Dedicated to my Mom
If I can bake today, I have to thank my mom, who was a wonderful cook and baker.
Unfortunately most of the things she cooked and baked were not from a scratch and, actually, that's where I stepped in as soon as I was big enough to help in the kitchen. If she wanted to make something from scratch, she would pass the task to me (exception are very few of her favourite recipes that I will probably blog about in the future).
My mother passed away 12 years ago, and what I have left is her recipe notebook, that I keep as the most precious memory. There aren't that many recipes in it, but they're all tried and guaranteed success.
A couple of weeks ago, I came upon a recipe for a greek cake called Revani on blog Il mondo di Luvi - she has some very interesting recipes, and that recipe reminded me of my mom's "Greek baklava". I know it has little to do with a real baklava, and I have no idea why she called it that way nor where she got it from, but I do remember clearly that she made it quite often and that we all liked it. I told Luvi I would try to make it soon, so that she could compare the two recipes.
That's how my mother's recipe book made it to my blog, she more than deserved it.
CAKE WITH SEMOLINA, NUTS AND APPLES (my Mom's "Greek baklava")
2 eggs
1 cup sugar (230 ml)
1 cup milk
1 cup oil
1 cup semolina
1 cup flour
1 cup ground walnuts
1 cup grated apples
1/2 package baking powder
2 cups water
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 slice of lemon
Pour the batter into a greased and floured baking tin (round or square).
NOTE: I halved the recipe, so I baked the cake in an 8 1/2'' cake form.
While the cake is still in the oven, prepare the syrup. Bring water and sugar to boil, add lemon and vanilla extract, and remove from heat.
Leave the cake in the tin, cut it into squares and pour the syrup over it.
Both cake and syrup should be warm.
Let it cool completely before serving. It's even better if you leave it rest overnight.
I used Extra Virgin Olive oil for this cake and that gave it a strong flovour, apart from making it a bit healthier than if it was made with butter or other oils. Nuts, grated apples and especially semolina give it a particular crumbly texture, and the syrup adds some moisture without making it too sweet.
I guess next time I'll add some grated lemon rind to the batter as well.
The characteristics of my mom's recipes is that there are no instructions, just the ingredients list, so I had to work it out myself, pretty much following my common sense and knowledge I have about baking, but it turned out well.
Now I know I'll be making it more often.
And I'd be happy if you did, too.
2 uova
1 tazza di zucchero (1 tazza - circa 230 ml)
1 tazza di latte
1 tazza di olio (ho usato olio extra vergine d'oliva)
1 tazza di semolino
1 tazza di farina
1/2 bustina di lievito per i dolci
1 tazza di mele grattugiate
1 tazza di noci grattugiate
Sbattete le uova con lo zucchero e aggiungete uno alla volta tutti gli altri ingredienti.
Versate il composto nella teglia imburrata e infarinata.
Cuocete nel forno riscaldato a 180°C finché la superficie non diventa ben dorata, controllate con lo stuzzicadenti.
Nel frattempo preparate lo sciroppo, facendo bollire l'acqua e zucchero. Aggiungete la fettina di limone e l'estratto di vaniglia.
Quando la torta è cotta, toglietela dal forno e lasciate raffreddare qualche minuto.
Tagliatela e versate sopra lo sciroppo ancora caldo.
Lasciate raffreddare completamente prima di servire, sarà ancora migliore il giorno dopo.
Questo dolce è molto semplice e veloce da preparare, l'olio extra vergine gli dona un sapore diverso, più forte e lo rende più salutare rispetto ai dolci con il burro, le mele, le noci, e sopratutto il semolino gli danno una consistenza particolare,
e nonostante possa sembrare troppo dolce, credetemi, non lo è.
CONSIDERAZIONE: Ho preparato solo metà dose, e quindi ho cotto il dolce in una tortiera di diametro 22 cm. Se preparate la dose intera usate la tortiera piu grande.
Se volete una ricetta più greca, visitate Il mondo di Luvi e la sua ricetta per Revani.
