Four times melting...
Could you resist something called Melting moments? I absolutely, definitely, positively couldn't. And I'm glad. These cookies have conquered my family, my friends and everyone who's ever tried them. I'd like to give some credit to a book "Biscotti", from a Cordon Blue series, where this recipe comes from. I've tried several other recipes from this book, but neither was this good, and rarely made any of them twice. I have transformed the basic recipe into 4 different forms, so now everybody's happy, my husband included. Because I dared making them with jam only, once, and he was shaking his finger at me, "You weren't thinking about me." I was supposed to know that he'd eat only the Nutella filled ones.
Now before I proceed, I need to thank Shane from Culinary Alchemy, because it was reading his recipe, Berry White in a cookie, that I finally realised how to add Nutella to the center of my Melting Moments cookies. It was something I wanted to do for such a long time, because I had had similar cookies, but just couldn't figure it out for myself.
250 g butter (at room temperature)
100 g powdered sugar
2 egg yolks
310 g flour
1 lemon
Raspberry jam
Place butter, sugar and the finely grated lemon zest in a mixing bowl, and either beat with an electric mixer or with a wooden spoon until light and fluffy.
Add the yolks and continue mixing.
Let them cool for a minute or two and then place on several layers of kitchen paper that will absord extra fat, and leave to cool completely.When all cookies are baked and cold you can fill them raspberry jam (I recommend it) or Nutella (Gaetano recommends it).
There you go.
With the original dough make rings as described before. When you have finished, fill the pastry bag with the Nutella dough and make little "roses" in the middle.
Bake in the same way as described previously.
Take a teaspoonfull of dough, form a ball and then flatten it, place nutella ball in the middle and then close the dough all around it. It won't be difficult as the dough is very soft.
250 g maslaca sobne temperature
100 g mljevenog šećera
2 žumanjka
310 g brašna
naribana korica 1 limuna
pekmez od malina
Stavite maslac sa šećerom i limunovom koricom u zdjelu i miješajte mikserom dok ne postane pjenast. Dodajte žumanjke i miješajte da se sve sjedini, a onda dodajte brašno i izmiješajte dobro drvenom ili plastičnom žlicom.
Stavite platnenu vrećicu za ukrašavanje u visoku čašu pa je napunite smjesom do polovice. Uvrnite vrh vrećice tako da potisnete tijesto dolje, a potom preklopite rub. Držeći vrećicu s obje ruke oblikujte kekse kao na slikama gore. Prva dva će vjerojatno biti prilično teško istisnuti, ali onda se tijesto počne zagrijavati u rukama i bit će puno lakše.
Možete također dodati 1 žlicu nutelle u manji dio tijesto pa našpricati ružice usred prstenova da dobijete dvobojne kekse.Pecite u pećnici zagrijanoj na 180°, C 10-12 minuta, trebaju ostati svijetli. Spojite kekse tako da na puni krug stavite žličicu pekmeza ili Nutelle i onda preklopite prstenom.
Još jedan način da pripremite ove kekse, ako ste strasni ljubitelji Nutelle kao ja, je da rashladite Nutellu u hladnjaku nekoliko sati, potom žličicom napravite kuglice i stavite ih zamrzivač 2 sata. Potom uzmite tijesto (u veličini oraha), najprije napravite kuglicu, potom je stisnite na dlanu, stavite lopticu nutelle u sredinu i oblikujte ponovno kuglicu, pecite kao i ostale. Za prste polizati.
250g burro a temperatura ambiente
100 g zucchero a velo
2 tuorli d' uovo
310 g farina
marmelata di lamponi
Con uno sbattitore elettrico o con un cucchiaio di legno lavorate il burro con lo zucchero a velo e la scorza di limone in una crema soffice e leggera. Incorporate i tuorli, unite la farina e lavorate finché sarà tutto ben amalgamato in un impasto morbido. Trasferitelo in una tasca da pasticcere con beccuccio a stella di 8 mm. Su una piastra foderata con la carta da forno formate delle rosette e degli anelli. Potete anche prendere una parte dell'impasto e aggiungerci 1 cucchiaio di Nutella, e poi riempire i vostri anelli per ottenere dei biscotti bicolore. Cuocere per 10-12 minuti a 180°C. Lasciate raffreddare i biscotti sulla carta da cucina. Dividete i biscotti in coppie, spalmate di marmelata o Nutella sulla parte piatta della rosetta e coprite con un anello.
La variante dei stessi biscotti per i più golosi: raffreddate la Nutella in frigo per un paio di ore. Poi formate delle palline e mettetele nel freezer per 2 ore. Prendete un cucchiaino di impasto, formate prima una pallina e poi appiattitela con la mano, mettete la pallina di Nutella al centro e chiudette formando una pallina. Cuocete i biscotti come prima.
Vi consiglio la ricetta di Shane, Barry White in a cookie or Rocher cookies
Oh wow, those look fantastic! I love Nutella.
ReplyDeleteAwesome Dajana, I love the Three different options for the cookies and the multi translations... I need to try these.. :)
ReplyDeleteThey look scrumptious! I'd go for the Nutella ones, too! Yummmm!
ReplyDeleteThanks, everyone.
ReplyDeleteI have to warn you, these are addictive, I haven't made any other cookies for months now.
Another nutella cookie! Dare I try it???
ReplyDeleteAs soon as you get better, Michele
ReplyDeleteI really like your recipes and the way you explain them...
Those look awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteThey'd be gone in no time at my house!