Summer colours and vegetables in a quiche

At the end of my last post I asked you to help me decide about my next post - and the result was 3 votes for the quiche and 3 for the risotto. So I had to start somewhere, but don't worry Risotto will follow shortly.

I'm also sending this recipe to Evelyne from pasticci & pasticcini, for her collection of zucchini recipes. It's a great, very interesting blog.
Not so long ago, I bought this booklet Le Torte Salate, full of amazing vegetable and cheese tarts, quiches and strudels - all savoury. And you know me, when it comes to tarts, vegetables and cheese, I'm happy to leave my sweet baked goods, and turn the oven on, even if the temperature is... well, not so pleasantly cool. However, I let this new book sit around for too long, checked all the recipes several times, but every time I wanted to make something, I had the main ingredient(s) missing. I was starting to think "Will I ever make anything from this beautiful book?" Well the answer is here, I finally did, and started from the cover recipe. After all, that's why I bought the book in the first place. Wouldn't you do the same? For me, it's a perfect picture of summer. And there's everything in it: proteins, carbs, vegetables. I just had some fresh mixed salad with/after it.

Of course, I didn't plan on making it, and by the time I realised I had to start making something for dinner, it was too late to go grocery shopping. But I did have enough ingredients in my fridge to make just few changes.
Let me tell you, it turned out really great. Soft and flavourful. I enjoyed thoroughly with my eyes and my mouth, and my tummy was totally happy with this dinner.
So I'll give you the list of ingredients that I used, with the original recipe (where it differs in) in brackets.
Of course, the quiche is made with patè brisèe, but I didn't have any and it was too late to start making it from scratch, so I used puff pastry that I happened to have in my fridge. And I didn't have any pancetta or Provolone cheese, but used ham and mozzarella instead. The rest is pretty much the same.


*a sheet of puff pastry (paté brisèe)
*1 small red bell pepper
*2 zucchini
*1 red onion
*3 eggs
*50 g ham (pancetta)
*100 g mozzarella (provolone cheese)
*6 basil leaves
*1 tablespoon of breadcrumbs
*1 tablespoon grated Parmigiano Reggiano

Wash and clean the vegetables. Grate the zucchini (save a few slices for decorating), slice thinly the onion, and cut finely the pepper.

In a bowl, mix together the eggs, grated Parmigiano, chopped basil leaves, salt and pepper to your taste. Add the vegetables and mix well with a fork.

Line a 20-22 cm tart pan with puff pastry (sorry, patè brisèe), sprinkle the breadcrumbs on the bottom. Put the diced ham (or pancetta) and mozzarella (or Provola).

Pour the eggs and vegetables mixure on top.

Decorate with a few slices of zucchini and peppers.

It's ready to go into the oven. Bake it in an oven preheated to 180°C for 25-30 minutes. Let it rest a few minutes before serving.

I'll definitelly make it again, with patè brisèe, of course. You can see this was a success, this was the only piece left at the end:



Mando questa ricetta a Evelyne del blog pasticci & pasticcini per la sua raccolta di ricette con le zucchine.
La ricetta viene dal libro Torte Salate (Cucina Moderna). Ho dovuto cambiare un paio d'ingredienti che mi mancavano. Torte salate per me sono sempre le preparazioni dell'ultimo momento, butto dentro quello che trovo nel frigo, e poi come viene viene. Questa volta avevo davanti questa deliziosa ricetta, l'orologio che indicava che l'ora della cena si stava avvicinando e naturalmente, ho usato quello che avevo. Pasta sfoglia al posto della pasta brisée, prosciutto cotto invece della pancetta, e mozzarella (che avevo comprato per una cosa completamente diversa) al posto della provola affumicata. Non è venuta per niente male. Direi, ottima. Se non vi dispiace che questa quiche sia fatta con la pasta sbagliata. Vi do, quindi, la ricetta come l'ho adattata io e com'era nel libro, scegliete voi.

