My daily bread

If you asked me what my biggest culinary achievement in 2009 was, I'd probably have to say "overcoming my fear of bread".
I know, I've done some things I'm really proud of (my first home made ravioli, my first attempts on Marshmallow fondant and gumpaste, and so on and on). But honestly, what I thought I would never learn to do in a satisfactory manner was bread.
Until, of course, I discovered the "no knead method". That was something really huge for me.
So when I was deciding which recipe to post first in 2010, I decided it had to be this Easy Oats Bread that I made about three weeks ago.
The recipe is by Nancy Bagett and you can find it on her blog, but also in her book Kneadlessly Simple (you can find out more about her book(s) on her blog).
The original recipe is for two loaves, but I cut it in half and made only one loaf and I'm bringing it here as such, translated into metric measures.
This bread was really easy to make, very tasty, soft and fragrant. My daughter loved it and so did I. Excellent for sandwiches, toast, or if you prefer, like me, just butter and jam. It didn't last long enough to try anything else. I guess I should have made the full recipe after all. And I'd seriously like to buy Nancy's book, because it looks there are some more interesting tasty recipes in there.

(by Nancy Bagett)

400 g AP flour
50 g oats (I used quick cooking)
20 g sugar
10 g salt
3 g (1/2 teaspoon) dry yeast
40 g honey
25 g vegetable oil
225 ml cold water

Put all the dry ingredients in a large bowl and whisk them together.

In a measuring glass mix together the water, honey and oil.

Mix the liquid with the dry ingredients

and work with a wooden spoon to combine them well. Add just a little bit more water if you can't mix in all the flour. Spray or brush with oil.

Cover the bowl tightly with a piece of plastic wrap and let it rise for 12-18 hours. This is what mine looked like after the first rise.

Prepare a loaf pan. Spray or brush it with oil and sprinkle with oats, toss the pan to cover the bottom and the sides.

Vigorously stir the dough with a wooden spoon adding a little more flour only if necessary - the dough should be a bit stiff (I didn't need any extra flour).

Put the dough into the prepared pan,

smooth with an oiled spatula or with your fingertips and and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of oats (I forgot about oats and added them only later).

Make a 1 cm deep slash lenghtwise in the center of the loaf with oiled kithen scissors or knife.

Cover the pan with a nonstick spray-coated plastic wrap and let rise again for 2-3 hours. When the dough nears the plastic, remove it and let rise again until it's about 1 cm above the pan rim.

Bake in an oven preheated to 190°C until top is well browned (Nancy says 50-60 minutes, but in my oven it took only 35. So check with a wooden skewer). Cover with foil and bake for 10-15 minutes more.

Let the bread cool in the pan for 15 minutes and then turn on a rack and let cool thoroughly.
Those little hands were readily spreading some Nutella on it for an afternoon snack.


Pane senza impasto ormai è diventato l'unico pane che si mangia a casa mia. Questa ricetta, però, è un po' diversa, arricchita con i fiocchi di avena. Il pane è morbido, soffice, fragrante, davvero delizioso.
Mi è piaciuto tantissimo a colazione con uno strato sottile di burro e marmellata. Mia figlia invece l'ha mangiato con la Nutella, e non si è fermata alla prima fetta.

La ricetta originale potete trovare
QUI e nel libro Kneadlessly Simple. Questa che vi riporto io è la ricetta dimezzata.

Nancy Bagett)

400 g farina bianca
50 g fiocchi di avena
20 g zucchero
10 g sale
3 g (1/2 cucchiaino) lievito di birra disidratato
40 g miele millefiori
25 g olio di semi (o mais)
225 ml acqua fredda

Mettete tutti gli ingredienti secchi in una ciotola grande e mischiateli bene.
In un bicchiere mescolate bene l'acqua, il miele e l'olio.
Unite il liquido agli ingredienti secchi e mescolate bene con un cucchiaio di legno. Se non riuscite a incorporare tutta la farina, aggiungete un po' di acqua - l'impasto non deve essere troppo molliccio, però.
Coprite la ciotola con la pellicola trasparente e lasciate lievitare per 12-18 ore.
Preparate uno stampo da plumcake. Spennellatelo con l'olio e cospargete con 2 cucchiai di fiocchi d'avena.
Mescolate l'impasto del pane energicamente con un cucchiaio di legno, e se necessario aggiungete un po'di farina. Deve risultare difficile da mescolare.
Trasferite l'impasto nello stampo che avete preparato e distribuitelo bene con una spatola unta di olio o con le dita. Cospargete la superficie con 1 cucchiaio di fiocchi d'avena e incidete la superficie nel senso di lunghezza con le forbici o con il coltello serrato.
Coprite lo stampo con una pellicola unta di olio e lasciate lievitare di nuovo per 2-3 ore. Quando l'impasto ha quasi raggiunto la pellicola, scopritelo e lasciate lievitare finché arriva a circa 1 cm sopra lo stampo.
Cuocete il pane nella parte bassa del forno preriscaldato a 190°C finché ben dorato. L'autrice dice 50-60 minuti, ma nel mio forno sono bastati 35. Coprite con l'alluminio e cuocete per altri 10-15 minuti.
Lasciate raffreddare nello stampo per 15 minuti, e poi su una griglia.


