12 Weeks of Christmas cookies - #7 - Delicate Milk Cookies

Delicate white cookies

My kids are already getting anxious about Christmas. At their age they don't really get the whole time concept. And seeing that malls and stores are already shining with Christmas lights, that shelves are full of toys, they've started asking repeadly, "How many days till Christmas?"
I think it's still a bit too early for everything else but thinking about what I could actually bake for holidays. I even got myself a new cookbook  - cookies, muffins, cakes - they all look so delicious that I couldn't resist and already tried a couple recipes, and I'm sure some of them will appear here soon.
And yes, it's week 7 of 12 Weeks of Christmas cookies.
I had fun with my girls turning this delicate dough into various shapes. They got out my box with cookie cutters and while I went for romantic little hearts and flowers, they got out the Christmas themed cutters, of course.
I also wanted to copy an idea for these ice cream cone shaped cookies, dipped them into chocolate and decorated with sugar sprinkles - what happened is that my 3-year-old ate only the part covered with chocolate and left the rest. The crime ocurred within 3 minutes, and this is the crime scene I found coming back to the kitchen.

Delicate white cookies

I was positively surprised with the dough itself. Apart from being quite tasty, it's really great for making any shape that you like. We had a great time. And you? Did you bake anything fun or cute this week?

Delicate white cookies

Delicate Milk Cookies

500 g (1.1 lb) flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
175 g (6 oz) butter
130 g (4.5 oz) sugar
200 g (7 oz) sweetened condensed milk
1 egg
(your choice between) lemon/orange zest OR a little cinnamon OR orange/lemon essential oil (10-12 drops) OR vanilla extract or powder, OR substitute part of the sugar in the recipe with lavender sugar
for decoration: jam, melted dark or white chocolate

Beat the butter, the sugar and the condensed milk until pale and creamy. Beat in the egg, then sift in the flour mixed with the baking powder. Work with a spoon and then with your hands to get a smooth dough. Divide into three equal parts, form discs and wrap each of them in piece of plastic wrap. Refrigerate for about one hour (even longer is fine, mine sat in the fridge for three hours and it was perfectly fine to work with).
Preheat the oven to 180°C (375°F).
Roll the dough out between two sheets of baking paper to 3-4 mm thick and cut out the shapes you prefer with cookie cutters. Place the cookies on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and bake for about 10 minutes. They should stay pale.
Transfer the cookies to a cooling rack.
When they're cold you can sandwich them with a little fruit jam or decorate with melted chocolate, or simply dust with powdered sugar.
This time I added orange essential oil and sandwiched some cookies with orange jam. That was really delicious.

Delicate white cookies

Biscotti delicati al latte

500 g farina "00"
1 cucchiaino di lievito in polvere
175 g burro
130 g zucchero
200 g latte condensato zuccherato
1 uovo
aroma a scelta, tra scorza grattugiata di limone o arancia, un po' di cannella, olio essenziale di arancia o limone(10-12 gocce), vaniglia (estratto o in polvere), oppure usate lo zucchero con fiori di lavanda (sostituendo una parte dello zucchero nella ricetta)
per decorare: confettura a scelta, cioccolato fondente o bianco, fuso

Lavorate il burro, lo zucchero e il latte condensato con le fruste elettriche finché la massa diventi chiara e cremosa. Aggiungete l'uovo e poi l'aroma a scelta (io ho messo l'olio essenziale di arancia) mescolando ancora brevemente.
Unite alla fine la farina mescolata e setacciata con il lievito, lavorando l'impasto prima con un cucchiaio e poi con le mani fino a ottenere un impasto liscio. Dividetelo in tre parti, formate tre dischi e avvolgeteli in pellicola trasparente. Lasciate rassodare in frigo per circa un’ora (anche di più).
Riscaldate il forno a 180°C.
Stendete l'impasto tra due fogli di carta da forno a uno spessore di 3-4 mm e tagliate le forme che desiderate usando i tagliabiscotti.
Trasferiteli sulla piastra ricoperta con la carta da forno e cuocete biscotti per circa 10 minuti.
Lasciate raffreddare i biscotti su una griglia e poi decorateli a piacere: unite due biscotti con un po’ di marmellata oppure decorate con il cioccolato fuso.

