Chickpeas and Zucchini Salad
Last week was pretty stressful, with the little one not feeling well, me being alone with two kids, a dog and a forgetful neighbour who was supposed to help me out. I'm glad it's behind me, although my husband had to go away again and I've kept S. at home just to make sure she recovers completely before I take her back to kindergarten.
She's a funny little mouse, as I like to call her, always sneaking around the fridge and grabbing things she's not supposed to eat. Then coming back and saying "Mummy, don't look." ^__^
This morning I went to the open market with her, haven't been there in years, litterally.
I hate the confusion that rules there, can't see anything really, just kind of going through as if trying to escape.
But one thing S. noticed immediately were watermelons. She wouldn't leave without it. And since I told her she would get to eat it only if she finished all of her lunch, she cleaned her plate in a matter of seconds.
But coming back to things I like.
I really, really love salads like this. They're an excellent meal on their own.
Colourful and attractive, healthy, too.
Just grab a slice of your favorite bread and join in..
Chickpea and Zucchini Salad with Tomatoes and Arugula
* 250 g precooked chickpeas
* 250 g cherry tomatoes
* 3 zucchini
* a bunch of arugula (rocket) salad
* 2 shallots
* 2 cloves of garlic
* a handful of basil leaves
* 1 teaspoon finely chopped rosemary leaves
* 1 TBspoon sesame seeds
* salt
* Extra Virgin Olive Oil
* Wash the tomatoes and cut them into wedges. Put them in a bowl, salt to taste and mix in the washed, dried and chopped basil leaves.
* Sautè the finely chopped scallions and garlic cloves with 4 TBspoons olive oil and the finely chopped rosemary leaves, on medium-low heat.
Add the zucchini cut into 1/2 cm squares, salt to taste and countinue to sautè for 5 minutes stirring frequently.
Add the chickpeas (drained, I also removed the skins) and sautè for 5 more minutes. Set aside to cool.
Mix the zucchini and chickpeas with the tomatoes.
* In the meantime drytoast the sesame seeds in a skillet stirring continuously with a wooden spoon, until golden.
* Place the arugula salad on bottom of 4 plates, add the zucchini, chickpeas and tomatoes and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Insalata di ceci e zucchine con pomodorini e rucola
* 250 g di ceci precotti
* 250 g di pomodorini
* 3 zucchine
* un mazzetto di rucola
* 2 scalogni
* 2 spicchi d'aglio
* mazzetto di basilico
* 1 cucchiaino di rosmarino tritato
* 1 cucchiaio di semi di sesamo
* sale
* olio extra vergine d'oliva
* Lavate e asciugate i pomodorini. Tagliateli a spicchietti, salateli e riunite in una terrina con basilico (lavato, asciugato e spezzettato).
* Tritate finemente gli scalogni e l'aglio e rosolateli, a fuoco medio, in una padella con 4 cucchiai d'olio EVO e il rosmarino tritato finemente.
Dopo 5 minuti aggiungete le zucchine tagliate a cubetti piccoli, salate e proseguite la cottura per altri 5 minuti.
Unite poi i ceci e lasciate insaporire per 5 minuti.
Lasciate intiepidire le verdure prima di unirle agli pomodorini e basilico.
* Tostate i semi di sesamo in una padella senza aggiungere i grassi, mescolando continuamente.
* Distribuite la rucola lavata, asciugata e affettata in fondo dei piatti, distribuite il misto di ceci e verdure sopra.
Cospargete i semi di sesamo e servite subito.
Salata od slanutka i tikvica s rajčicama i rikulom
* 250 g kuhanog slanutka
* 250 g cherry rajčica
* 3 zelene tikvice
* svežnjić rikule
* 2 glavice ljutike (ili 1 običnog crvenog luka)
* 2 češnja češnjaka
* svežnjić bosiljka
* 1 žličica nasjeckanog ružmarina
* 1 žlica sjemenki sezama
* sol
* maslinovo ulje
Rajčice operite posušite i narežitena četvrtine.
Stavite ih u zdjelu i posolite.
Dodajte oprane, posušene i nakidane listiće bosiljka i promiješajte.
Sitno nasjeckajte luk i češnjak pa popržite na 4 žlice maslinovog ulja zajedno sa sitno nasjeckanim listićima ružmarina.
Dodajte tikvice narezane na kockice od 1/2 cm, posolite lagano i pirjajte na srednje jakoj vatri oko 5 minuta.
Dodajte slanutak i pirjajte još 5 minuta sve skupa.
