A new start and a tasty soup
Hello, my friends.
I've been ignoring my blog a little bit because I just can't find inspiration to write something meaningful. And in the meantime new recipes have been piling up on top of the old ones, and I can't decide where to start from.
Well, first of all I've decided to go through a detox phase, change my eating habits, eliminate sweets, white bread, potatoes and rice for a while and hopefully burn some of those fat rolls around my belly. And, although my decision not to eat them is very firm, and I avoid even looking at them, it's hard to write about those gorgeous, tempting stuff I was eagerly baking and eating only until few days ago.
To make up for the lack of sugar and bad carbs, I've been trying to cook some healthy stuff, but very tasty and the satisfaction is not missing. Hopefully results will start showing.
I've started reading about M. Montignac's method, based on The Glycemic Index concept, that in theory I like a lot (I've never dieted in my life, and I really consider it not a diet but a change of bad eating habits), but need to buy a book, study it well and start applying it, especially if I manage to convince my husband to switch (though I see that's going to be hard).
This soup, was a good start (or better it would have been had I omitted the potato [high GI], which in the end, in a way I did), especially because I completed it with Cecina which is made with chickpea flour, a perfect source of carbohydrates with low GI and proteins.
I felt really satisfied and felt no need for snacks or anything until dinner. Fish and vegetables. I guess yesterday was a good day.
So, let me tell you about the soup first and I'll tell you about Cecina or Farinata later as well.
It takes very little time to prepare, ingredients are just a few, so you'll need a few minutes to clean and chop everything,
It almost all went this smooth, but as soon as I started my blender I realised I forgot the bay leaf in, had to stop it and tried filtering the soup through a seave :))), hard job, and that's where most of the potato got stucked, to my satisfaction after all, because it added just enough creaminess and flavor that I didn't miss it at all.
Complete your meal in a way you think suits you best, a slice of bread to accompany the soup, cheese or meat to follow, but I do recommend you try it. It's so creamy and tasty, just the right comfort you'll need on a cold day (it's been very brrrrrrrrr and foggy around here), without feeling guilty.
2 leeks
4 shallots
1 potato
1 celery stalk
1 liter vegetable stock(homemade or buillon)
2-4 TBspoons Greek yogurt
4 slices pancetta or prosciutto
1 bay leaf
Clean, wash and slice the leeks (I used not only the white part but the more tender internal green leaves as well).
Clean and chop finely the shallots, the cellery and the potato.
Sautè all the vegetables with 2 TBspoons of EVOO for a couple minutes.
Add the hot vegetable stock and the bay leaf, cover, lower the heat and cook for 25 minutes. Since I used buillon, I didn't add any salt later, so adding more salt is up to you.
REMOVE the bay leaf and pureè everythng in a blender.
Distribute into four soup bowls, add a little Greek yogurt (1/2 TBspoon, more if you like), and complete with stripes of pancetta or prosciutto, previously toasted in a non-stick skillet (without adding fat or oil).
2 porri
4 scalogni
1 patata
1 gambo di sedano
1 litro di brodo di verdure
2 cucchiai di yogurt greco
4 fettine sottili di pancetta o prosciutto
1 foglia di alloro
Pulite e lavate i porri, riducetelli a rondelle (ho usato anche la parte verde, ma solo le foglie interne che sono più morbide).
Pulite e tagliate i scalogni, la patata e il sedano.
Rosollate tutte le verdure in una casseruola con l'olio per qualche minuto. Unite il brodo bollente e la foglia di alloro, abbassate la fiamma, coprite e fate cuocere per 25 minuti. Eliminate l'aloro e frullate tutto il resto. Regolate di sale. Distribuite nei piatti e aggiungete 1/2 cucchiaio di yogurt e le strisce di pancetta o prosciutto precedentemente tostate in una padella antiaderente senza condimento.
2 poriluka
4 male glavice luka
1 krumpir
1 stapka celera
1 litra juhe od povrća (domaće ili od kocke)
2 žlice grčkog jogurta
4 kriške dimljene slanine ili šunke
1 list lovora
Poriluk očistite, operite i narežite na kolutiće (ja sam iskoristila i zeleni dio, ali samo one nježnije unutarnje listove).
Krumpir ogulite i narežite na kockice.
Luk i celer također sitno nasjeckajte.
Zagrijte par žlica maslinovog ulja pa kratko izdinstajte sve povrće, zalijte toplom juhom, dodajte lovorov list, poklopite i ostavite kuhati 25 minuta.
Slaninu ili šunku popržite u tavi bez masnoće, pa narežite na trakice.
Izvadite lovor, pa sve izmiksajte u blenderu ili štapnim mikserom.
Rasporedite juhu u četiri tanjura, u svaki dodajte 1/2 žlice jogurta i upotpunite slaninom ili šunkom.
Adoro la zuppa di porri! :)
ReplyDeleteComplimenti per il tuo blog, è davvero carino (e complimenti anche per la padronanza delle varie lingue!).
proprio quello che ci vorrebbe per scaldarsi un po'!:D
ReplyDeleteChe brava ! Io non ce la faccio poi non mi entra in testa questo fare i conti per l'indice glicemico !
ReplyDeleteThat looks delicious!!
ReplyDeletequesta non me la faccio scappare...io adoro queste cremine!!!
ReplyDeleteThe soup looks lovely. I can't imagine cutting carbs out of my life but it sure would be nice. Best of luck with your diet/detox/lifestyle change! And don't forget to share any more healthy recipes that come your way : )
ReplyDeleteThe creamy leek soup looks and sounds quite healthy and delicious. I shall make soups more.
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous, vibrant soup! It looks so creamy and comforting.
ReplyDeletelove leek soup, oh and a little sweets once in a while is OK, love ya
ReplyDeleteUmmm gustosissima i porri poi li adoro :P
ReplyDeleteKakva predivna juha.. Baš po mom guštu.
ReplyDeleteSounds great, I love blended soups. I wish I could stop eating so many carbs for a while... but I don't think that's going to happen. Heh.
ReplyDeleteI've never been on a diet before either! and I need to make some changes in my eating habits or figure out how to burn more calories throughout the day. This soup sounds fantastic!