12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies (#3) - Oatmeal Cookies

Flourless Oatmeal cookies

For the third week of Chrismas Cookies baking, I decided to go with something very simple.
There are so many recipes for Oatmeal cookies, they certainly aren't a novelty, but they are at same time always welcome.
What makes these cookies different from all the others I've seen around, is that they're made without flour, only oats and almonds. This makes them soft and fluffy.
Also, most recipes combine raisins with oats, but since I really don't like raisins in baked stuff (I could eat a whole bag on their own, though), I added some chocolate chips to create a slight contrast.
I think they are just great in their simplicity and will go well with a cup of coffee or a glass of milk any day, but will also make a nice appearance on a Christmas tray.

Flourless Oatmeal cookies

Flourless Oatmeal Cookies

250 g (8.8 oz) quick cooking oats
50 g (1.75 oz) finely ground almonds
125 g (4.4 oz) sugar
125 g (4.4 oz) butter (softened)
1 egg
1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons baking powder
a pinch of salt
1 lemon (finely grated zest)
50 g (1.75 oz) chocolate chips

Put the oats, ground almonds, sugar, cinnamon, salt, baking powder, chocolate chips and the finely grated zest of a whole lemon in a mixing bowl and stir well to combine.
Rub in the softened butter with your finger tips, and then add the egg and the egg yolk, bring everything together making sure all ingredients are well combined.
Leave the bowl in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Take a TBspoon quantity of the dough and shape it into a small ball with slightly wet hands (because the dough is a bit sticky). Place the dough balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and press them down with your fingers (they won't spread while baking so press them down to the desired thicknes).
Bake the cookies in an oven preheated to 180°C (350°F) for about 20 minutes or until golden.
Let them rest a minute or two on the baking sheet and then move them to a cooling rack to cool completely.


Flourless Oatmeal cookies

Biscotti ai fiocchi d'avena

250 g di fiocchi d'avena
50 g di mandorle tritate fine
125 g di zucchero
125 g di burro ammorbidito
1 uovo
1 tuorlo
1 cucchiaino di cannella in polvere
un pizzico di sale
1 limone (scorza grattugiata)
50 g di gocce di cioccolato

Unite tutti gli ingredienti tranne il burro e le uova in una ciotola e mescolateli bene.
Aggiungete il burro morbido a tocchetti e strofinate con le mani per ottenere delle briciole grossolane. Unite l'uovo intero e il tuorlo, impastate bene con le mani fino a ottenere un composto compatto. Lasciatelo riposare in frigo 30 minuti.
Prelevate l'impasto con un cucchiaino e con le mani leggermente inumidite formate delle palline grandi come una noce. Ponetele su una teglia rivestita con la carta da forno e schiacciatele con le dita a uno spessore di circa 5 mm perché i biscotti non si allargano da soli in cottura.
Cuoceteli nel forno già caldo a 180°C per circa 20 minuti o non appena li vedete leggermente dorati.
Lasciateli raffreddare un minuto o due sulla teglia, poi spostateli su una griglia e lasciateli raffreddare completamente.


Flourless Oatmeal cookies

Keksi sa zobenim pahuljicama

250 g zobenih pahuljica
50 g mljevenih badema
125 g šećera
125 g maslaca
1 jaje
1 žumanjak
1 žličica mljevenog cimeta
1/2 vrećice praška za pecivo
prstohvat soli
1 limun (naribana korica)
50 g čokoladnih kapljica (ili nasjeckane tamne čokolade)

Pomiješajte u zdjeli zobene pahuljice, mljevene bademe, šećer, cimet, sol, prašak za pecivo, čokoladne kapljice i naribanu koricu limuna.
Utrljajte u smjesu suhih sastojaka malo omekšali maslac, a zatim dodajte jaje i žumanjak i dobro izmijesite rukama da se sastojci povežu u kompaktnu smjesu.
Ostavite tijesto pokriveno u hladnjaku pola sata.
Zagrijte pećnicu na 180°C i obložite pleh papirom za pečenje.
Grabite tijesto žličicom i oblikujte kuglice veličine oraha (ako vam se lijepi za ruke, dovoljno je malo navlažiti ruke vodom). Stavljajte kuglice na pripremljeni pleh, pritisnite ih malo prstima ili žlicom da budu oko 1/2 cm debljine.
Pecite kekse u zagrijanoj pećnici oko 20 minuta odnosno čim vidite da su dobili zlatnu boju, možete ih izvaditi. Sačekajte 1-2 minute, a onda ih izvadite iz pleha i ostavite da se ohlade na rešetki.

