I'm in heaven... Blueberry heaven...
I'm a fresh fruit addict, that's for sure. Whatever fruit is in season, I try to eat as mush as possible. But I also like to make things and bake with it. So I always end up buying double quantity of whatever I set my eyes upon. It was the case with cherries, and it's the same with blueberries. And if prices for cherries are outrageous, what do you say for 3 euros for 125 g of blueberries!!! I guess they are rare here, or whatever the reason.
However, friends, I made these mini cheesecakes yesterday to send over to Reeni, for this week's Blogger's Secret Ingredient: BLUEBERRIES, and I swear I went to blueberry heaven for a moment. I couldn't wait for them to cool down, I started plunging my fork into one of these little beauties and enjoying thoroughly with my eyes closed. Still warm, melting on my tongue, soft blueberies inside that just glided down my throat. Oh, that was... I don't know, try to imagine. Check it out and tell me if you don't like it!
*sweet shortcrust pastry
2 C (250 g) plain flour
4 oz (125 g) cold butter, chopped
1/4 C (60 g) sugar
2 egg yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2-3 tablespoons cold water
*cheese cream
5 oz (160 g) fresh blueberries
8 oz (250 g) cream cheese
1/2 C (125 g) sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 egg
3 tablespoons cream
3 tablespoons slivered almonds for decoration Sift the flour onto a kneading board or into a large mixing bowl and add the butter. Using your fingertips, rub the butter into the flour until fine and crumbly. Stir in the sugar. Add the combined egg yolks, vanilla extract and 2 tablespoons of the water.
Cut with a knife to form a dough, adding the remaining water if necessary. Gather together to form a smooth dough. Do not overwork.
Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Lightly grease six 4" (10cm) tart pans. Divide the pastry into six equal portions and roll out between two sheets of non stick paper.
Line the base and sides of the pans.
Chill for 15 minutes. Bake for 15 minutes or until lightly browned.
Remove from the oven and reduce the heat to 350°F (180°C).
Place blueberries in each pastry case to cover the base. Beat the cream cheese and sugar together until light and fluffy. Add the vanilla extract and egg.
Mix well and fold in the cream. Pour over the blueberries and sprinkle with almonds (Sorry, I didn't have any, uuuuuuuuuuuups).
Bake for 20 minutes or until the filling has set.
Dust with powdered sugar if you like, and serve.
Yeah, well, I was helping myself, while my poor family was waiting for dinner and yelling from the living room: "Are we eating yet!!!"
Prekrasna sočna pita od svježih borovnica, kojoj je nemoguće odoljeti. Jednostavno se topi u ustima, a borovnice su tako meke i slatke da ih gotovo nećete ni primijetiti, tako će brzo kliznuti niz grlo. Uživajte.
Za tijesto:
250 g brašna
125 g hladnog maslaca, narezanog na ploškice
60 g šećera
2 žumanjka
1 žličica ekstrakta vanilije
2-3 žlice hladne vode
za punjenje:
160 g svježih borovnica
250 g krem sira (npr. Philadelphia)
125 g šećera
1 žličica ekstrakta vanilije
1 jaje
3 žlice slatkog vrhnja
3 žlice narezanih badema
Prosijte brašno na radnu površinu (ili u zdjelu ako vam je lakše), dodajte maslac pa trljajte vršcima prstiju da dobijete mrvice. Umiješajte šećer, ekstrakt vanilije, žumanjke i 2 žlice hladne vode. Nožem pomiješajte sastojke da se povežu u tijesto. Po potrebi dodajte još jednu žlicu vode. Brzo i kratko izmijesite na malo pobrašnjenoj radnoj površini, i oformite glatku kuglu.
Podijelite tijesto na šest jednakih dijelova. Razvaljajte svaki dio tanko između dva komada papira za pečenje i pokrijte dno i stranice malo namaštenih kalupića za pite promjera 10 cm. Stavite u hladnjak na 15 minuta. Izbodite dno vilicom i pecite 15 minuta u pećnici zagrijanoj na 200°C.
Za kremu umutite krem sir, sobne temperature, sa šećerom da postane pjenast. Umiješajte ekstrakt vanilije, jaje i na kraju vrhnje.
Izvadite pite iz pećnice i smanjite temperaturu na 180°C.
