Lemon Orange Curd... Trying to get back on track

Lemon Orange Curd
The beginning of this year has been pretty lame. I'm continuously feeling ailments of all sorts, from backackes, stomackaches to colds, flu, etc. Although, this is not the right excuse for my absence from this blog. I have been cooking, and a lot, challenging myself more than once (from homemade tortelloni to croissants, all perfectly successful), but when it comes to writing, I get no inspiration at all.
Moreover, last week we had extremely cold weather, I tried convincing myself there are beautiful sides of it, too, but not so successfully.
As it often happens, in low moments, when my mood is lower then down, I search for inspiration in colours. And it is amazing how winter fruit, like lemons and oranges, can bring light and sunshine in terribly grey and monochromatic winter days.
It was a long time that I wanted to make lemon curd. I searched the web for a "perfect" recipe, and it wasn't easy finding the way out of that jungle. All sorts of recipes: I definitely discarded the ones using starch; then deciding whether butter should be added at the beginning or once the cream was cooked, whether to use whole eggs or only egg yolks... Well, I was pretty confused until I ran into the recipe on Labna, a blog that I definitely feel I can trust, and that is the recipe I started from. I only halved it and in the last moment decided I wanted to use a mix of lemon and orange instead of lemon only, and consequently added just a little less sugar, because oranges are sweeter than lemons.
I'm totally satisfied with this recipe, and I don't think I need any other.
If I don't fall into deep sleep again, in the following days/weeks I'll show you a few ways to use it, besides eating it with a spoon, straight from a jar.
Till then, be good, and if you feel sad, make some Lemon Orange Curd ^__^

Lemon Orange Curd
Lemon Orange Curd
(recipe adapted from HERE)

1 lemon (organic)
1 orange (organic)
150 g sugar
65 g butter
2 eggs

Grate the zest from both, the lemon and the orange, previously washed and dried, and then squeeze and filter the juice as well.
Put the zests, the juice, the sugar, the lightly beaten eggs and the chopped butter in a heat resistant bowl, and place it over a slightly bigger saucepan with simmering water.
Warm up the mixture stirring constantly until all the ingredients have melted and it's homogeneous.
Continue cooking for 20-25 minutes, stirring and not letting the mixture boil, until the curd is dense enough to coat the back of the spoon thickly.
Strain the curd now through a fine mash sieve to remove the zests and pour it into a small jar. Close the jar once the curd is completely cold and refrigerate for up to 2-3 weeks.

Lemon Orange Curd
Lemon Orange Curd
(ricetta adattata da Labna)

1 limone (non trattato)
1 arancia (non trattata)
150 g di zucchero
65 g di burro
2 uova

Grattugiate la scorza di limone e arancia dopo averli lavati bene con una spazzola e asciugati (solo la parte superficiale, gialla e arancione).
Spremete poi e filtrate il succo di tutti e due agrumi.
Mettete le scorze, il succo, lo zucchero, le uova leggermente sbattute e il burro tagliato a pezzettini in una ciotola resistente al calore. Ponetela sopra un contenitore con l'acqua che sobbolle e cominciate a scaldare il tutto mescolando, finche tutti gli ingredienti non si siano sciolti completamente e la massa diventi omogenea.
Continuate poi a cuocere il composto dolcemente senza farlo bollire per circa 20-25 minuti mescolando, finché il curd cominci a velare il dorso del cucchiaio in maniera consistente.
Filtratelo poi attraverso un colino a maglie fitte per rimuovere le zeste e versatelo in un barattolo di vetro. Chiudete il barattolo quando il curd è completamente freddo e ponetelo in frigorifero. Si conserva per circa 2-3 settimane.

Lemon Orange Curd
Lemon Orange Curd
(recept prilagođen od ovoga)

1 limun (neprskani, bio)
1 naranča (neprskana)
150 g šećera
65 g maslaca
2 jaja

Naribajte korice limuna i naranče (samo gornji, žuti odnosno narančasti sloj), a zatim iscijedite sok i filtrirajte ga kroz gusto mrežasto cjedilo.
Stavite sok, korice, šećer, malo razmućena jaja i maslac narezan na listiće u posudu koju postavite iznad veće posude s vodom.
Zagrijavajte miješajući dok se šećer i maslac ne istopite i smjesa ne ujednači. Neka voda ispod lagano ključa.
Nastavite kuhati oko 20-25 minuta stalno miješujući, smjesa ne treba provreti već se lagano kuhati dok se ne zgusne.
Procijedite gotovu kremu kroz gusto mrežasto cjedilo da odstranite korice.
Uspite curd u staklenku i spremite u hladnjak.
Čuvajte ga oko 2-3 tjedna.
Od ove količine sastojaka dobila sam jednu manju staklenku kreme.


  1. Io ho provato a farla con le arance vaniglia... il risultato più disastroso della storia dei miei dolci... :(
    Ora copio la tua ricetta!

  2. Dajana, this is mouthwatering! So smooth and creamy!

  3. Ecco, i curd non li faccio mai e sai perche'? Mi piacciono troppo!!! :-)

  4. Me encantan tus fotos y veramente e una ricetta buonissima! prendo nota, saluti della spagna!

  5. Mai fatto un curd ma la tentazione è grande, specie dopo aver visto quest'ennesima delizia agrumata. E accidenti a quel ditino...Bacioni

  6. Sjajno. Slike su super. Odličan kontrast s crnom pozadinom.

  7. Stvarno ne znam šta deluje privlačnije - sam recept ili fotografija :D

  8. La penso buona ho preparato la lemon e poi l'orange ora mi manca la tua ricetta ..insieme i due agrumi, bella idea ciao

  9. This certainly sounds simple enough and it looks like it makes a delicious batch of lemon curd.

  10. Koja eksplozija boja! Zbilja fotke su očaravajuće, a curd izgleda jako privlačno. :)

  11. Per un'amante dei curd come me questo è un invito anozze...li ho provati singoli... ma uniti mai...da rifare! :)

  12. Congrats! You were in the top 6!!! Glad you could come and join this week. Hope to see you this next week with our new theme: CHOCOLATE!


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