Emptying the fridge, packing the bags...
Yes, yes, yes, finally! I'm leaving tomorrow for a three-week vacation at the seaside, that we've all been waiting for so long. Goodbye to the heat in the city, from tomorrow I'll be breathing fresh salty air, soaking my sore feet and arms in refreshing, gorgeously blue water.
Even on windy days like we had last year.
Well, since I was extremely busy in the last 15 days, and the heat was unbearable, my fridge resulted still quite full this morning. So I put myself to work early and baked, baked and baked. Some of this stuff will go into the freezer and wait till we get back, and the rest is coming with us, for the travel and to have something for breakfast and kid's snacks in the next few days.
These however, I virtually dedicate to a friend blogger and Bakespace peep, Danielle.
She has already tried my recipe once, and when I started blogging her first question was whether I was going to blog about these. So here you are, Danielle.
If you still haven't done so, visit her blog, and have fun, she's hillarious.
200g apples (2 apples)
1 tblspoon lemon juice
100 g ricotta cheese(or similar fresh cheese)
4 tblspoons oil (e.g. peanut oil)
4 tblspoons milk
50 g fructose
200 g flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
a pinch of salt
powdered sugar for sprinkling
Leave the cheese in a mash strainer to drain well.
Wash, peel, core, and dice the apples.
Put them in a saucepan with sugar (suit your taste and the type of apples you're using. I put about 2 tblsp), and 2-3 tablespoons of water. Cook them for 10 minutes until tender, but don't let them turn into puré. Let them cool and then add the lemon juice.
Cut into 12 smaller rectangles.
Place about 1 tablespoon of apple filling on each rectangle.
Let them cool and sprinkle with some powdered sugar if you like.
They are a delicious breakfast or snack time treat, with tea or coffee, or whatever you like.
So, if you're still there, reading my blog, feel free to leave your comments, I'll be happy to read them all when I get back.
A big hug to everyone, and have a great summer!
200 g jabuka
1 žlica limunovog soka
šećera po ukusu
100 g svježeg kravljeg sira
4 žlice ulja
4 žlice mlijeka
50 g fruktoze
200 g brašna
1/2 praška za pecivo (2 žličice)
malo soli
šećer u prahu za posipanje.
Jabuke operite, ogulite i narežite pa kuhajte sa šećerom i 2-3 žlice vode da omekšaju (8-10 minuta).
Sir dobro ocijedite, pa umijesite tijesto sa svim ostalim sastojcima (brašno + prašak za pecivo, ulje, mlijeko, fruktoza, sol). Ako nemate fruktozu stavite dvostruku količinu (100 g) običnog šećera. Istresite na malo pobrašnjenu radnu površinu pa brzo i kratko mijesite. Po potrebi dodajte malo brašno da tijesto ne bude previše ljepljivo.
Razvaljajte tanko (3-4 mm) tijesto između dva komada papira za pečenje (dobit ćete pravokutnik otprilike 30x20 cm), narežite na 12 jednakih dijelova. Rasporedite nadjev na kvadratiće. Preklopite ih i stisnite dva ruba, tako da ostanu otvoreni poput džepa.
Premjestite na tepsiju i pecite 15 minuta na 190°C.
200 g di mele (circa 2 mele)
1 cucchiaio di succo di limone
100 g di ricotta
4 cucchiai di olio
4 cucchiai di latte
50 g di fruttosio
200 g di farina
2 cucchiaini di lievito per i dolci
un pizzico di sale
Lavate, sbucciate e tagliate a pezzettini le mele. Mettetele in una casseruola con lo zucchero e 2-3 cucchiai di acqua. Cuocetele per circa 10 minuti per ammorbidirle. Lasciatele raffreddare e poi aggiungete il succo di limone.
Impastate tutti gli altri ingredienti (ricotta, latte, olio, farina, lievito, fruttosio e sale). Se necessario aggiungete un altro po' di farina, perché l'impasto deve risultare morbido ma non appiccicoso.
Stendete la pasta tra due fogli di carta da forno (dovreste ottenere un rettangolo di 30x20 cm circa). Ritagliate 12 rettangoli più piccoli.
Distribuite le mele sui rettangolini, piegateli in due sigillando i due lati, e lasciando un lato aperto (come una tasca).