Rasporedite borovnice u pitice i nalijte kremu od sira preko njih. Pecite još 20-25 munuta ili dok se krema ne ščvrsne, ali ostane malo vlažna.
Pospite po želji šećerom u prahu.
Un cheesecake davvero delizioso e morbidissimo. Semplice, ma assolutamente irresistibile. Affondate il vostro cucchiaio, chiudete gli occhi e godetevi questa meraviglia.
*per la pasta frolla:
250 g di farina
125 g di burro freddo
60 g di zucchero
2 tuorli d'uovo
1 cucchiaino di estratto di vaniglia
2-3 cucchiai di acqua fredda
*per il ripieno
160 g di mirtilli freschi
250 g di formaggio (tipo Philadelphia)
125 g di zucchero
1 cucchiaino di estratto di vaniglia
1 uovo
3 cucchiai di panna
Per la frolla, setacciate la farina, aggiungete il burro freddo tagliato a pezzetti e strofinate delicatamente con le mani formando delle briciole. Aggiungete lo zucchero, l'uovo, l'estratto di vaniglia, 2 cucchiai di acqua fredda e impastate velocemente formando una palla liscia.
Dividete in sei parti uguali e foderate sei stampini da crostata di diametro 10 cm che avete unto leggermente con un po' di burro. Lasciate riposare in frigo per 15 minuti e poi cuocete nel forno riscaldato a 200°C per 15 minuti. Togliete dal forno e abbassate la temperatura a 180°C.
Per la crema, sbattete con la frusta elettrica il formaggio (a temperatura ambiente) con lo zucchero finché diventi leggero e spumoso. Aggiungete l'uovo, la vaniglia e alla fine la panna, mescolando bene tutto.
Distribuite i mirtilli nelle crostatine e versateci la crema di formaggio sopra. Potete anche decorare con delle mandorle.
Infornate di nuovo per circa 20-25 minuti. Spolverate con un po' di zucchero a velo prima di servire.
beh deve essere di una bontà unica!
ReplyDeleteGrazie, Federica, sapessi quanto è buono
ReplyDeleteI would be in cloud 7 if I could have one slice of your blueberry cake!
ReplyDeletep.s. Thank you for displaying my logo ;-) Have you one too?
Angie's Recipes
Thank you, Angie,
ReplyDeleteI don't have one, I still haven't learned how to make it.
Those are adorable Dajana! I love homemade cheesecake.
ReplyDeleteWhat a scrumptious dessert! Rich and decadent - I would of eaten this for dinner! Thanks for the awesome entry, Dajana.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great way to use the abundance of summer blueberries! We go picking every summer- this looks like a yummy use for them!
ReplyDeleteI'm not really a blueberry fan, but those look awesome. I love cheesecake though and I bet I would still enjoy those. ;)
ReplyDeleteoh Dajana... ma tu hai creato una divinità :D
ReplyDeleteche delizia!!!
Wonderful entry! This is beyond words amazing looking!
ReplyDeleteYour photos a terrific too!
*Cathy, thanks. Everything is better when homemade, isn't it?
ReplyDelete*Reeni, you're welcome, glad you like it.
*finsmom, I wish I could pick some blueberries this summer, that would be great.
*Bob, you could try with some other fruit, but I sure you blueberries are awesome in this cake.
*Betty, sei carina, grazie.
*Kim, thanks, now I'm enjoying both, baking and picture taking. I hope I'll have a better camera one day, but this one is fine for now.
That looks delicious!! :)
ReplyDeleteBuonissimo,ottima ricetta,sento il profumino ummmmmmmm posso prendere una fetta?
ReplyDeletewow...after seeing all those blueberries I think I'm in heaven too. thank god we're in the same place so I can continue to enjoy your pastries :D
ReplyDeletesono bellissimi questi tiortini, oltre che certamente buoni!:D
ReplyDelete*Thanks a lot, Courtney.
ReplyDelete*Nanny, ma certo, ti aspetto.
*Danielle, oh dear, if the two of us lived near each other, I can only imagine how big we'd get, hahaha!
*Grazie, Genny, sono buonissimi
Mmmm blueberry cheesecake! I hope one of those is for me! ;D
ReplyDeleteOh, they are just gorgeous...and I agree about trying to eat fresh fruit in season...tastes so much better and feels so much better for some some reason :)
ReplyDeleteYum!! You have a fun blog and I can't wait to try some of your recipes!