Delicate white cookies

Nježni mliječni keksići

500 g brašna
1 žličica praška za pecivo
175 g maslaca
130 g šećera
200 g (zaslađenog) kondenziranog mlijeka
1 jaje
aroma po želji korica limuna/naranče, malo cimeta, esencijalno ulje limuna ili naranče (10-12 kapi), vaniliju ili zamijenite dio šećera u receptu šećerom s lavandom
za ukras: otopljena bijela i/ili tamna čokolada

Stavite u zdjelu omekšali maslac, šećer i kondenzirano mlijeko i mutite mikserom dok ne postane kremasto.
Umiješajte prvo jaje u smjesu, aromu po želji (ja sam koristila prehrambeno esencijalno ulje naranče), a zatim postepeno i brašno, miješajući prvo kuhačom, a zatim rukama da dobijete mekano tijesto.
Podijelite tijesto na 3 dijela pa svaki omotajte prozirnom folijom i stavite u hladnjak na najmanje pola sata, što duže to bolje jer će se onda lakše valjati i rezati. Ja sam jedan dio ispekla odmah, nakon pola sata, a drugi nakon 3 sata i tijesto je bilo još bolje.
Pravite kekse po želji i pecite ih u pećnici zagrijanoj na 180°C oko 10 minuta (ovisno o pećnici naravno i obliku i veličini keksa).
Ja sam jedan dio oblikovala kao "sladolede", i pečene ih ukrasila otopljenom čokoladom i čokoladnim i šećernim ukrasima. Drugi dio sam tanko razvaljala između dva lista papira za pečenje i vadila kekse različitim oblicima (cure nisu odoljele i izvadile su kalupiće za gingerbread božićne kekse), ukrašavala ih čokoladom i spajala po dva s malo pekmeza. Najbolji su mi bili ovi spojeni pekmezom, i zbog okusa pekmeza od naranče koji sam stavila, i zato što zbog pekmeza keksi postanu još mekši i jednostavno se tope.

Delicate white cookies


  1. Your cookies are so gorgeous with such a smooth texture! They look delicious and your photography is beautiful! Love all the variety too:)
    To answer your question...I tried to make something cute this week, and it was very fun:)

  2. Que preciosidad de galletas, de verdad que se ven maravillosas.


  3. These looks soo delicious!! I love how fresh they look.

  4. još prefinih keksića ! moram priznati da sam početkom 12.mjeseca zatražila dva dana godišnjeg odmora da obavim ponešto ali i da se bacim na ovaj posao :). Dok isprobam sve divne keksiće koje sam kod tebe vidjela trebati će mi i više od ova dva dana. Ali od današnjih definitivno idu ovi sa pekmezom, izgledaju tako savršeno da im prhkost i finoću osjećam sa ekrana !

  5. That is so funny! My daughter would do the same thing! Your cookies look sinfully delicious!!!

  6. Gorgeous, Dajana! I want to spoil my dinner right now and have 10 of them. :-)

  7. Mi chiedo, come non veda gli aggiornamenti del tuo blog!!! Ma mi sono rimessa al passo, bellezza!
    Simpatica la tua cucciola treenne!!! Baciami entrambe le tue bimbe!!!

