Ice cream season kick off
So precious I thought I really needed a special occasion to open it, to taste it, to enjoy it.
It's food, of course, I'm talking about. And the green souvenir in question is Pistachio cream that I bought in Sicily last summer.
Carefully checked the expiery date... it's near, but there's still time.
Looking through some old copies of Cucina naturale magazine I noticed this Pistachio ice cream, they suggested serving it with fresh cherries, but I couldn't wait for cherries to be in season, so I thought some amarena cherries would be just fine for this time of the year.
Althogh the rest of my family begs for chocolate ice cream every time I take the ice cream maker out (and I have made it several times since I published the recipe here), I decided that the official beginning of the ice cream season should be green-ish.
Now, the sad thing about this whole story is that I don't have any pistachio cream left, and the ice cream is almost gone as well. And if you've never tasted that creamy green goodness, you don't know what you're missing. Apart from everything else that is beautiful about Sicily, I have one more reason to go back, as soon as possible.
I have to say I really liked this recipe as well. Using ricotta cheese instead of heavy cream you get somewhat lighter taste, but still creamy and delicious. It can be used as a base for other flavours as well. Mind just one thing, it's a rather small quantity, you may want to double it right from the start.
(for approx. 500 ml)
* 250 ml milk
* 125 g ricotta cheese
* 100 g sugar
* 2 egg yolks
* 1 whole egg
* 1/4 vanilla bean
* 75 g pistachio cream (paste)
Whisk the ricotta until creamy or strain through a fine mash strainer.
Mix it with the milk and put in a medium saucepan, with the vanilla bean cut in half (scrape the seeds first and add them, too).
Stirring continuously on low heat, bring the mixture to a boil.
Whisk together the egg yolks, the whole egg and the sugar in a mixing bowl. Add the pistachio cream as well. Stir in a couple spoonfuls of hot milk, and then pour in the rest in a thin streak whisking the eggs all the time.
Put everything back into the saucepan and cook on low heat, stirring until the custard starts coating the back of the spoon and starts boiling.
Strain the custard through a fine mash sieve (removing thus the vanilla bean as well), and let it cool at room temperature first, and then in the fridge.
Prepare the ice cream in your ice cream machine or simply pour it into an airtight container and freeze until firm.
** Now that I've used up all the Sicilian pistachio cream I'll try making my own pistachio paste. The procedure should be as follows:
Blanch the pistachios in boiling water, drain and remove the skins. Let them dry well and then pure in a food processor or with a stick blender. This way you should get a more intensly tasting pistachio paste than the one I used in this recipe (which was only 50% pistachios)
(per circa 500 ml di gelato)
* 250 ml di latte
* 125 g di ricotta cremosa
* 100 g di zucchero
* 2 tuorli d'uovo
* 1 uovo intero
* 1/4 di bacca di vaniglia
* 75 g di crema di pistacchi
Setacciate o mescolate bene con una frusta la ricotta. Unitela al latte, aggiungete anche la bacca di vaniglia tagliata a metà orizzontalmente e portate lentamente a bollore mescolando.
In una ciotola mescolate i tuorli, l'uovo e lo zucchero. Unite la crema di pistacchi e poi versateci piano il latte caldo, mescolando contemporaneamente con la frusta.
Rimettete il tutto sul fuoco e scaldate mescolando finché la crema avrà raggiunto il bollore e comincia a velare il cucchiaio.
Versate la crema in una ciotola filtrandola attraverso un colino a maglie fitte rimuovendo anche la bacca di vaniglia.
Lasciatela raffreddare prima a temperatura ambiente, e poi in frigo.
Versate la crema fredda nella macchina per il gelato seguendo le istruzioni per il vostro apparecchio.
Se non avete la macchina per il gelato, versatela in un contenitore con coperchio e mettete subito nel freezer, senza il passaggio nel frigo.
(za otprilike 500 ml sladoleda)
* 250 ml mlijeka
* 125 g sira ricotte
* 100 g šećera
* 2 žumanjka
* 1 cijelo jaje
* 1/4 mahune vanilije
* 75 g kreme od pistacija
Ispasirajte dobro ocijeđenu ricottu i pomiješajte je s mlijekom. Dodajte uzdužno prerezanu mahunu vanilije.
Stavite na vatru i uz stalno miješanje, na srednjoj do slaboj vatri, pustite da prokuha.
Pomiješajte u zdjeli žumanjke, jaje i šećer, dodajte kremu od pistacija**, a zatim prvo par žlica vrućeg mlijeka, a potom i ostatak sipajući ga u tankom mlazu i polako, i stalno miješajući, da se jaja ne bi zgrušala.