Trasferite su una teglia foderata con la carta da forno e cuocete nel forno preriscaldato a 190°C per 15 minuti.
E con questa ricettina dolce, la vostra pasticcera pasticciona vi saluta e se na va al mare. Lasciate pure i vostri deliziosi commenti che leggerò con tanto piacere al mio ritorno. Un bacio a tutti e buona estate!
Have a great holiday!
ReplyDeleteThe apple pockets look fantastic....time for some afternoon tea!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your holiday!
Angie's Recipes
What a wonderful pastry. I could eat that for my breakfast right now! :P
ReplyDeleteHave a terrific time at the beach with your family!
These look so yummy!The prep doesn't look too difficult either!Have a wonderful holiday! Thanks for all of your positive thoughts on my blog too! I appreciate your input since you live right in the midst of Italian cuisine country at its best!
ReplyDeleteawww...how sweet! thank you Dajana!!! and yes, I did bake them. They tasted wonderful but of course not nearly as beautiful as yours. you see, when it comes to dough, I'm all thumbs! LOL.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful trip. We'll miss you! Hurry back (for our sake, not yours LOL)
I absolutely LOVED these when you first showed them to me on BakeSpace... They are AWESOME!! I ate all of them in 1 day...
ReplyDelete3 weeks with no blog entries... :(
Have a fantastic holiday... :)
Non esce il ripieno? sono molto sfiziosi.
ReplyDeleteInnanzitutto, buone vacanze!!
*Solema, no, le mele rimangono tutte dentro.
ReplyDelete*Danielle, thank you. You need to practice :)
*Gee, Shane, I remember now, you made them as well. Hehehe, all in one day, and you're not even the sweets guy?
*Bella, it's a pleasure to comment on wonderful recipes like yours.
*Cathy, Angie, Kim, thanks girls. See you soon
Holy crap, those look awesome. Have fun on your vacation!
ReplyDeleteThese look so very delicious. I wish you the best of times on your seaside vacation.
ReplyDeleteThese sound awesome...apples and cheese are a rockin' combo!! Have an awesome time (I'm jealous!).
ReplyDeleteBuone vacanze!!!
ReplyDeleteDivertiti, io ne avrò ancora per una settimana
Bellissimi e che buoni!
ReplyDeleteThe pastries look so delicious! Have a wonderful vacation!!
ReplyDeleteBrava Dajana, sono meravigliosi questi fagottini!!!
ReplyDeletecopio, copio subito così appena rinfresca un po' li provo, baciiiiii.
dunque..o da ieri sarei a dieta...sarei....e sto morendo dalla voglia di dolce..ma tipo che non so che darei per una bella torta...e tu??ahhhh!!!!ne vogilio una!:DD
ReplyDeleteOh fantastic! LOVE IT!!!
ReplyDeleteCiao Dajana Che bei fagottini ! Ti auguro ottime vacanze !
ReplyDeleteGustosissimi,ho l'acquolina in bocca :)
ReplyDeleteapple and cheese is great combo!1 i love this pastry :) yummm!!! love ye blog.. very interesting!!
Ehila' Dajana! Ma che meravigliosi! Adesso ho un gran fame! Spero che hai avuto una favolosa vacanza!
ReplyDeleteI have found your recipe on the Culinary Alchemists Blog. They are so good, fast, easy and cute. The dough was charm to work with. The apple filling really did not ooze out of the pastry. Have you ever used different fillings? Tart Cherry and apricot come to my mind.\
ReplyDelete*I was thinking about different fillings but never actually tried any other but apples. Cherris sound great, apricots and peaches as well. If you try them with any other fruit, please let me know. I0'm glad you liked them.
ReplyDeleteHi, Dajana, beautiful blog.
ReplyDeleteI saw some croatian recipes that use Linolade. Could you please tell me what is this thing? Is it some kind of chocolate or something????
Hi, Linolada is a chocolate hazelnut spread, similar to Nutella, only it has two parts, one dark and one white
ReplyDeletecheck here (http://www.amazon.com/Lino-Lada-Hazelnut-Spread-14oz/dp/B000LQNCIA)
Hi, Dajana. Thanks a lot!