Flourless Oatmeal cookies


  1. Samo čekamo da dođe Božić, recepte i to izvrsne, imamo na jednom mjestu: tvom blogu:))

  2. Mi passeresti due tre biscottini? ho bisogno di coccole e questi biscottini mi sembrano perfetti per coccolarsi golosamente ^_^

  3. Complimenti Daiana...sono davvero golosi e raffinati!!! un abbraccio :)

  4. These look fabulous! I love oatmeal cookies, and these look perfect. Thanks for sharing them!

  5. These cookies look divine. I adore oatmeal cookies!
    And these pictures are beautiful.

  6. You and I are on the same page, Dajana! I made oatmeal cookies yesterday, too!

  7. I adore a good oatmeal cookie! Yours look delicious.

  8. Fotografije su ti u zadnje vrijeme tako predivne, pune svijetla i pune optimizma, lijepih boja. Sve što napraviš mi se jako sviđa, ona juhica narančasta mi je zapela za oko, obožavam bundevu, a u kombinaciji sa rižom Venere je sigurno jako fino. Sad mi pada na pamet da napravim rižot od te crne riže i bundeve. Keksići svi su skroz zanosni, ja sam baš jučer radila španjolske Polvoronese po receptu od Lane sa Coolinarike. :)

  9. My daughter asked me just the other day to make oatmeal cookies with Chocolate chips. I have a ton of almond meal that needs to be used up too!!! Great cookie recipe!

  10. Ellerinize, emeğinize sağlık. Çok güzel, çok leziz ve iştah açıcı olmuş.


  11. Ora ho un motivo in più per apettare con ansia il venerdì ^__^ Non solo il week end alle porte ma anche i tuoi biscotti in arrivo :D! Belli sgranocchiosi come piacciono a me e pure profumati alla cannella...corro a comprare i fiocchi d'avena ;) Un bacione, buon fine settimana

  12. I bet these are delicious with the ground almonds. You just can't go wrong with oatmeal. Your cookies look so beautiful and golden!

  13. I've never come across a flourless oatmeal cookie before. This recipe definitely intrigues me. They looks delicious.

  14. Bene bene, stavo proprio cercando delle ricette per utilizzare la quantità spropositata di avena che ho in casa, questi biscottini fanno proprio al caso mio!Grazie!!

  15. Here we go again :))))) Aj ako ništa drugo, sa manjim modifikacijama ovo bi mogli biti moji božićni kolačići :)))) Bilježiiiimmm! :))

  16. They look like fluffy little pillows of yummy-ness! I've never made oatmeal cookies without flour so these are a must try.

  17. Stvarno su prekrasni Dajana (i recept, i slike, ma sve)!

  18. Semplici ma tanto buoni, dove ci sono le gocce di cioccolato non mi tiro mai indietro!

  19. Oats is so comforting! And I like the idea that even though one is eating a sweet treat - oats is healthy!

  20. baš sam potrošila zadnju količinu zobenih pahuljica inače bi ovo odmah napravila kako mi se dopadaju, bilježim, odličan recept

  21. Volim ovakve keksiće , zdraviji od "klasičnih" a opet tako fini i ukusni. Odlično si ih napravila, jako lijepo izgledaju !!

  22. These sound great with the chocolate chips, and I like the fact that there is no flour in them.

  23. YUM! I have some almond meal in my freezer so I'll definitely be making these!

  24. Really nice!:-) I will try to make it!


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