Još jedan kruh koji se ne mijesi, s dodatkom zobenih pahuljica.
Idealan za sendviče i tost, ili što vam je već po volji namazati po njemu. Mekan i ukusan, sigurna sam da ce se i vama svidjeti.

(od Nancy Bagett)

400 g bijelog brašna,
50 g zobenih pahuljica (NE instantnih)
20 g šećera
10 g soli
3 g (1/2 žličice) suhog kvasca
40 g livadskog meda
25 g ulja
225 ml hladne vode

Izmiješajte suhe sastojke u zdjeli.
U čaši pomiješajte vodu, med i ulje.
Pomiješajte tekućinu sa suhim sastojcima, drvenom kuhačom, ako je presuho i ne možete umiješati svo brašno, dodajte sasvim malo vode.
Premažite površinu uljem i ostavite da se diže pokriveno (plastičnom folijom) 12-18 sati. Pripremite duguljasti kalup, nauljite ga i pospite zobenim pahuljicama dno i stranice.
Tijesto snažno izmiješajte drvenom ili plastičnom žlicom, po potrebi dodajte malo brašna, dok ne postane teško za miješati (meni nije trebalo više brašna)
Prebacite tijesto u kalup i izravnajte ga nauljenom spatulom.
Zarežite nauljenim škarama ili nožem po sredini uzdužno.
Pokrijte nauljenom prozirnom folijom i ostavite da se opet diže 2-3 sata na toplom (na sobnoj temp.)

Kad naraste skoro do folije, otkrijte i ostavite da se diže još dok nije skoro iznad ruba posude.
Pećnicu zagrijte na 190°C.
Stavite peći kruh. U receptu je pisalo 50-60 minuta otkriveno + 10-15 minuta pokriveno alufolijom. Ja sam provjerila štapićem ubodenim u sredinu nakon 35 minuta i bio je već pečen, pokrila sam ga i pekla još 10 minuta.
Ispečeni kruh ostavite u kalupu 15 minuta, a onda izvadite i ostavite na rešetki da se ohladi do kraja.


  1. hey, your bread recipe sound easy and delicious!!I will be sure to give it a try.:D

  2. Dajana I am going to do it I have ordered the book and joined the group you should join us as well on

    love ya '


  3. Beautiful! I love how you prepared the pan with oats. I've never tried that. Great idea!

    Happy New Year!

  4. Perfect! I love no-knead bread too.

  5. odlican je! imam u planu napraviti tvoj ultra poznati kruh :))

  6. Gorgeous bread! Lover the addition of the oats in the pan. :)

  7. * Thanks, QIS, hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did.

    * I'll think about it, Rebecca. I have to order the book first.

    *Then you have to try, Kim, it's a great addition.

    *Me too, Angie, it's easy and the bread is always good, and tasty.

    *Cekam te, Jasenka. Svaki put kad vidim koliko je puta recept pregledan na Coolinariki, impresioniram se.

    *Thanks, Shane.

  8. Thanks so much for posting about my recipe. I love your step-by-step photos and will provide a link to your page so those who pull the recipe from my site can see them. I also love your site--so glad you got in touch! Have a wonderful New Year. Nancy

  9. Ho segnato anche questo, sembra di sentirne il profumo!!
    Ti faccio tantissimi auguri di buon e felice anno a te e famiglia!!

  10. Ottimo modo per iniziare una salutare colazione:P
    Auguri per il nuovo anno :*

  11. your bread looks fantastic!! dont you just love these no-knead breads?

  12. * Thank you Nancy again for sharing your recipe and thanks for the shout out as well.

    *You're so right, Danielle, I'd be lost without no knead :)))

    *Carissime Nanny e Solema, tanti auguri anche a voi. Trovo che questo pane sia ottimo per iniziare bene la giornata, con una colazione sana e genuina.

  13. What a beautiful loaf! I found your blog thru Nancy's blog and just had to check it out :o) Your step-by-step pictures are great!
    My baking is mostly cakes, some cookies and sometimes candies. But this bread looks easy enough to make. Will have to try it sometime.

  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Dajana, and for your kind compliments. The recipe for the Whipped Cream Cake has been published on amazon. Here's the link: Let me know how it turns out, if you decide to make it. It only takes 1 hour from start to finish. Super easy, super fast, and super delicious :o)


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