Baked Feta Cheese

Baked feta cheese

I've spent last couple months in great company. We hang together almost every day. We have fun together... in my kitchen. My new friend has been helping me generously with lunch and dinner ideas. Especially the quick ones. Always simple and delicious. And always making me think, "Well that was such a great and yet simple idea, how come I never thought of doing it that way before?"
Curious to know who my friend is? Not a big secret really. Jamie magazine.
The first Italian issue came out this spring. And I missed only that first number. Didn't catch the news on time. But from the first number I got my hands on, it was love.
Month is too short to prepare everything I'd like to. Although some recipes have become a staple in my kitchen this summer. Like Eggplant polpette. Not only did that recipe become a huge success (my 2-year-old loves them) but I also won a prize from Jamie magazine in the photography contest they organized submitting the photo of that recipe.
Last month's issue, as usual, brought some delicious recipes. And this baked feta cheese was one of them. It isn't something new, but most recipes are pretty simple, a little olive oil and oregano... done. Jamie suggests to add some lemon zest, garlic and cumin and black sesame seeds. Explosion of flavour that will tickle both your nose and palate.
P.s. do not substitute black sesame with plain (white or golden one), it's much more flavourful, you don't want to miss that.
The recipe suggests serving the warm cheese while still soft and quite spreadable with warm piadina flatbread, that, by the way, I published the recipe for yesterday, in case you missed it.

Baked feta cheese

Baked feta cheese
(recipe from Jamie magazine)

* 200 g feta cheese
* 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
* 1 teaspoon black sesame seeds
* 1 clove of garlic
* lemon zest
* extra virgin olive oil
 + piadine for serving

Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Line a baking dish with a piece of baking paper and place the feta cheese (the whole block) on it.
Grate the garlic clove and spread over the cheese, as well as finely grated lemon zest, sprinkle with cumin and sesame seeds. Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and bake for about 35 minutes or until golden in surface.
5 minutes before the cheese is done toast several piadinas in a grilling pan. Serve the baked feta while warm and spreadable.

Baked feta cheese

Feta al forno
(ricetta tratta da Jamie magazina)

* 200 g feta sira
* 1 žličica sjemenki kumina
* 1 žličica crnog sezama
* 1 češanj bijelog luka
* 1 limun (korica)
* malo maslinovog ulja
 + piadine za poslužiti

Scaldate il forno a 180°C.
Coprite una teglia con la carta da forno e mettete il formaggio sopra (il pezzo intero).
Grattugiate lo spicchio d'aglio e spalmatelo sul formaggio insieme alla scorza di limone finemente grattugiata.
Cospargetelo con i semi di cumino e sesamo nero, aggiungete un po' di olio e infornate per circa 35 minuti o finché dorato in superficie.
5 minuti prima di togliere il feta dal forno, scaldate una bistecchiera e tostate le piadine.
Servite il feta ancora caldo e morbido con le piadine.

Baked feta cheese

Zapečeni feta sir
(recept je iz Jamie magazina)

* 200 g feta sira
* 1 žličica sjemenki kumina
* 1 žličica crnog sezama
* 1 češanj bijelog luka
* 1 limun (korica)
* malo maslinovog ulja
 + piadine za poslužiti

Zagrijte pećnicu na 180°C.
Prekrijte pleh papirom za pečenje i stavite na njega fetu ( u komadu).
Pospite fetu sjemenkama kumina i sezama, naribanim češnjem bijelog luka i naribanom koricom limuna.
Pospite s malo maslinovog ulja i stavite peći oko 35 minuta ili dok lagano ne porumeni na površini.
5 minuta prije nego je feta spremna, zagrijte piadine na gril tavi.
Poslužite toplu fetu s piadinama


  1. mi hai dato una bellissima idea, mi piace molto quell'aggiunta di scorza di limone insieme ai semini :)
    un bacio, buona serata

  2. Jaooo kako je ovo dobro! I fotke su mljac :D

  3. Madddaiiii anche io ho adocchiato questa ricetta su Jamie magazine, lo prendo ogni mese, e sono abbonata online a quello inglese! :) giusto ieri sfogliavo il nuovo numero! ...cmq questa ricetta la provo... Vista lí ed ora vista qui mi fa sempre piú voglia! ;)

  4. Čini mi se da sam negde naišla na recept za pečenu fetu, ali nikako da probam. A čini mi se da sam baš jučer iz autobusa videla kod nas Jamie magazin i stvarno se nadam da to nije halucinacija. Sutra ću proveriti...


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