Waiting for Santa

Chocolate Crinkles

A few "pearls" from my 6-year-old daughter:

"Have you seen it, Mom? Santa really exists!" ("Of course he does.") - After Christmas party at her kindergarten.

"Why does Santa always visit me at my Grandparent's, and never at my house?" ("Because we are never at home at Christmas. You do want to receive your presents on Christmas Day, not 2 weeks later, don't you?"

On Thursday, 17th Dec.: "It's snowing and Jesus was born today, because it's Christmas today." ("Well, actually, it's not Christmas yet, there's only the Christmas party at your kindergarten. Are you sure Jesus had two twin brothers? 'Cause I think you could put only one in our Nativity scene :)))))))

Do you still believe in Santa Clause?
What cookies are you making for him?
I'm sure he'd love to get some of these.

Chocolate Crinkles
* 2 eggs
* 60 g butter
* 100 g sugar
* 200 g dark chocolate
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 200 g flour
* 1 teaspoon baking powder
* 1/4 teaspoon salt

+ more granulated sugar and powdered sugar for coating

Chop finely the chocolate and melt over low heat (possibly in a double boiler or in the microwave) and set aside to cool a bit.

In a bowl wisk together the flour, the salt and the baking powder.
Put the butter (at room temperature), the sugar, the vanilla extract and the cooled melted chocolate in a mixing bowl and cream with an electric mixer until just homogeneous (I asked Santa for a stand mixer, but, although I was a good girl... I got only the cast iron casserole, not that I'm complaining, but...). 
Add the eggs, one at a time and mix them in without overbeating them (I actually only whisked them in).
Stir in the flour mixture and form a soft dough. Put it in the fridge for at least 3 hours, or even better, overnight (but it will be stiff enough after only 3 hours).
Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Line two or three baking sheets with baking paper.
Prepare two bowls, one with fine granulated sugar and one with powdered sugar.
Take a little dough, about 1/2 tablespoon, form a ball and coat with granulated sugar.

Then roll it in powdered sugar and coat really well.
Place thus formed snow balls on a baking sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes.
Let them sit on the baking sheet for a while and then transfer to cooling rack.
Go to bed, and check for your presents on Christmas morning.

For the complete list of my Christmas Cookies, click HERE.

Chocolate Crinkles

Chocolate Crinkles

* 2 uova
* 60 g burro
* 100 g zucchero
* 200 g cioccolato fondente
* 1 cucchiaino di estratto di vaniglia
* 200 g farina
* 1 cucchiaino di lievito
* 1/4 cucchiaino di sale

+ zucchero semolato e zucchero a velo per copertura
Fate sciogliere il cioccolato spezzettato a bagnomaria o nel forno a microonde. Lasciatelo raffreddare un po'.
Setacciate insieme la farina, il lievito e il sale.
Lavorate il burro a temperatura ambiente, lo zucchero, il cioccolato e l'estratto di vaniglia in una terrina con uno sbattitore elettrico ad alta velocità fino a ottenere una crema.
Unite le uova uno alla volta senza mescolare troppo.
Incorporate anche la farina formando un impasto abbastanza morbido.
Copritelo e lasciate riposare nel frigorifero per almeno 3 ore (ancora meglio, tutta la notte).
Accendete il forno a 180°C.
Rivestite due o tre piastre con la carta da forno.
Preparate due ciotoline, una col lo zucchero semolato e una con lo zucchero a velo.
Con un cucchiaino prendete un po' di impasto, formate una pallina. Passatela prima nello zucchero semolato e poi nello zucchero a velo e disponete le palline così ottenute sulle piastre.
Cuocete i biscotti per 8-10 minuti, dentro devono rimanere morbidi.
Lasciateli raffreddare per qualche minuto sulla piastra e poi trasferiteli su una griglia e lasciateli raffreddare completamente prima di metterli in un contenitore di latta.

Per la lista completa di miei biscotti di Natale, cliccate QUI.

Chocolate Crinkles

Chocolate Crinkles

* 2 jaja
* 60 g maslaca
* 100 g šećera
* 200 g čokolade za kuhanje
* 1 žličica ekstrakta vanilije
* 200 g brašna
* 1 žličica praška za pecivo
* 1/4 žličice soli

+ sitni kristal šećer i šećer u prahu za valjanje

Otopite čokoladu na pari ili u mikrovalnoj pećnici i ostavite da se malo ohladi.
Prosijte skupa brašno, sol i prašak za pecivo.
Umutite mikserom maslac (sobne temperature), šećer, čokoladu i ekstract vanilije dok ne dobijete kremu. Umiješajte jedno po jedno jaje, i samo kratko izmutite.
Polako dodajte smjesu brašna i miješajte dok ne dobijete mekano tijesto.
Ostavite ga u hladnjaku najmanje 3 sata da se ščvrsne (još bolje cijelu noć).
Zagrijte pećnicu na 180°C. Pripremite dva ili tri pleha i obložite ih papirom za pečenje.
Žličicom grabite tijesto, oblikujte kuglice, uvaljajte ih prvo u sitni kristal šećer, pa onda u šećer u prahu.
Redajte ih na pleh i pecite 8-10 minuta, unutra trebaju ostati mekani.
Ostavite ih barem 5 minuta na plehu, a onda izvadite i ostavite da se ohlade do kraja. Najbolje ih je čuvati u limenoj kutiji.

Želite li vidjeti moj popis božićnih kolača, kliknite OVDJE.


  1. Uf....baš su fini,rekla bih da su sočnioji...recept se ne razlikuje bas mnogo,mošda sam ja moje malo prepekla:)
    pa su zato utanjili....:)

  2. awwwwe, precious! I love the stuff kids say. I really have to try these cookies, I wished I had seen them sooner, for the moment, I'm all cookied out LOL

  3. Your chocolate crinkles are so well-done! Really love the cracks atop.

  4. mmm troppo buoni questi biscottini... bello il presepe!!!!

  5. If I were Santa I'd be very happy to find these chocolate goodies waiting for me ; )

    I miss the days when I believed in Santa Claus. It gave the holiday season a sort of suspense. And the gifts always seemed so special.

  6. She sounds darling! The cookies look divine!

  7. that is so cute!! I'd like to hear about jesus' twin brothers tho.

    I didnt realize these cookies were so easy. I MUST make them. Shoot...my cookie list is getting longer and longer and christmas is getting closer and closer

  8. So cute!! I know Santa will love these cookies! I just love kids! :D

  9. How adorable! I am thoroughly convinced that these are Santa's favorite cookies. I am going to have to try rolling them in granulated sugar the next time. Ha Ha which will have to be soon cause the first batch I made is gone and Santa will be here in 4 days... LOL

  10. Che buoni questi dolcetti! Li voglio provare al più presto :-)

  11. che belli!!sono splendidi e molto cioccolatosi....li proverò subito...a presto

  12. Ciao dajana, li avevo provati nel periodo di Natale e oggi sono finalmente riuscita a postarli .. sperando di aver fatto cosa gradita, ti lascio il link al mio blog http://sfizievizi.blogspot.it/2014/02/amaretti-al-cioccolato-ovvero-chocolate.html
    buona serata,


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