Little red...

Strawberry vinegar

If there's a fruit that I've always loved, uncoditionally and immensely, then it must be strawberry.
Even though they can be bought all year round now, I still love to think of them as spring fruit. And I still remember the emotions and thrill when my mom would get home from work with a surprise in a brown paper bag. The first strawberries of the season were definitely not the best one could try, but the feeling to be eating the best sweet in the world was there for sure.
Strawberries just don't have that same flavour, in any sense.
But still, I like to play with them.
They've found their way to my kitchen and not only in cakes and desserts, but in salads and risotto, as well.
The idea, however, to preserve some of their precious smell and flavour was intriguing, and I gave it a try.
So I'm sharing two ideas with you today, two simple recipes that I've tried last week.
I'm sure the colour and intense scent and flavour of this red vinegar will appeal to you as much as they did to me. And I'm looking forward to using it later on to add some spring feeling to my salads. I guess I should make another batch, after this trial one.
The dried strawberries, too, are like concentrated strawberry flavoring - all natural.

My daughter said yesterday, this salad was just a perfect Mother's Day salad.
Mixed salad with asparagus and strawberries

Strawberry vinegar

175 g fresh strawberries
250 ml white vinegar

Cut the washed, hulled and dried strawberries into small pieces.
Put them in a clean jar and pour the vinegar over them.
Close the jar tightly and keep at room temperature for 3 days.
Filter the vinegar through a fine mash sieve and pour into a bottle.
It will keep for a year.
You can use it to add some spring flavour to your salads or for fish marinade.
I've also been told that it can be added to meringues. Have to try that yet.

Dried strawberries
Dried strawberries

Wash, dry and hull the strawberries. Slice them thinly and place in a single layer on a piece of baking paper.
Place the baking paper directly on the oven rack, in the oven preheated to 80°C.
It will take several hours (it took me 2,5 to 3 hours) for strawberries to e dry and crispy at edges.

Store them in an airtight container and keep for several months.
You can add them to cakes and other desserts, to your cereals or yogurt.

Strawberry vinegar
Aceto alle fragole

175 g di fragole fresce
250 g di aceto bianco

Lavate e asciugate le fragole.
Tagliatele a pezzettini e metteteli in un vasetto di vetro.
Versateci l'aceto, chiudete bene e lasciate riposare a temperatura ambiente per 3 giorni.
Filtrate l'aceto atraverso un colino a maglie fitte, versatelo in una botiglietta, e conservate per un anno.
Usatelo per condire le insalate o per marinare il pesce.

Dried strawberries
Fragole essicate

Lavate e asciugate le fragole mature, ma ben sode (quantità a volontà).
Tagliatele a fettine sottili (2-3 mm) e stendetele sulla griglia del forno foderata con carta da forno in un unico strato.
Mettetele nel forno ventilato riscaldato a 80°C per qualche ora, o meglio finché diventino secce e friabili ai bordi. A me ci sono volute circa 2,5 o 3, dipende dallo spessore.

Conservatele in un contenitore a chiusura ermetica per qualche mese.
Potete utilizzarle per aromatizzare i dolci, o aggiungere nei cereali a colazione.

Strawberry vinegar
Ocat s jagodama

175 g jagoda
250 g bijelog octa
Nasjeckajte jagode i stavite ih u staklenku. Zalijte s octom (ja sam stavila bijeli vinski ocat).
Zatvorite i ostavite na sobnoj temperaturi (ne na hladnom) 3 dana. Zatim procijedite kroz gusto mrežasto cjedilo ili gazu i koristite za salate ili za mariniranje ribe.
Rok trajanja mu je godinu dana.

Dried strawberries
Sušene jagode

Narežite jagode (količinu po želji) na tanke kriške (pazite da su su vam sve iste debljine).
Rasporedite ih na papir za pečenje koji stavite izravno na rešetku u pećnici.
Sušite ih u ventiliranoj pećnici zagrijanoj na 80°C - trebat će vam nekoliko sati (meni je trebalo 2,5 do 3 sata), dok ne postanu suhe i prhke na rubovima.

Čuvajte ih u hermetički zatvorenoj posudi nekoliko mjeseci.
Možete ih dodati u kolače, u žitarice za doručak, sladolede, jogurt itd.


  1. Peccato per l’aceto che mi dà noia allo stomaco, ha un colore meraviglioso penasvo quasi fosse il fragolino. Le fragole essiccate però mi attirano da morire...vado a caccia di una bella cassetta :D! Un bacione, buona settimana

  2. Da divan i ocat a i već sam ti napisala ove sušene su mi savršene.

  3. E' una meraviglia, l'aceto lo faccio immediatamente!

  4. Che bella idea!!! E bellissime le foto... as usual!

  5. Oduševljena sam idejom ovog octa, a bome i idejom sušenih jagoda!

  6. Ideja sa sušenim jagodama je odlična! Oduševljena sam, jer sam alergična na kupovne jagode, a sada ću višak jagoda iz vrta moći sačuvati i koristiti prema potrebi.

  7. Il colore di quell'aceto e' incantevole!!!! e chissa' che sapore meraviglioso. Hai avuto proprio due idee meravigliose.

  8. e ovaj ocat ću raditi sigurno!
    jagode obožavam, i tokom godine preživljavam na raznim džemovima, slatkom od jagode...a sad ću moći uživati i u octu!

    Hvala :)

  9. CHE buono dev'essere l'aceto alle fragole...
    le fragole essiccate mi incuriosiscono molto... le vedo bene insieme ai cereali nello yogurt o nella preparazione di molti dolci.
    un bacione.

  10. jos cekam da dodju one prave, za sada samo spanjolske, koje imaju polovicnu boju i nikakav okus!

  11. This reminded me of a raspberry vinaigrette I once tasted on a salad which left an impression on my taste buds.

  12. Jako mi se sviđaju obje ideje i definitivno ovo moram pokušati i sama napraviti. Fotke su ti divne! ;)

  13. Molto, bello, colorato e saporito.

  14. Savrseno, od octa preko slika pa do Mother's Day salate :-)

  15. Dajana, ova ideja za sušene jagode, isprobavam čim prije!! Obožavam sušene jagode kao dodatak jogurtu, pogotovo u zimskim mjesecima kada o okusima ljeta mogu samo sanjati!! Divna ideja!!
    Jaaako mi se dopada i ovaj jagodičasti ocat, presavršen je!!


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