Ostavite da se povrće prohladi, a onda ga pomiješajte s rajčicama.
U međuvremenu popržite na suhoj tavi sjemenke sezama miješajući neprestano.
Na četiri tanjura složite nakidane listiće rikule, a preko nje mješavinu tikvica, slanutka i rajčica.
Pospite sjemenkama sezama i poslužite.
That looks so refreshing and delicious!! A perfect light lunch!!
ReplyDeleteFantastična salata!
ReplyDeletececi rules!!!!!! ;-))
ReplyDeleteodlican rucak dok je vani +35C
Io vado pazza per le verdure, i legumi e tutte le insalate in generale. Quelle belle colorate come questa poi mi mandano letteralmente in estasi.
ReplyDeleteSo cosa fare questa sera ^___^
Obožavam ovakve salate, sve je po mom guštu :) Zaista se sa slanutkom sve može kombinirati, a ljeti mi je najdraža pomiješana s tunom :)
ReplyDeleteL'insalatina giusta giusta per me, fresca, colorata e gustosa gustosa ^__^ Un bacione, buona settimana
ReplyDeletePrava ljetna osvježavajuća salata. Kombinacija boja odlična. Jedva čekam potrebno povrće u vrtu da ju isprobam.
ReplyDeletePrefina mi je ova salatica!
ReplyDeleteThat's my type of meal :-)) It's seasonal, fresh and delicious.
ReplyDeleteOvo je prava proljetno-ljetna salata! I ja obožavam ovakve obroke, pogotovo uz šnitu prepećenog kruha, od toga bih mogla živjeti cijelo ljeto. Predivne fotke! :)
ReplyDeleteNa ovakvim salatama bi i ja mogla živjeti, obožavam ih ! Sastojci u tvojoj salati su mi super , bilježim i pravim je ! I jako mi se sviđaju divne boje koje sve skupa osim ljepšim čine i ukusnijim.
ReplyDeleteLooks fantastic and the timing is perfect. I was just wondering what to do tomorrow with these chickpeas I have since it's supposed to be in the 80s!
ReplyDeletekrasne fotke, prave ljetne i osvježavajuće :)
ReplyDeleteI love the sound of all the ingedients in this salad!!:D zucchini, chickpeas, tomatoes...really very tempting;)
ReplyDeletesorry about your little one being sick thats rough love this salad though first class
ReplyDeleteCiao, con questa ricetta potresti partecipare al mio nuovo contest, vieni a vedere!
ReplyDeleteovo sam danas isprobala, fenomenalno!!
ReplyDeletePrelepa salata...odlici sastojci.
ReplyDeletewow, Dajana, gledam unatrag sve postove, recepti su ti fantastični.. a tek fotke.. ne znam da li imaš neki novi fotoaparat, ali sve ti je apsolutno savršeno.. a onaj sladoled iz prošlog posta, tipa Magnum me je oduševio. Ako se mene pita, jedino mogu proć sladoledi tipa kornet i ili magnum, vanilija ili čokolada, bitno da je puno čokolade. Mjerkam već duže mašinu za sladoled, u Trstu košta 40 eura, štp i nije tako puno, a definitivno vrlo isplativo. Vidim sad i tvoje sušene jagode u jednom postu pa ću baš staviti link na tvoj recept na mom postu sa sušenim jagodama. Pozdrav :)
ReplyDeleteHvala, Ebba, aparat je isti unazat nešto više od godinu dana, samo sam se preselila slikati na balkonu, pa su slike puno drugačije.
ReplyDeleteAparati za sladoleg ovog tipa koji ja imam (s umetkom za hlađenje) se isplate i ne. Cijena im je pristupačna, ali se namučim s vađenjem umetka, onda se mora zamrzavati najmanje 24 sata, tako da na kraju uspijem napraviti sladoled 2 puta tjedno, ali sretna sam što sam ga dobila (naručeni božićni poklon ;))
Joj baš mi je žao što se curice često razboljevaju. Vjerujem da ti nije lako i nadam se da se malena sada osjeća bolje. Vjerojatno će biti manje tih viroza sad kad dođu ljetni dani, kupanje i uživanje. :)
ReplyDeleteSlanutak obožavam još od djetinjstva, a ova salata bi jako, jako pasala.:)
oh this looks great! thanks for sharing it and linking it up to Savory Sunday!!
ReplyDeleteLove your blog!! I am definitely going to be your new follower :) I would love it if you followed me to @ that would be great :) I am just starting out, but I am excited to share new recipes, crafts, and makeup.. And Giving away giveaways on mineral make-up!