Leek in a tart - I love it!

Ricotta and leek tart

I need to cut on talking this time, because I’m way too busy and shouldn’t be posting at all. But our dinner last night was so delicious that I wanted to share it with all of you.
I found the recipe in an Italian food magazine (Cucina moderna), that I started buying recently and it’s full of simple tasty recipes, a quality I rarely find in other magazines. I’m happy if I find 1 recipe worth trying in most of the magazines .
Well, since both me and my husband LOVE leeks, I definitely had to try this one. And I wasn’t wrong.
A recipe to absolutely keep in mind and make often! Trust me. The smell coming out of the oven every time I opened it was killing me – I ate it with my nose first (!), then with my eyes, the rest finished you know where.

Ricotta and leek tart


a sheet of pate brisèe
2 eggs
100 g smoked pancetta (or bacon)
200 g ricotta cheese
1 leek
20 g fresh dill
30 g of Parmigiano Reggiano

Clean and slice the leek.
Cook diced pancetta with 2 TB of oil in a skillet at medium heat for 2-3 minutes.
Add sliced leek and cook for 3-4 minutes at low heat.
Let it cool.
In a bowl, mix ricotta, eggs, dill, grated Parmigiano Reggiano, pancetta with leek, salt and pepper.
Line a tart form with pate brisèe and punch it with a fork. Pour in the ricotta mixture, level with a spoon.

Ricotta and leek tart Ricotta and leek tart

Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C (350°F) for about 40 minutes.
Serve warm.
Delicious taste, awesome smell! Husband’s approval! Yay!

Ricotta and leek tart


un rotolo di pasta brisèe pronta
2 uova
100 g di pancetta a dadini
200 g di ricotta
un porro
20 g di finocchietto
30 g di Grana o Parmigiano grattugiato
olio extravergine d’oliva
sale, pepe

Pulite il porro e tagliatelo a rondelle. Rosolate la pancetta in una padella con 2 cucchiai di olio su fuoco medio per 2-3 minuti. Abbassate la fiamma, unite il porro e cuocete ancora per 3-4 minuti, poi spegnete e lasciate raffreddare. Riunite in una ciotola la ricotta, le uova, il finocchietto tritato, il grana, la pancetta con i porri, sale e pepe.
Foderate uno stampo con la pasta, bucherellatela con una forchetta, copritela con il composto di ricotta e livellatelo con il dorso di un cucchiaio. Mettete nel forno caldo a 180°C e cuocete per circa 40 minuti. Servite la torta calda o tiepida.

Ricotta and leek tart


list prhkog tijesta
2 jaja
100 g dimljene slanine narezane na kockice
200 g svježeg kravljeg sira
1 poriluk
30 g naribanog sira (Parmigiano Reggiano, odnosno parmenzan)
2 žlice maslinovog ulja
Sol i papar

Za prhko tijesto: 150 g brašna, 80 g maslaca, 2-3 žlice kiselog vrhnja.

Brašno i hladan maslac trljajte vršcima prstiju da dobijete jednolične mrvice. Zamijesite tijesto dodajući vrhnje. Oblikujte kuglu, omotajte prozirnom folijom i stavite u hladnjak 30 minuta (ili 1 sat).

Očistite poriluk i narežite na kolutiće. Popržite slaninu u tavi na ulju na srednjoj temperaturi 2-3 minute. Dodajte poriluk i dinstajte još 3-4 minute na laganoj vatri. Isključite i ostavite da se ohladi.
U zdjeli pomiješajte dobro ocijeđen sir s jajima i parmezanom, dodajte poriluk sa slaninom, posolite i pop aprite.
Rastanjite tijesto i utisnite u plitki okrugli kalup. Izbodite vilicom. Ulijte nadjev i pecite oko 40 minuta na 180°C (ili dok ne porumeni). Poslužite toplo ili mlako.

Ricotta and leek tart


  1. YAY!! you blogged it. I saw you guys talking about it in BakeSpace but didn't have time to write down the recipe you posted in there...this looks sooo good!!

  2. This looks delicious, never thought to use leeks in a tart, must be so tasty!!

  3. Wow, that looks awesome.

  4. Awesome Recipe...!!!! Absolutely delicious!! Thanks for sharing this on BakeSpace, I am making it again on Friday.. :)

  5. That looks truly delicious! I can't wait to try it!

  6. I highly recommend it, everyone.
    I officially declare it my favourite tart.
    Even cold, the day after, it still tasted awsome.


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