih keksi na svijetu" koji također mogu dugo biti u kutiji a svi ih vole.
    A sigurno ću napraviti i ove prstenčiće !

  18. Io invece di biscotti ne ho postati pochi finora ma mi piace ammirare quelli degli altri :-P I tuoi sono bellissimi e con tutto quel burro mi piacerebbero di sicuro!

  19. Those look really fun and yummy. You could tint the white part different Christmas colors, too.

  20. Those look fabulous! So creative - and I'll bet they were delicious dipped into an espresso!

  21. those are beautiful and I am sure that they taste just as delicious.

  22. Ajme, ja svake godine obećam sebi da ću početi peči kekse za Božić na vrijeme, kad se to ne odogodi onda odlučim da neću ništa raditi. Na kraju me na Badnjak uhvati ludilo ispečem tonu kolača u jednom danu.
    Izgleda da mi se i ove godine smiješi isti scenarij. :D :D

    Ovi mi se dvobojni keksi jako sviđaju, vrlo efektno izgledaju. :)

  23. These rings look fabulous and a great kick off! Look forward to baking along with you the next 12 weeks :)

  24. I wish I had the patience for making these intricate cookies, like you do, Dajana : /

    They are beautiful.

  25. Meni se uopće ne isplati ništa raditi toliko unaprijed jer moji žderomiri pojedu sve za tren! Zato sve radim u zadnji čas!
    Izvrsni keksići samo trebam povećati količinu!

  26. I love love love cookies that are twisted like that. Yours are beautiful and I hope I have time to make your recipe this season! Can't wait to see what you do next week!

  27. I love these -- simple and beautiful! I may have to try these with my kids. Thank you for sharing!

  28. da...da...mene taj poriv krene krajem kolovoza, ali se uspijem nakako othrvati do sredine studenog....pratim te u stopu u potrazi za novim idejama :-)!

  29. Such a fun idea for a Christmas cookie!


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