2 jaja
1 šalica šećera (1 šalica = otprilike 230 ml)
1 šalica ulja
1 šalica mlijeka
1 šalica brašna
1/2 praška za pecivo
1 šalica pšeničnog griza
1 šalica mljevenih oraha
1 šalica naribanih jabuka
2 šalice vode
1 šalica šećera
1 žličica ekstrakta vanilije
1 kriška limuna
Umutite jaja i šećer, pa dodajte ostale sastojke, jedan po jedan, miješajući dobro žlicom ili drvenom kuhačom.
Ulijte u namašten i pobrašnjen kalup i pecite na 180°C dok ne poprimi svijetlo smeđu boju. Kad mislite da je pečen kontrolirajte u svakom slučaju čačkalicom (ubodite kolač u sredinu i izvadite, čačkalica mora biti suha).
Kad je kolač skoro pečen, prokuhajte vodu i šećer, dodajte ekstrakt vanilije i limun.
Pečeni kolač ostavite u kalupu, nakon 10-ak minuta narežite ga na kocke pa prelijte sirupom od šećera.
Ostavite da se potpuno ohladi. Bit će još bolji ako prenoći.
BILJEŠKA: Ja sam prepolovila recept i ispekla ga u kalupu promjera 22 cm. Ako pravite punu mjeru, koristite veći kalup.
I really want to try looks so moist and delicious...and a sweet dedication to your mama :) Thanks for sharing with us!
ReplyDeleteYou are so lucky to have your mom's notebook! I'm sure your daughters will treasure it one day!
ReplyDeleteThe cake doesn't look anything like baklava which is great for me because I don't like it! This cake looks soo yummy and moist!
what a lovely story :). Your moms Greek Baklava looks wonderful!
ReplyDeleteThat looks so moist and delicious!!! I love your plate too!!
ReplyDeleteDajana, thank you for following me =)
ReplyDeleteMm this dessert looks just delicious, and it does look like revani to me. Much loved in Turkey, my country as well.
It sure looks good! Heh, I thought baklava was Greek baklava... :)
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone, for stopping by today,
ReplyDelete*Michele, I don't like baklava, either.
*Spryte, I bought only one of these, so my husband is teasing me that I did it only for pictures
*Ozge, thanks for confirming, I haven't actually tried the original Revani, so I don't know how similar they are
*Bob, baklava is baklava, probably with slight variations made in Turkey, Greece, and in Bosnia, as well (which having been a part of Turkish Empire for 6 centuries has a cuisine greatly influenced by the Turkish one).
However this cake really isn't a baklava at all, but I wanted to keep the name my mother gave it just the same.
This looks so moist and delicious, what a lovely tribute to your mom!
ReplyDeleteche spettacolo! mi sono permessa di riportare sul mio blog la tua ricetta, la tua foto e il link. Grazie
ReplyDeletelooks wonderful so sweet you use your mums recipes she would be proud of you
ReplyDeleteI love nutty stuff ;-) will try this next time....
ReplyDeleteIs a bag of baking powder 15grams there too?
Yes, Angie. I usually buy Dr Oetker's baking powder and it's 15 or 16 g a bag.
ReplyDeletemmmmm this looks good! I love anything that is close to baklava - I have a recipe kicking around for a bacon baklava somewhere. Your mom would be so proud of you!
ReplyDeleteThat looks truly delicious. I love cakes with apples. They are always so moist. Mmmmm
ReplyDeleteHa un aspetto delizioso questo dolce,dolcissimo anche il ricordo di tua madre.
ReplyDeleteTi aspetto da me per un premio!
ciao eccomi subito a ricambiare la tua visita!!splendido blog complimenti e questa torta l'ho conosciuta poco tempo fa ovvero mi è stata postata per la mia raccolta dei "dolci piu buoni dal mondo"...a breve sarà pronto il pdf con tutte le ricette:-)peccato non averti conosciuta prima,avrei aggiunto anche la tua ricetta:-)
ReplyDeletebaci imma
Dispiace anche a me, sarà per la prossima. Grazie per la visita, leggero con piacere la tua raccolta