Plum Jam with Rum and Cinnamon

Plum Jam with Rum and Cinnamon

As a child I didn't like the plum jam at all. The reason being mainly that it was made with the whole plums, skins inclued, that is to say. Those skins were a pain. I hated them and I hated the plum jam. They would stick between my teeth, they were hard to chew. The jam wasn't smooth, but thick, thick, thick, and it almost seemed it was made only of plum skins. They were in a way like mosquitoes, you know they are inevitable and yet you don't know why they exist.
We all know how taste changes over years. Things we didn't like can suddenly become our favourite ones.
I didn't used to like olives, for example, and now I find myself checking the supermarket shelves for different kind of olives that I don't have at home yet thinking how to use them best.
And I used to hate plums. Now I miss times when I could pick them straight from the tree behind my father's house.
When I saw the exactly same type of plums at the supermarket the other day I had no doubt. I was going to make some jam, but my way. I've made the plum jam before, but always removed the skins first. And yet I knew that jam had to be much more flavourful when plums were left whole, with the skins on.
When the jam was ready and I tasted it, I sat down and I said to myself: how could you avoid making it all these years? This is THE best plum jam ever. With just a subtle touch of cinnamon and rum, believe me, if you make just one small batch, you'll be sorry when it's gone too soon.
I immediately went out to buy more plums... putting myself in trouble... but that's another story.

Plum Jam with Rum and Cinnamon

Plum Jam with Rum and Cinnamon

(for three 250ml / 330 g jars of jam)
* 1250 g stoned plums (about 1,5 kg whole plums)
* 500 g sugar
* 2 lemons
* 2 cinnamon sticks
* 30 ml rum

Carefully wash the plums and remove the stones. Cut them into small pieces and mix with the sugar in a bowl.
Cover and let macerate for 12 hours. Try to stir them at least twice or three times during that time to make sure the sugar's melted.
After 12 hours, pour the plums into a colander to separate the juice from the pulp.
Put the juice in a pot and cook it on medium-high heat for about 20 minutes until it starts thickening looking like a syrup.
In the meantime peal the zests from the lemons. Cut them in half and squeeze the juice, saving the seeds, too.
Add the lemon juice to the plum pulp.
Put the empty lemon halves, the lemon seeds and the cinnamon sticks into a piece of cheesecloth and tie it.
When the plum juice has started thickening, add the pulp to the pot and the cheesecloth package with lemons and cinnamon.
Proceed cooking the jam for about 20-30 minutes, until you see it has thickened and turned dark red.
Remove the package with lemon and cinnamn. If you want jam without pieces of pulp and skins mix it with a stick blender directlz in the pot. Add the rum and cook for just a few more minutes until you're satisfied with the thickness.
Pour the hot jam into warm, sterilized jars. Close the jars and turn them upside down to create the vacuum.
Leave them in this position for at least 10 minutes or until completely cold and then store in a cool place.
* To sterilize the jars, put the carefully washed and dried jars into a cold oven when you start cooking the jam. Turn the oven on to 110°C and leave the jars in until the jam is ready.
* the white part and the seeds of a lemon contain natural pectin that helps the jam thicken.

Plum Jam with Rum and Cinnamon

Confettura di prugne con rum e cannella

(per tre vasetti da 250ml / 330 g di confettura)
* 1250 g prugne pulite e denocciolate (circa 1,5kg intere)
* 500 g di zucchero
* 2 limoni
* 2 bastoncini di cannella
* 30 ml rum

