Bruschette with Stracchino Cheese and Cherries

Bruschette with Stracchino Cheese and Cherries

Another unusual, for me, recipe with cherries in savoury combination, on a bruschette, with cheese. And once more I couldn't be more positively surprised with how good it tasted. But after the Cous Cous with cherries, I could have expected it and almost knew I'd love this one, too.I've been very busy, getting ready for our vacation, preparing, washing and ironing all the stuff for the little guy whose arrival is not expected for another month and a half, but can't risk anything. Better be ready in case we need to run to hospital straight from the beach.So, for now I'm leaving you with this quick recipe ideal for a hot summer day. But I might be back with something else before we leave on Sunday.

And this is another bread recipe I'm sending over to Heather from Girlichef who's hosting the BYOB (Bake your own bread) event.

Bruschette with Stracchino Cheese and Cherries

(4 servings)
* 12 small slices of bread
* 200 g of stracchino or crescenza cheese
* about 200 g cherries
* fresh chive
* extra virgin olive oil
* salt or gomasio

Toast the bread in an oven under the grill or in a grilling pan.
While still hot drizzle with some good quality extra virgin olive oil (if you like hot stuff, you may finely chop a hot pepper and add it to the oil)
Wash, dry and finely chop a small bunch of chive.
Mix it with the cheese (stracchino and crescenza are a type of fresh, soft and gooey Italian cheese). Spread some cheese on each slice of bread.
Stone and cut in half the cherries. Add them on top of your bruschette with cheese and drizzle with a little more EVOO. Sprinkle with a little salt or gomasio and serve.
You may serve these bruschette as an appetizer, finger food or part of a brunch.

Bruschette with Stracchino Cheese and Cherries

Bruschette con stracchino e ciliegie
(da Cucina naturale, numero di giugno 2012)

(per 4 persone)
* 12 fettine piccole di pane
* 200 g di stracchino o crescenza
* circa 200 g di ciliegie
* un mazzetto di erba cipollina fresca
* olio extra vergine d'oliva
* sale o gomasio

Tostate le fettine di pane nel forno sotto il grill o in una bistecchiera.
Irroratele con l'olio extravergine d'oliva, che potete anche rendere piccante aggiungendoli un peperoncino sminuzzato.
Lavate, asciugate e tagliate finemente l'erba cipollina. Mescolatela con il formaggio e spalmate sulle fettine di pane tostate.
Snocciolate e tagliate a metà le ciliegie. Distribuitele sopra il formaggio. Condite il tutto con un altro po' di olio EVO e un pizzico di sale o gomasio.
Servitele come antipasto, finger food o parte di un brunch.

Bruschette with Stracchino Cheese and Cherries

Bruschette sa stracchinom i trešnjama

(za 4 osobe)
* 12 manje kriške kruha
* 200 g sira stracchino ili crescenza
* oko 200 g trešanja
* svježi vlasac
* ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje
* sol ili gomasio

Prepecite kriške kruha u pećnici pod grilom ili u gril tavi.
Poprskajte ih dobrim maslinovim uljem, kojem po želji (ako volite pikantno) možete dodati i sitno nasjeckan svježi feferon.
Operite, posušite i sitno nasjeckajte manji svežnjić vlasca. Pomiješajte ga sa sirom (stracchino i crescenza su vrsta svježeg, mekanog talijanskog sira, nije sličan ni ricotti ni krem siru, ali ne znam ima li našem području sličan sir).
Namažite malo sira na svaku krišku prepečenog kruha.
Trešnjama izvadite koštice i prepolovite ih. Rasporedite ih ukrasno na kruh preko sira. Pospite s još malo ulja i mrvicom soli ili gomasia.
Poslužite ih kao predjelo, finger food ili kao dio bruncha.

Bruschette with Stracchino Cheese and Cherries


  1. Mi hai dato un bellissimo spunto per una cenetta fresca e sfiziosa :) Mi intriga questa ciliegia in versione salata. Bacioni

    1. So che anche a te piacciono queste combinazioni di frutta nei piatti salati, quindi devi provare assolutamente

  2. Oh my gosh--my weakness--cherries! Ever since I was a kid, cherries have been my favorite fruit. Pair them with two of my other favorite things, bread and cheese, and this makes the perfect plate for me! I want to dive in. Beautiful, Dajana =)

    1. We share not one but three weaknesses :)) Thanks a lot

  3. It is cherry season now in Washington state and these look like a great way to enjoy them in a more savory fashion. Thank you so much for sharing these with BYOB, just wonderful.

    1. Unfortunately, cherry season is already over, here. You can still see some at supermarkets but they really aren't at their top. Thanks :))

  4. I hope you and your family have a great time at the beach.

  5. Decisamente originali e curiose.... Ma di te mi strafido....quindi le proverei subito! ;)
    Buon mare! :)

  6. Dajana, this looks so delicious. Perfect for the summer :). Thank you for the recipe.

    1. Thank you. I really need recipes like this for summer and I'm happy to share them further if I like them.

  7. Ovo je baš posebno i jako dobro ! Koja kombinacija i kako samo dobro izgleda . Odlično !

    1. Pravi gurmanski užitak, Branka, a zapravo tako jednostavno

  8. Kakve predivne trešnje! Tako krupne, tamne i sočne! Volim ovakve kombinacije.

    1. Obožavam ovu vrstu trešanja, zovu se duroni i kasna su vrsta trešanja, lokalne su i svježe, kupljene izravno u voćnjaku. Eh, sad treba opet čekati godinu dana do novih. Ove godine sam se baš nauživala iako su mi same trešnje davale probleme s kiselinom, ali nisam im mogla odoljeti.

  9. Hi, I’m Sonia, an Italian food blogger, sorry for my bad English, I want tell you that I have included the link of this recipe in the section on my blog dedicated to “10 ways to make” (“10 Modi di Fare”) bruschette recipes.
    The post is ‘Friselle con pomodorini’ I hope not to bother you.
    Have a nice day.



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