*un rotolo di pasta sfoglia (pasta brisée)
*2 zucchine piccole chiare
*1 peperone rosso medio (o due piccoli)
*1 cipolla rossa
*3 uova
*50 g di prosciutto cotto (o pancetta)
*100 g di mozzarella grattugiata grossolanamente (o provola affumicata)
*1 cucchiaio di parmigiano grattugiato
*6 foglie di basilico tritato al coltello
*sale e pepe
*1 cucchiaio di pangrattato

Lavate e asciugate le verdure. Spuntate e pulite le zucchine, pelate la cipolla e tagliate i peperoni a falde larghe. Tritate le zucchine con una grattugia a fori grossi, conservando qualche fettina per decorare. Tagliate la cipolla e peperone a fettine sottili.
Sbattete le uova con il parmigiano grattugiato e il basilico tritato, regolate di sale e pepe e unite le verdure, mescolando bene con una forchetta.
Foderate uno stampo da torte dal bordo basso di 20-22 cm di diametro con la pasta sfoglia (o brisée). Cospargete la sfoglia con un leggero strato di pangrattato e versate i dadini di prosciutto cotto (o pancetta) e la mozzarella grattugiata grossolanamente. Versateci sopra anche il composto di uova e verdure, decorate con le fettine di zucchine e infornate a 180°C per 25-30 minuti. Lasciate riposare per qualche minuto prima di servire.


Za quiche je potrebno prhko tijesto (patè brisée), ali ja sam imala samo lisnato, pa sam ga i iskoristila i nije bilo nimalo loše. Bila je doista ukusna i sigurno nije zadnji put da sam je napravila.

* lisnato tijesto (ili prhko tijesto)
* 2 manje tikvice
* 1 crvena paprika
* 1 glavica crvenog luka
* 3 jajeta
* 50 g šunke (ili slanine)
* 100 g mozzarelle
* 1 žlica ribanog parmezana
* 6 listova bosiljka
* mrvice

Operite i osušite povrće. Grubo naribajte tikvice, a luk i papriku narežite tanko.
Umutite u zdjeli jaja s parmezanom i narezanim bosiljkom, posolite i popaprite, pa umiješajte povrće. Dobro promiješajte vilicom.
U okrugli niski kalup za torte promjera 20-22 cm stavite lisnato (ili prhko) tijesto. Pospite ga mrvicama. Stavite šunku narezanu na kockice i naribanu ili narezanu mozzarellu. Uspite i smjesu jaja i povrća, poravnajte žlicom, ukrasite s nekoliko kriški tikvica. Pecite u pećnici zagrijanoj na 180°C 25-30 minuta. Ostavite da odstoji nekoliko minuta, pa poslužite. Dobar tek!


  1. That looks beautiful! And puff pastry - I'm in. If I don't have to make pastry then I'm a happy camper. This is going on the menu when I'm back from holidays.

  2. I love frittatas! Yours looks a lot fancier than mine ever do! I love that you put peppers in it. Steve never lets me!

  3. this is amazing I adore Quiche thanks for posting I am hungry!!

  4. It looks and sounds (and I wish I could smell it and taste it) fabulous! I'm ready for any left? :)

  5. Che bei colori queste verdure!!!! ricetta semplice e buona Complimenti Pasquy

  6. Love this recipe - except without the onions! I wish my hubby would agree for something like this for dinner - its so quick and light for a week night meal!

  7. I wish I could have one wedge looks fabulous, esp. the shiny golden colour...just intriguing...I gotta go cook something...really hungry now!

  8. complimenti... è una vera e propria delizia questa quiche!
    baci ebuona serata.

  9. It looks terrific! I would love to have some right now for my breakfast!

    I loved learning that Orzo means Barley in Italian. :0)

  10. Dajana, I am starving now!! Questa torta assomiglia deliciosa!! <-- I hope that is right

  11. Almost, Shane, haha (change assomiglia into sembra)
    Thanks, everyone

  12. Looks great! I need to try making a quiche again.

  13. thats like summer in a plate!! love the colours!

  14. It's so colorful!! Looks delicious and sounds even better :)

  15. Ottima riuscita!!!
    Bravissima come sempre!!!
    Baci ...

  16. This looks heavenly delicious with all those goodies tucked in there!

  17. Meravigliosa questa quiche,ho l'acquolina in bocca!!!

  18. Wow that looks so yummy!! I have to try this!!


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