Sweet Six Berrilicious Party

Chocolate and Almond Cake

My little pumpkin turned six last Friday and to my surprise asked for a Hello Kitty birthday cake.
She actually wants Hello Kitty to star all her birthday cakes forever... I'll ask her again in a couple years.


 I'm a last minute person, and although the cake design was ready in my head for weeks, the cake was done
in a very short time, and in a hurry. But I think the smile on her face says it all.


And what was hiding beneath the marshmallow fondant?
Check it out for yourself...

Chocolate and Almond Cake

A Chocolate almond cake with Dark chocolate pastry cream.
A creamy goodness that can please only real chocolate lovers... and my little Hello Kitty fan usually is...
but this time she ate only the MMF decorations. It was a bit sad to see the poor Kitty lose her head.

Chocolate and Almond Cake

The birthday party will actually take place this weekend and I'm considering it just a trial cake.
Some improvements will be necessary... I don't know why, but I'm rarely 100% satisfied with my cakes.

Chocolate and Almond Cake

The choice of colours wasn't random. Here's the rest of decorations I'm preparing. You can see the whole Sweet Berrilicious collection HERE (free download)
And I'll be (hopefully) back with more pictures in a few days... if I survive...

Sweet Berrilicious Collection

Happy Birthday, Momy's Sweet Little Berry


  1. Sono un po' più grandina della tua pumpkin ma adorerei una torta così!

  2. E meno male che l'hai fatta all'ultimo minuto...
    Sei grandiosa, come sempre e la tua cucciola, ops little pumpkin è sempre più bella!

  3. Che sorriso tenerissimo la tua "little pumpkin" :) E' proprio felice della sua torta di compleanno. Ma lo sarei anch'io al posto suo con una torta così. Un bacione e tanti AUGURI

  4. Auguri alla piccola!!! che meraviglia questa torta, nel contempo elegante e raffinate ma anche perfetta per rendere felice qualsiasi bimba.E che dire dell'interno...mi ha lasciato completamente senza parole...e con l'acquolina in bocca

  5. Wow, dekoracija je savršena. Čak se i meni ovako odrasloj jako sviđa torta. Sretan rođendan tvojoj curici!

  6. Srećan rođendan Sari! Torta divno izgleda!

  7. Koje sreće! Torta je prekrasna, a isto i curica. Puno sreće i puno, puno ovako lijepih rođendana!

  8. Ajmee kako je savršen ovaj presjek! :)))


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