Lavate e denocciolate le prugne. Tagliatele a pezzettini e mescolatele con lo zucchero. Copritele e lasciatele macerare al fresco per 12 ore, mescolandole almeno due o tre volte.
Trascorso il tempo di macerazione, versate le prugne in un colino per separare il succo dalla polpa.
Mettete il succo in una pentola e fatelo cuocere finché non inizia ad addensarsi e assumere la consistenza di uno sciroppo denso. Ci vorranno circa 20-25 minuti (dipende dalla quantità di succo).
Nel frattempo, pelate i limoni rimuovendo solo la parte gialla e scartandola.
Tagliate i limoni a metà e spremete il succo, conservando anche i semi. Aggiungete il succo di limone alla polpa di prugne.
In un pezzo di garza pulita mettete le bucce vuote dei limoni, dei semi che avete trovato al interno, e bastoncini di cannella. Legate la garza a modo da fare un fagottino.
Quando il succo inizia a caramellare, unite la polpa di prugne e il fagottino con limoni e cannella.
Lasciate cuocere la frutta mescolando ogni tanto per circa 20-30 minuti.
Togliete il fagottino e spremetelo con l'aiuto di uno schiacciapatate per facendo uscire tutto il succo che ha assorbito.
A questo punto, se volete una marmellata liscia senza pezzetti di frutta e sopratutto senza pezzi grandi di buccia, frullatela con un frullatore a immersione.
Aggiungete il rum ed eventualmente fate cuocere per qualche minuto ancora. Tenete in mente che la marmellata si addensa ulteriormente raffreddandosi.
Versate la marmellata ancora calda nei vasetti caldi e sterilizzati. Chiudeteli e girateli al  contrario lasciandoli almeno 10 minuti in questa posizione o finché si siano raffreddati completamente.
* Per sterilizzare i vasetti, mettete i vasetti ben lavati e asciugati nel forno freddo. Accendete il forno a 110°C e lasciate i vasetti dentro per tutto il tempo che state preparando la marmellata. Sterilizzate i coperchi immergendoli nel alcool.
* La parte bianca della buccia e i semi di limone contengono la pectina, la sostanza che aiuta la marmellata ad addensarsi velocemente.

Plum Jam with Rum and Cinnamon

Pekmez od šljiva s rumom i cimetom

(za tri teglice od 250ml / 330 g pekmeza)
* 1250 g očišćenih šljiva bez koštica (oko 1,5 kg cijelih šljiva)
* 500 g šećera
* 2 limuna
* 2 štapića cimeta
* 30 ml ruma

Operite šljve, izvadite koštice i narežite ih na komadiće.
Pomiješajte šljive sa šećerom, poklopite i ostavite na hladnom 12 sati. Za to vrijeme promiješajte šljive barem 2 do 3 puta da se šećer istopi.
Nakon toga procijedite sok koji su pustile šljive.
Stavite kuhati sok na srednje jakoj vatri dok se ne počne zgušnjavati poput sirupa. Otprilike 20-ak minuta.
U međuvremenu ogulite limunove, tj. skinite samo tanki žuti sloj korice (i odbacite ga). Limunove prepolovite i iscijedite sok, sačuvajte sjemenke.
Sok limuna dodajte pulpi šljiva, a prazne polovice limuna, sjemenke i štapiće cimeta stavite u komad gaze i zavežite.
Kad se sok lagano zgusnuo, dodajte pulpu šljiva i paketić s limunovim koricama i cimetom.
Kuhajte dalje na srednje jakoj vatri dok se voće ne raskuha i pekmez zgusne do željene gustoće (otprilike 20-30 minuta, ovisi o šljivama).
 Izvadite paketić s limunom i cimetom, izmiksajte pekmez štapnim mikserom ako ne volite kožice. Umiješajte rum i prokuhajte još par minuta.
Sipajte vruć pekmez u vruće, sterilizirane staklenke i odmah stavite poklopce. Okrenite staklenke naopako (na poklopac) i ostavite ih najmanje 10 minuta (ili dok se ne ohlade) u tom položaju. Hladan pekmez uspremite na hladno i suho mjesto. Nakon otvaranja čuvajte pekmez u hladnjaku.
*Da biste sterilizirali staklenke, dobro ih operite i osušite, a zatim ih stavite u hladnu pećnicu. Uključite pećnicu na 110°C i držite ih na toj temperaturi dok se kuha pekmez. Poklopce sterilizirajte tako što ćete ih potopiti u alkohol, a zatim ih samo ocijedite (bez ispiranja) i zatvorite staklenke.
* Bijeli dio kore limuna kao i sjemenke sadrže prirodni pektin, tvar koja pomaže da se pekmez brže zgusne.

Plum Jam with Rum and Cinnamon


  1. ja obožavam džem, pekmez, marmeladu,...sve od šljiva...i ovaj tvoj je divan...a slike su ti fantazija....miriše


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