Puff, puff... puff pastry
Finally, the weather changed a bit yesterday, it was cooler and fresher, rained a little bit. Yay, I could turn my oven on without melting in front of it. The sad news, however, is that the heat killed my thyme, while I was away. Does anyone know if it will recover? What if I cropped it, would it grow again? It's completely burnt and dry. And I'm so sad for that, I'll have to look for another plant to buy.
This is the result of the yesterday's weather change. Hope you're not getting tired of my tarts!!! 'Cause I have many more recipes I'd like to try.
If you are looking for a quick, meatless dinner, this is a solution for you.
And if you like puff pastry, grab a piece of this tart, you won't be sorry.
My husband's comment was simply: "This one's good, too." He had in mind the Ricotta and Leek tart that I made again last week and that he liked very much.
I have to say one more thing. I've never made puff pastry myself. I guess I fear it a little bit. And on the other hand, that's the beauty of having a quick home made meal using some help, where the thing would have become a long story instead. And another reason is that I always expect to find a new recipe inside the package of my store bought puff pastry. That's how I found this one. Thanks, Mr. Giovanni Rana, I enjoyed your recipe very much.
1 sheet of puff pastry
6-8 small tomatoes
1 potato
1 mozzarella (100 or 125 g)
a few basil leaves
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper to your taste
Cut tomatoes in halves, remove seeds, salt them and leave on the cutting board for a few minutes with the cut part down.
Place tomatoes in it with the cut part facing down. Distribute the potato pieces in between.
Take the tart out of the oven and carefully turn over on a serving plate. This is why a spring form is better here, it would have made thing easier, not to mention the fact that everything sticks to the bottom of my tart pan. I had to put tomatoes and potatoes back in their place.
I had a little bit of puff pastry left so I cut it into triangles, placed a piece of prosciutto cotto on top, and then rolled them starting from the bottom of the triangle, and baked.
It's so refreshing and nourishing on summer evenings.
1 rotolo di pasta sfoglia
6/8 pomodorini
1 patata
1 mozzarella
un ciuffetto di basilico
olio extra vergine di oliva
sale e pepe
Tagliate a metà i pomodori, togliete i semi, salateli e lasciateli capovolti per qualche minuto.
Ungete d'olio il fondo di uno stampo per torte a cerniera oppure uno stampo per le crostate.
Disponete i pomodori nella tortiera con la parte tagliata verso il basso.
Tagliate a dadini la patata e distribuitela negli spazi vuoti, tra un pomodoro e l'altro.
Regolate di sale e pepe.
Coprite con la pasta sfoglia e bucherellate la superficie.
Cuocete in forno a 200°C per 15 minuti, abbassate la temperatura a 180°C e lasciate cuocere per altri 15 minuti.
Staccate accuratamente i bordi della torta dalla tortiera.
Rovesciatela sul piatto di portata e completate con le fettine di mozzarella e le foglioline di basilico.
Io l'ho messa di nuovo nel forno per qualche minuto prima di servire.
1 list lisnatog tijesta
6/8 malih rajčica
1 krumpir
1 mozzarella
nekoliko listića bosiljka
maslinovo ulje
sol i papar
Prerežite rajčice napola, odstranite prstom sjemenke, posolite i ostavite da se cijede nekoliko minuta.
Ogulite krumpir i narežite na kockice. Posolite i popaprite po želji.
Rasporedite rajčice u nauljeni kalup za tortu, prerezani dio okrenut prema dolje. Rasporedite krumpir u prazan prostor između rajčica.
Prekrijte rastanjenim lisnatim tijestom koje izbušite vilicom.
Pecite u pećnici zagrijanoj na 200°C oko 15 minuta, potom smanjite temperaturu na 180°C i pecite još 15 minuta.
Pažljivo odvojite rub pite od kalupa, pa izvrnite na tanjur.
Složite mozzarellu narezanu na kriške na vrh, ukrasite listićima bosiljka i poslužite. Ili ako vam se više sviđa, vratite pitu još koju minutu u pećnicu da se mozzarella malo rastopi.
Dobar tek!
You make the most delicious looking tarts!
ReplyDeleteWhat a delicious meal! And know what...I'm a little bit scared of making my own puff pastry, too...good thing it's readily available and good in my freezer case :)
ReplyDeleteI've never made puff pastry either, but I've been wanting to give it a go. Your tart looks awesome! Oh, and welcome back! ;)
ReplyDeletehmm....I hope you have baked more. I like puff, savory or sweet, they are especially good when hot and Mozzarella on top makes the tart really seductive.
ReplyDeleteThat pastry looks so delicious! I have never tried to make one before. I will have to try your recipe. I think my family would love it!
ReplyDeletelooks wonderful love how you have learned to cook new cuisine for your family, I adore Italy we were there in April great blog will follow
*Thanks, Michele, you're so kind :)
ReplyDelete*DD, if you do make it, than I'll be sure to follow your recipe and advice, just like I did with MMF
*Thanks everyone else, I try to keep to one rule in my kitchen - Simple is the best - and I like to feel the flavour of all the ingredients I use.
*Rebecca and Kim, thanks for stopping by
It looks delicious, I would love to try it :)
ReplyDeleteOttima questa pizza rustica ,nuovo è anche il tipo di cottura , solo coperta in superfice della pasta sfoglia,la proverò al più presto ,fa venire l'acquolina in bocca.
ReplyDelete*Thanks, Selba.
ReplyDelete*Grazie Nanny, fammi sapere se ti è piacuta, poi facciamo insieme la pubblicità per Giovanni Rana, perché la ricetta è sua, ha, ha
Anche per me è un metodo originale per cuocere la pizza, da provare. Se passi da me ti ho riservato 2 premi. Ciao
ReplyDeleteI love this pastry. It looks so very delicious!
ReplyDeleteI never think to use potatoes in my tarts. This looks delicious, lovely combo of flavors and puff pastry is so yummy!
ReplyDeleteAwesome tart Dajana! I need to make this when my San Marzano Tomatoes are ready to start harvesting!!
ReplyDeleteCara Dajana, sarei felice se ritirassi il premio- meme. Baci
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your tarts!! That's looks GREAT!
ReplyDeleteWow. This is unconventional but looks delicious anyway. Kudos!