Vratite sve na vatru i kuhajte na laganoj vatri, miješajući dok krema ne prokuha.
Maknite s vatri i prespite u zdjelu, kroz gusto mrežasto cjedilo, i ostavite da se ohladi.
Ako ćete sladolet raditi u stroju za sladoled ostavite ga da se prvo dobro ohladi u hladnjaku par sati a zatim radite po uputama za vaš stroj.
Ako nemate stroj, stavite smjesu u posudu pogodnu za zamrzavanje, s poklopcem, i hladite u zamrzivaču dok se smjesa ne stisne. Promiješajte vilicom svaka dva sata da spriječite nastanak velikih kristala leda.
**Ja sam ovaj put imala gotovu kremu od pistacija pa sam nju koristila. Ako je ne možete nabaviti onda pistacije (očišćene, neposoljene, blanširane) sameljite, a zatim štapnim mikserom ili električnim mlinom za kavu miksajte dok ne dobijete glatku kremu.
Looks like you did find the best way to use up the pistachio cream..Can it be made at home using a blender? Just Curious!
ReplyDeleteThis looks amazing, i have never seen pistachio cream before, do you think you could puree pistachios??
ReplyDeleteQuando compro qualcosa per me di prezioso la conservo fino a farla quasi scadere! ;)
ReplyDeleteNon dovevo passare di qua stamattina!!! Lo vogliooooooooooooo ^__^ Un baciotto, buona settimana
ReplyDeleteMmmm, fantastično a naročito mi je zanimljivo što nema svježih jaja i još sa ricottom! Pun pogodak!
ReplyDeleteCool Lassi(e) and muppy,I've written instructions for making pistachio puree at the bottom of the recipe. It won't be the same thing as this cream, since the cream I used is only 50% pistachios and other things, like powdered milk, oil etc. are added to make it smooth and spreadable (like nutella, just to make a comparison), but on the other hand the flavor would certainly be more intense. The original recipe actually called for simply ground pistachios, but since my family doesn't like "grainy" from nuts ice cream I decided to sub the ground nuts with the cream. Hope I helped you.
ReplyDeleteFantasie (Stefania), è esattamente quello che è quasi successo a me. Il pesto di pistacchi lo sto ancora guardando e pensando :))
Federica, fai un saltino calimero, ti aspetto per l'ora della merenda :))
Snježana, hvala ti, ja sam odlučila da sladoled s nekuhanim jajima nije dobar izbor (za mene), radije odvojim malo više vremena i skuham kremu, sigurnija sam, i okus mi se više sviđa. S ricottom je stvarno super.
Gelato con la ricotta!! che bellissima idea hai avuto....mannaggia a non avere la gelatiera :(
ReplyDeleteMi prendo una delle tue ciotoline ;)
OMG pistacio krema!!! Ovdje toga nema nikad, tko zna hoćemo li to uopće uvoziti. Obožavam pistacio, mogu si zamisliti okus ove kreme, božanstveno. Sladoled izgleda fantastično (meni je sladoled od pistacija br. 1 uvijek) i jako mi se sviđa što si ga učinila laganijim ovom ricottom umjesto slatkog vrhnja!
ReplyDeleteElenuccia, grazie, credi mi, viene benissimo anche senza la gelatiera, basta tirarlo fuori ogni ora o due, mescolare.
ReplyDeleteTamara, ja sam isto dugo čitala o njoj na blogovima, i sanjala, kad sam je ugledala ljetos na Siciliji skakala sam od sreće. Ima i za naručiti na internetu
mmmmm è tempo che anche io sfoderi al gelatiera!
ReplyDeleteAdoro il gusto pistacchio!
I've never heard of pistachio cream before. I have only tasted pistachio ice-cream once at an Indian restaurant, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Yours looks lovely, with such an interesting use of ricotta too!
ReplyDeleteWhat a neat post! Looking forward for more post from you. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeletebez teksta sam:))) odusevila me ricotta, a fotke su me dotukle:))) savrsen je i ceka na red!
ReplyDeleteDivan sladoled ! Ovo što je sa sirom me posebno privlači, definitivno kod mene neisprobana kombinacija i recept bilježim !
ReplyDeleteObožavam pistacie i sladoled od istih. Ovo moram obavezno isprobati, samo kod nas ne mogu naći nepečene pistacie pa ću i tu morati malo improvizirati.
ReplyDeleteU svakom slučaju sigurna sam da je ovo predivno. :)