  8. Ajme, sta mi radis sa ovim keksicima... bas imam u frizideru kondenzovanog mleka i kontam gde bi ga mogla upotrebiti. Kolace za predstojeci vikend sam vec ispekla, ali ovo jednostavno moram probati. Deluju tako prhko i nezno da ce, najverovatnije, u ponedeljak zamirisati u mojoj kuhinji :)

  9. These cookies are absolutely beautiful and indeed delicate!! You're a very, very talented baker :)

  10. They're all so pretty!! Your crime scene reminded me of a similar story of my Mother when she was little. My grandmother was having company over and had baked cookies or a tray of Paklava or something. Mom didn't want to get in trouble for eating any, but she didn't think anyone would notice if she took just a wee nibble off of EACH of them. My poor grandmother was horrified! LOL :)

  11. These sound so good. I've never seen a recipe that uses condensed milk in the dough itself so I'll have to give these a try. Love all your decorating ideas and that "crime scene" gave me a good laugh. I used to do something similar with Oreos - eat the cream and leave the cookie parts.

  12. Wow...your cookies are gorgeous, Dajana. I must make these! :D

  13. My kids are looking forward to Christmas already too. I love all of your fun cookie shapes! So pretty!

  14. Uno più bello dell'altro ma la chiave di violina sembra fatta su misura per me ^__^ La foto con i cuori sospesi è troppo bella e questi biscottini troppo buoni. Ecco cos'è che mi mancava ieri...i tuoi biscotti del venerdì! Un bacione cara, buon week end

  15. Sono bellissimi, tutti.
    Non saprei quale forma preferire: bravissima!

  16. I kod nas su već okitili grad, a dućani su krcati božićnim drangulijama. Definitivno prerano, ali vidiš kako to utječe na djecu i mislim da trgovački mozgovi to jako dobro znaju i iskorištavaju.
    Kad sam bila mala i ja sam voljela jesti samo čokoladni dio keksa ili samo polizati kremu s njih. S godinama se to promijenilo pa sad baš uživam u običnim prhkim keksićima. :)
    Divni su ti svi ovi oblici, jako mi se sviđaju, a posebno mi je zanimljiv dodatak kondenziranog mlijeka. :)

  17. Che meraviglia...ogni settimana un dolcetto più goloso dell'altro!!

  18. Your cookies are always so pretty and delicious! I love the chocolate decoration atop. Elegant!

  19. Obožavam ovakve keksiće!
    Tako su ti prekrasno ukrašeni, bit će prava Božićna fantazija :)

  20. The texture of these cookies is wonderful! And you have decorated them so beautifully!

  21. Oh, what fun cookies for the holidays. Marvelous designer treats you made. I am going to try these for everyone to enjoy. Thanks for the artistic idea! Brava!

  22. Wow very nice results on these cookies! I am not sure I've ever used sweetened condensed milk in cookies--I bet they make them extra good though!

  23. oH those cookies eaten by ur adorable daughter top my list:-)so cute:-)
    Love ur delicate work and u give me ideas!
    WOuld so love to know if these are the crispy kinda cookies or soft kinda cookie!
    Absolutely pretty and super cute!!

  24. Beautiful cookies! So cute and delicate!
    It's fun how kids always want to eat just the chocolate part!

  25. I love these biscuits, thay seems so delicate! Congratulation you traslate every post in three languages! That's a hard job... nice to meet you! ;)

  26. Your cookies are so intricate and beautiful! If you're looking for any new ideas for Christmas cookies, check out our eBook: http://www.recipelion.com/Christmas-Recipes/50-Favorite-Christmas-Cookies-Recipes-Free-eCookbook


    Blair @ RecipeLion.com

  27. Draga Dajana, molim te da svoju nagradu preuzmes na ovoj stranici;
    Lijep pozdrav

  28. Sembran davvero morbidi e golosi...e poi tu li decori così bene!!!

  29. Che belli questi biscottini, sembrano come quelli che si vendono in pasticceria, deliziosi!

  30. Samo da ti javim da su keksici planuli za cas i da te obavestim da kod mene ceka jedna nagrada za tebe pa svrati da je preuzmes!!!

  31. Doslovce se vidi prhkost kolačiča na fotkama. Divni. Bilježim! :)


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